[APP][Pro] Solar Forecasts (SolCast + Forecast.Solar)

New test version:
Test Version v2.0.0


  • SDK3: Compatible with new Homey Pro (2023)

  • New update code, should fix the many api calls

  • Add ‘Forecast remaining today’, updated every 30min

  • Forecast tomorrow updates every 30 min

  • Add flow triggers for today, tomorrow, now and todayremaining

It is still a test version, so I still need to do some code cleanup + find the bugs

Thanks. Forecasts for tomorrow and remaining updated instantly. Will keep an eye on the api calls.

New test version online 2.0.1, which should fix the daily forecasts not updating at midnight

Hi @Pieterv123,

today I have following situation: the remaining kWh is higher than the predicated kWh for today.

Seems not logical to me or did I understand something wrong about those values?

I restarted the app. The daily value was updated, but not the remaining value.

Best regards,

The today value is retrieved at midnight.

The remaining today is retrieved every half hour, so it could be that the weather forecast changed, and you will have more sun then initially predicted

After a reboot the today value will stay the same, it will not update until midnight.
The other values should update, if it is daytime not during night hours

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Hi, many thanks for the app, i plan to use it for charging in offpeak hours too. Would it be possible to make available also other values for Status indicator on the tile? Now only Forexast now possible. Many thanks.

What do you mean with other values?

You mean on the ‘dashboard’ UI?

It is possible, it was there before, but when it is availaible, those values also appear in the energy tab which is confusing.

Thanks for the app, it works great except that the amount of API calls has been changed at solcast to 10 a day. This means the app stops working after 10 calls. I would suggest to either

  • Change the intervall to 3h
  • Send a request at midnigth to get the total and update between 10.00-14.00 (taking timezone in consideration)
  • Possible to set amount of polls a day and let the app calculate ho w often it should poll

Another good improvement is to keep todays and tomorrows estimated production values if last successful poll is not older than 24h, when the last poll failes. That way it does not empties all the data when a poll fails.

Okay that is only for new users, old user still have 50 calls.

I don’t have much time now, so it can take a while to update.

As I don’t want to spend a lot of time rewriting everything, I will just make a second ‘device’ for the 10 api calls.
It will fetch data:

  • midnight
  • sunrise
  • every 3 hours between sunrise and sunset

I hope this is sufficient.

another good improvement is to keep todays and tomorrows estimated production values if last successful poll is not older than 24h, when the last poll failes. That way it does not empties all the data when a poll fails.

I will think about it, but I cannot think of an easy solution right now to fix this. I could remove the errors, but that is also not favourable

I mean that on the device tile, you select the desired variable you want to be dispayed on it. For example on the device Spot price in app “Power by the hour” you can displa any value it provides.

Also it would be great if the settings allow to set the decimals for use in flows.

Thanks for your app.

you can try the test version, Its a quick try, so could be some bugs hiding in there.

In the settings you have to mention how many api calls you have! (And afterwards restart the app)

I changed the capabilities, so you can use the device tile. (It was there before, but some people didn’t like it that it shows up in the energy dashboard, I think it doesn’t now)

About the decimals, I am happy with 2 decimals, and I honestly don’t now how to make it changeable.
If you give me easy code, I can implement it. But I am not planning to spend a lot of time on decimals

New test version 3.1.1 with:

  • Ability to disable automatic polling (uncheck the checkbox in the settings)
  • Use a Flow action card to manual poll Solcast (so you can choose yourself when to fetch)
  • Bugfixes and keep track of API calls again

Cool the test app shows 2 decimals in flowtags too. Thanks.

Also thanks for Status indicator other values added. However I am missing Forecast today which i wanted to put :grinning:

It is in there, but I think you have to remove the device and re-add it.

I will fix this later that it goes automatically.

There a still a lot of other bugs

One more new test version:

  • forecast today repaired
  • bugfixes
  • removed the error when api rate is exceeded
  • add a flow trigger when api rate is exceeded
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Should I use the JSON, XML or CSV in de API? I don’t seem to receive an update after first install.

Not sure what do you mean but you require API Key and Resource ID. Also please note that free version allows only 10 API calls per day

This is what I mean. What should I choose? Or is the API enough without the ‘format’ key? This format is in the API call.

Here you find the API - Solcast API Toolkit
And the resource ID you find in the URL → api.solcast.com.au/rooftop_sites/RESOURCE_ID ← you will see here - Solcast API Toolkit
That’s all you need.

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I receive a lot of crash reports from Solcast on the new Homey Pro.
Does the app still work, or does it crash/freezes?