[APP][Pro] smpl products - Battery powered e-ink display

How did you realize the connection was lost? Did it just stop updating (freeze) or did the ‘lost connection’ symbol appear (an exclamation mark in uppper right corner)?
Have you tried a factory reset of the display (holding the back-button while inserting batteries)?


I realized it was not updating. I tried to switch to a different layout and nothing happened. Pressing the button once also did not change the orientation.

Haven’t tried the factory reset yet, I wasn’t aware this was possible. I was looking for a pinhole for a reset.

I just did the reset multiple times, not sure when it fixed the issue but I managed to connect after a couple tries.
Thanks for the support!


Is there a way to see if updating the display is paused?

I thought mine lost connection but I noticed the app for some reason turned the display off, after turning it on still no updates but also would not switch to a different layout. So at some point I thought lets try to quickly make a flow that resumes updating and switches to a new layout and it worked. I’m assuming the display was set to pause updating (I have a couple flows that do that, when I leave the house for example).

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Look under advanced settings of the device. Here you can see and manually change pause/resume (automatic updates: yes/no):

And see the device timeline where you will find the status over time:

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Hmm interesting. For me it says turned on/turned off. When changing the setting it actually turns the device off, similar to pressing the on/off button in the first tab (which is missing in your screenshot).

My device display is not updating again, the display was in between switching 2 layouts (showed 50% of one layout and 50% of another). After clicking the button on the back once it shows the message it’s connected and ready to receive data. Looking at homey dev tools it shows it was last seen a couple hours ago. Last seen updated since I noticed it’s not updating so the display does have connection with the hub. I’ve tried switching multiple times between layouts but that doesn’t seem to make a difference. I’m starting to think it stops working after it has been “paused” or in my case turned off.

My pictures are ‘old’ Homey Pro not HP2023.
I am not sure what is going on, but it seems like your Zigbee network is quite unstable and/or subject to noise/interference.
Anyway. Try and start all over. Delete the device. Uninstall the smpl Homey app. Make a factory reset of the display. Re-install app. Pair the display. Create a single flow to push data. Don’t activate pause/resume for a couple of days/a week and observe the behaviour.
@Koktail how is the on/off button implemented on HP2023 and smpl. Any other strange behaviour in relation to pause/resume on HP2023?

I don’t have a big Zigbee network, currently 10 devices in total including the Homey. The other connected devices are 2 smart plugs, 4 contact sensors and 2 motion sensors (all aqara brand). I’m not experiencing any issue with these devices. In terms of distance the smpl display is somewhere in the middle. “Last seen” info does update every couple hours. I don’t want to rule out the connection but it would not be the first thing that comes to mind.

I will try to redo everything tonight and remove any pause/disable from existing flows. I will limit the display to 1 layout and see if it keeps updating. I will report my findings in a couple days.

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We use the onoff capability to make use of the timeline in the device settings. On the latest beta app there are still two issues:

  • Hiding a capability (onoff) with “uiComponent”: null is not working.
  • Disabling the quick action is not working with “uiQuickAction”: false
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I’ve tried to reconnect the display and sadly it won’t connect. I tried for over an hour, my fingers hurt from opening the battery compartment :frowning:
I deleted and reinstalled the app, rebooted homey, reset the display, removed the batteries multiple times. Tried to add from mobile app (even crashed at some point) and laptop.

Are there any faulty displays that you know of? I’m starting to question if the display hardware is the issue instead of any connectivity or software issue.

The fact that you have been able to pair at some point and that power and functionality on the display is else working points to your Zigbee network.
It seems very limited as you only have two routers (your plugs). Are you pairing close to a router?
Wifi and Zigbee can also interfere with each other. Do you have a wifi router/AP nearby? Are you using overlapping
I suggest you consider these points (Zigbee routers and noise), but also 1/ contact Athom Homey support, 2/ contact me on smpl support

I’ve had allot of trouble connecting since the first time I tried, compared to any other device this doesn’t seem normal to me. I’m pairing right next to the HP, I literally place the display in front or even on top of it (<10cm).
I understand my Zigbee network is limited but one of my door sensors which is in the backyard the furthest away from my HP works fine (~12m away). But if the smpl display is in the same room with the HP, the Zigbee network should not be an issue I recon.

The HP is on the first floor, the wifi router is on ground level. AP is on the opposite side of the house ground floor. They are not on the same level as the HP. Other devices that are in between HP and the AP/Wifi router are not affected. Not sure it matters but HP has a wired connection using the ethernet/usb c adapter so I would assume less noise.

I left the batteries out all night, will give it another try in a couple minutes and contact you via support if it doesn’t work.

It is not recommended to pair end-devices (battery) directly to Homey. They should be connected via a router device.
The smpl mini display is more complicated than other standard zigbee devices where communication is very simple/limited an primarily one-way from device to Homey. Our display has communication both ways and most from Homey to device. That can be the reason why you can get a simple door sensor to work, despite a poor Zigbee network.
Thanks for all your efforts. I’ll wait in smpl support :wink:

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Here also. What i do, the snp display wil not connect to HP. And if it connect, is lost connect and i can nothing push to the screen

I have tray to connect to the old pro en the new pro, within 20 cm, but the divice and homey are not communicate wel.

What can i do?


Hi JvP. We have received your support question and will get back to you right away.

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unfortunately I have the same issue. One of the early devices from October 26, 2022 - never been able to connect to my Pro19 (as this died around Xmas) and never been able to connect to my Pro 23 ever since. I am on “10.0.0-rc.139” and 2.2.5. Re-starts, re-installs etc. nothing helps. Other Zigbee devices can be added and Homey shows it is trying…
Very sad…


I’m in contact with @Nitramevo via support. I’m going to try to double check if pairing works with another HP and if needed an old Homey. If that doesn’t work I’m going to reset my Zigbee network. If I find a solution I will share it here.

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Hi Kai. Please contact smpl support and we will help Device manual - The smpl mini display

As mentioned, I still believe that you need to improve your Zigbee network by adding a few additional router devices. But let’s wait and see. Thx for sharing.