I use the following link ; https://api.forecast.solar/estimate/53.16/6.60/50/62/3.92 to get hourly data on the performance of my solar panels for the next two days.
Questions is how can I extract the solar panel output forecast and use this in homey.
Is there anyone who can help me with this quest.
August 3, 2022, 6:26pm
Is that link providing the same information as this app?
Solcast provides information but it is limited to 50 requests per day which is not enough till now.
What happens when you call the link above 51 times? Doesn’t the limit apply to the API instead of the mentioned app?
Take a look at this thread to extract the JSON and fill BetterLogic variables with it:
Usecase: I want to retrieve from weatherunderground the precipitation (neerslag) for the coming 5 days. And store the 5 day values in the below created variables in Logic.
1.Better Logic App
2. HTTP Request App
3. Weatherunderground Api Key (for free)
I took these steps:
Create Numeric tags in Better Logic
Create the API call via weatherunderground:
Selected Geocode API, followed the instructions here :
Selected format JSON
Selected units M (m…
I forgot about this topic apparently, but I just made this flow to get today’s forecast and write it to a numeric variable:
URL parameters explained: