[App][Pro] Omnik

Omnik for Homey

Introducing the Omnik app for Homey, offering support for Omnik solar inverters!

This new app is designed to replace the now unsupported Omnik integration previously available in Diederik Bakker’s Solar Panels app. Following the latest Homey upgrade, I’ve taken the initiative to improve and upgrade the old driver, culminating in this dedicated Omnik app.


For more details and guidance on using the app, check out these resources:

Supported Devices

The Omnik app is tailored for a variety of Omnik solar inverters, with confirmed compatibility with models whose serial numbers start with 160, 161, or 604.

If your Omnik inverter’s serial number starts with any of these serial number prefixes, you can expect everything to work smoothly.

If your Omnik inverter has a different serial number prefix, be advised that compatibility with the app is not be guaranteed. However, I am willing to assist in troubleshooting issues for unsupported Omnik inverters. This process may require some technical expertise on your part, such as installing a Homey app from your computer or running a Node.js script.

Does your inverter’s serial number fall outside the listed supported range and does it work with this app? Please inform me so that I can add it to the list of compatible devices.

Current Flow Triggers

The Omnik app includes the following flow triggers, enhancing your control and monitoring capabilities:

  • The power changed
  • The power meter changed
  • The voltage changed
  • The temperature changed

Supported Languages

The app currently supports these languages:

  • :uk: English
  • :netherlands: Dutch
  • :de: German
  • :fr: French
  • :it: Italian
  • :sweden: Swedish
  • :norway: Norwegian
  • :es: Spanish
  • :denmark: Danish
  • :poland: Polish

If you’re interested in helping with translations, please reach out by posting here or by creating an issue on GitHub.

Known Issues

As this is a newly launched app, there may be some teething issues. If you encounter any, please report them so they can be addressed promptly.

Feedback and Suggestions

Your feedback is invaluable! Please share your experiences, suggestions, or report issues either in this forum or via our GitHub page. Your input will help improve the app for everyone.

Future Features

At the moment, there are no additional features planned for the Omnik app. The current focus is on ensuring stability and reliability of the existing functionality. However, we’re always open to feedback and suggestions, so if there’s something you’d like to see in future updates, feel free to share your ideas!


If you appreciate the Omnik app and would like to contribute to its future development, your support would be greatly valued. Every bit of support helps in maintaining and developing new features.



@Mark1541 @johan_W @Eternity @JVDV @Jo_B @AR-J @Andre_Prins

Thanks for your effort!

My Omnik does not install. I guess it is not supported.

Hi @Eternity,

Can you tell me what the model inverter you have?


On the sticker on the side it says:

Firmware is MW_08_8306_1.02

It does not have a display, like the ‘usual’ Omnik invertors. I can access it via a local IP and it is seen in https://home.solarmanpv.com

If you log into the web interface of your inverter, does the url http://<your inverter ip>/js/status.js work and give a response?

No. It returns an error “404 Not Found”.

I’ve updated the description with a “supported devices” section to manage expectations and give a clear answer as to what you can expect.

Great @lucasvdh

@lucasvdh I have a Omnik with serialnumber that starts with 160. I’m not able to install on HomeyPro.
full serialnumber = 1607960248
I get an time out error…

I hope you can help me?

I tried to connect my omnik inverter without success. The app is asking to insert the IP (and that’s easy) and the S/N Wifi; how can I find the code? Thank you

Goodmorning @lucasvdh ,

Are you still an active dev of this app. Its great there is support for the Omniks.

I have the Omnik1500tl but when i try to add it it tells me “A timeout occurred while connecting to your Omnik inverter. Check if the WiFi S/N is correct.”

The S/N is correct. I can telnet to the ip on port 8899 and it gives me a connection and also the js/status.js gives info about the producten model etc in the array:

myDeviceArray[0]=“NLLN152219131009,V4.08Build215,V4.13Build253,Omnik1500tl ,1500,77,19,5,1,”;