[APP][Pro] smpl products - Battery powered e-ink display


Any idea why the display only shows 1 decimal? I have a logic value of for example “1.16” that I want to show as is, but it rounds it up and shows me “1.2” instead.

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Hi @robjo
This is by design. We only show one digit to maximize the size (font) of the value for visibility.
The design is flexible in size to make room for more data. Longer text/numbers etc. will be shown in a smaller font.
We decided that more than one digit would be useless in most cases due to a) sensors are rarely that accurate, b) more digits rarely give more/better information. So we have capped it at max 1 digit. This might very well be a bad decision.
We have seen that electricity prices are often in EUROs (0.345) despite more relevant in EUROcent (34.5). You can convert using logic variables as a work-around.
We are considering - for a future firmware release - to change this to: 123 / 12.3 / 1.23 / 0.123.
What do you think. Please let us know.

Thanks for the quick and thorough reply. That is exactly what I’m using it for - electricity price. Here in Sweden we get the electricity price with two decimals, like “1.16 SEK” (todays prices are here and look like this: https://www.elmarknad.se/spotpris/idag). Would be great to see functionality to at least decide the amount of decimals through settings.

It did work fine with a logic variable though - thanks for the tip.

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For me (I have 2 SMPL screens), i have 3 things on the wishlist;

  1. Support for 2 decimals (energy prices)
  2. Update speed/time changeable with flows. (Over the day an update every 20-30 min is more than enough for me. But in the everything (when at home) I would like to have more updates :smiling_face:
  3. It would be great to not only have to change the full screen with 4 values, but can change the 4 fields individually. So I can make advanced flows with an priority how to fill the screen.

A few questions

  • what is the IP rating of SMPL? can it be used outdoor?
  • Can I have full screen text on it?

I am looking for an epaper device to put next to my door, to remind post (ups, dhl,…) where to put a parcel when I am not home.
Will this work?

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Hmmmm… not sure about the IP-rating (will look it up from production), but it’s not developed for outdoors. And the magnetic wall-mount is not ‘secure’ (the postman can easily grab the display).
Currently it is not possible to fill the screen with one long text-message (but we are considering the feature for a future fw-release).
Big thx for your ideas :+1:t2:

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I have sometimes (once a week?) that the smpl display is stopping with update and give an ‘!’ Symbol. Any idea what the problem is? Thanks for help!


From the online user-manual:

  • If your smpl mini display loses connection to your Homey, after a while an exclamation mark (!) icon will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. Lost connection is defined as five repeated unsuccessful attempts.
  • This is most often caused by your Zigbee network and will repair itself shortly after which the display will start updating again and the icon will disappear. The repair cycle is defined as three attempts to connect at 10-minute intervals, after which an attempt is made once an hour.
  • You can also try and force a reconnection by either pressing the back button once or removing the batteries and inserting them again.
  • If your smpl mini display loses connection and is unable to reconnect itself after countless attempts over a period, the lost connection icon (!) will be replaced by the standard connection screen (‘Please connect the device to your hub’).
  • Sometimes reconnection is smoother if you re-start the smpl app on your Homey. On rare occasions a re-start of your Homey is required.
  • Try to avoid very heavy activity on your Zigbee network as well as very memory intensive tasks on your Homey while your displays are in pause mode to maintain connection

I have 10 displays running at home (on a HP2019) and in a few specific places I also get the ‘lost connection’ now and then.
One display is connected via an IKEA bulb (connected as generic Zigbee) and the connection is restored (the display re-connects) when I turn on/off the bulb and click the back-button once. Don’t know why this happens?
In another spot, in the kitchen, my two displays sometimes loose connection when I use the microwave or if my coffee machine (has a frient smart plug attached) hasn’t been active for a while. This is very rare though :wink: (we drink way too much coffee)

Ahh, ok, good to know and thanks for the info!

I’ve got 2 smpl screens. I see now that both of them are not working anymore (since the homey update that is released yesterday). Will dive into it :+1:
Before that, they where working great! (Homey pro 2023)


For me (I have all so 2 SMPL screens), i have few things on the wishlist;

  1. Support for 2 decimals (energy prices)
  2. Rolling paper funktion (you make more then one screen and change on time base)
  3. And a posiblity off a free full screen mode.

Hi Johan,

How would option 2) work?
You can already change layouts via flows. But we could implement this kind of functionality in the app.
We need to brainstorm a little around it.
Here’s some considerations already (thanks to @Koktail ):

  • Order: Control over the order of the display layouts to show (per device).
  • Timing: How long the display layout needs to be shown, and can it be different per display layout or should it be one setting.
  • Exclusion/Inclusion: Should it be possible for a display layout be marked as ‘active’ to be in the ‘automatic flow’ and on which display.
  • Clarity: How should we make it clear to the user in what mode we are (manually/automatic)
  • Conflict: What to do when the device is in automatic flow and a flow is setting it too manually.

Or did you have something else in mind?

Some reflection/feedback…

  • Order: Control over the order of the display layouts to show (per device).

Yes, it should be possible to individual order the displays layouts.

  • Timing: How long the display layout needs to be shown, and can it be different per display layout or should it be one setting.

It would be nice to be able to add a display time for each layout in settings.

  • Exclusion/Inclusion: Should it be possible for a display layout be marked as ‘active’ to be in the ‘automatic flow’ and on which display.

Yes, and it would be good to have an flow card to activate the “automatic flow” and which “automatic flow” if you have several. Today I do similar with help of variables.

  • Clarity: How should we make it clear to the user in what mode we are (manually/automatic)

If “automatic flow card” is defined in settings it would be easy to add a information in settings if its active (similar as a timer/stopwatch is on.)

  • Conflict: What to do when the device is in automatic flow and a flow is setting it too manually.

Proposal, If you trigger a flow card to display a certain layout, you then need to set a time in flow to switch back to the “automatic flow” .

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Exact thats it
You make serveral display layout’s in de Apps > SMPL > settings
Then on every SMPL display you make a selection off screen’s to display
Maybe whith some timing input (minute’s, hour’s) To often cost more energie I know.
And then the display will running the selected screen layout’s with the timing above.

I think we come futher with it.


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I have a problem with my display. If I display the content in portrait format, the placeholders for the hidden icons are displayed. In landscape format, these are hidden as desired.

can you hidden the placeholder icons in portrait mode?

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Sorry not the right problem:
But I see on my two device on both situation the icon’s (or the scare if there is now icon given)
I this will be a update off funktional request ?

Press “one” time on the button on the back, and it will rotate from portrait to landscape.
See all so the manual site : Device manual - The smpl mini display

I would like to use a display in portrait format without icons so that the texts are displayed in full. Is there a way to hide the placeholder icons in portrait format? It seems to work correctly in queer format.

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I have a feature request for the sensor templates. I would like to build a template completely dynamically and need the possibility to insert variables into the description.

I think this possibility could offer many users a great added value :slight_smile:


Maybee the option to use no icon (empty one).
Bring up for atention off #Nitramevo

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@Nitramevo i would also like to change the update speed from the device from a flow. To slow it down when no one is in the room or at night.

And i noticed when i have a template with text that exceeds the display, it keeps refreshing the entire screen even when that large text is not updating at all. This doesnt happen with a template with only small numbers for example.