[APP][Pro] smpl products - Battery powered e-ink display

Due to space restrictions, it was decided from a design perspective to disregard from showing the icon for boolean and enumeric values in landscape, to make room for more text and in a bigger font size. This why graphics might look different in portrait and landscape.

I see that too. it was a good decision to be able to do without the icons and display the text larger or even more text in landscape mode. This behavior should then also be consistently implemented for the portrait format view. I don’t understand why the placeholders are displayed here? Isn’t there a way to fix this with an update?

Yes/No. All graphics are stored on the device. It’s the only way to make a battery powered display using low power, but also low bandwidth, wireless protocols like Zigbee. So, to
change this, we need to update the firmware. Which is harder than the software (the app). But we are looking in to it :wink:


@Nitramevo time has passed. Have you been able to take a look at it and can you predict when there will be an update?

Get hold of support via the web page…

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I have this also sometimes, a lot of patience and retries :smiley:

Please be aware that the latest experimental fw v rc2 for HP23 is preventing pairing with smpl mini displays.

It doesn’t seem to have an effect on already connected displays.

We have contacted Athom about this.


With the latest update, 2.2.7, pairing with the HP23 10.1.0-rc.2 works again. Thanks for your hard work!


Just to be sure, is pairing working again? If not, then I will wait with updating my Homey :+1:

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Yes. All Okay now👍🏻

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Thanks! 1 (3rd) smpl on it’s way. So to be sure :smiling_face::muscle:

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You don’t agree? The product is produced i Ukraine so i’ts not very weird.

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If this shows up on the display does that mean they can always make the display do whatever they want even though you’ve already paired it with Homey?

I did not read the whole topic.

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Hi @Mike1233
The message on the screen is a so-called hidden easter-egg in the firmware, which we have put there as a tribute to our Ukrainian team.

Our development team was placed in the eastern town Kharkiv on the 24th of February 2022 when the Russians started the invasion. They had to abandon the offices and flee 1,000 km with their families across the country to re-establish at the manufacturing site in the western town Ivano-Frankivsk, close to the Polish border. Our test set-up was destroyed, but that was nothing compared to the lost homes and family members.

The easter-egg can only be activated if you click 5 times on the back-button.
It will disappear after a short while just like the other information screens, which is described in our online manual: Device manual - The smpl mini display under ‘SET-UP / The service screen’.
This hidden feature is not mentioned anywhere.


@Nitramevo Thank you for the explanation.
Only I personally think that personal or political expressions do not belong on equipment sold to others and displayed as Easter egg.

Although I do understand why you did it. :+1:t2:


The Update tool is working very good. the only thing to think on is open on a decend way the case and to press and hold the button with your finger and watch your screen for the 6 steps to make.

Compliment for that. The first time where the steps much and more complex, when I test that.
If you have some trouble with the connecting zigbee and you have a old version see above, you can update.


Updated 2 displays and removed 4 Aqura Powerplugs EU from the network. And now it is connecting in seconds instead of struggling 1 or 2 days to get the displays connected !
Big improvement.

Thanks for the update tool.