[APP][Pro] smpl products - Battery powered e-ink display

Now I have a card with only time from variable and power from the Tibber app. Time is updating every minute, but power from app is still not working. I will try to remove everything again and see if that fixes the problem.

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Thx. This means that smpl is working as it should (pairing, updating etc.). The issue is somewhere in the integration of the other app (as you also mention). We can’t help with that. But I have a last suggestion, a potential work-around. Try and make your own logic variables with the required data and use these in your smpl display layout. That might work.

I did try a reset and deleted app again now. Still the same problem. Could you recommend a app you know is working? I’m thinking this is smpl app related when no app that I tried is updating.
Edit: Also tried well known apps like IKEA etc. No go :frowning: It seems to me that the SMPL app does not update any info from my apps at all. I get the info from all the apps, but it’s not been updated since the SMPL app was installed… For now I will have to use variables and workarounds as you recommended.

Really strange?
We haven’t had any other users report this and the app diagnosis (@Koktail) didn’t show anything either?
Please also make a support ticket to Athom about the behaviour

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Yes it’s strange. I will contact athom and see if they have an answer. (it will probably take a couple of weeks) Thanks for looking into it for me!

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There is nothing strange in this report, but it isn’t long. Can you reboot Homey and let the app running for half an hour and send a new diagnostic report please? Based on your scenario it looks that the Homey API (to get the device information) is not responding properly or does not give a successful result.

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Ok so I rebooted homey for some hours ago and made a new diag rep. 8f9a1069-7760-4971-a80b-f8e860c8fafe

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Thank you. I’ve checked the diagnosis report and have seen an error that comes from the Homey API but I have no idea why this is happening in your environment. I’ll look into this.

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That’s good! I have no idea why it’s happening to me. My homey pro is normal (i think). It’s bought second hand, but was brand new in the box and not used before.

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Hi @Kjettern.

I have looked to your issue but could not found a specific issue with the smpl Homey app. The error that is thrown is originated from Homey API (core) and I cannot find anything related. I did however find starting points that it has to do with the lifecycle events (devices). I have changed the implementation of the smpl Homey app and created a new build (v2.2.4). Can you test if the issue is resolved with this change?

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@Koktail That did it!! Now everything is updating like it should :smiley: Super thank you for solving this issue! Hopefully it will work for everyone else and not break any other functionality :slight_smile:


Thank you for testing! Good to hear that this resolves your issue. :ok_hand:

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Followed the instructions on which homey pro 2023 version and app version to use and it is working again. Great!

One question though, the screens is ‘inverted’, black screen with ‘white’ symbols and characters. Any idea how to change this back to normal?

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Good to hear :+1:.

Double click on the button on the back, that will flip the b/w.


If only everything in life was that simple… thanks!



I just started using the smpl display now that my Homey pro is updated to RC-133. It’s working fine!
I have a LG washer and dryer and the app has status indicators for time left on the washing program.
On the smpl display I can’t select this status indicator is this a (current/known) limitation of the smpl display or does the LG app need a change to make this possible?

Current workaround I can think of is writing the value to a variable and updating it every minute if a program is running.

Hi Michael.
Great to hear that you are now also up-and-running on HP2023. This is the general feedback so far.
Our app ‘collects’ all the available data from your devices, external integrations etc. and make them available to display. If it doesn’t appear in the app - you can try and restart the app. But we have also experienced that other apps have integrated data in a wrong way. Please reach out the LG app developer, if you continue to experience problems.
The work-around via logic variables is effective and something I would have suggested myself :wink:


Does anyone have suggestions connecting the display?

My display lost connection today and doesn’t seem to reconnect. I tried “repairing” but it won’t connect. I removed the device and now I can’t add it again.

What I tried so far:

  • “repair”/reconnect via advanced settings of the device
  • Reboot app (v2.2.5)
  • Delete and reinstall app
  • Reboot Homey
  • Remove batteries for couple minutes, retry
  • Update homey to RC-139
  • Add new device

Maybe a stupid question, but are you sure the batteries are full? In the past, my batteries where empty without a message in homey. Just replacing them was enough to get it working again.

I’ve been using the display for 3 days, can’t imagine the batteries are empty.
When removing the batteries, putting them back and trying to reconnect I do see the display change from the “long press” message to “connecting”. Since the display is updating I’m assuming the batteries are still ok. I could try a different set of batteries of course, just to make sure.

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