[APP][Pro] smpl products - Battery powered e-ink display

Remove the small display en reinstall then again

One of mine that stopped working after the Homey update also work again now after rebooting Homey and then using the maintenance/repair function on the device from the app on my phone.

I have no success. I removed app and both my devices. Installed smpl app again and when trying to add device its says its already added….but its not. :frowning:

Remove the device (not the app). Otherwise you will lose your flows. Then remove the batteries (take new batteries) and pair again. It worked by me.

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Did try to install with you computer?
try it with your phone app

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Iphone app, will give it a try on my computer.

I give up :expressionless:

Have support cases with both homey and smpl,
Lets see what they say.

Feel little angry that an update can ruin something that worked so flawless.


Ik remover the smpl app, rebooted Homey. Waited 20 minutes. Installed small app again, than tried to add the device after first taking out the batteries. Didin’t work.

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It’s clear that it is Homey that need to fix this. I got answer from smpl and here it is.


If you have a Homey Pro 2023 and recently updated to the latest firmware version 10.3.0

Athom changed something in their recent firmware update.

It broke the connection to our display.

We don’t know what.

We can’t fix it.

Only Athom can fix it.

Here’s the latest answer we got from Athom:

After quite some researching, I found something that goes wrong when the SMPL rejoins after the firmware update to 10.3.0. I can’t definitely say whether this is also the cause of the device not reporting, but it seems related at least.

Unfortunately, this is again an issue in the Silicon Labs software stack, so I’ll have to make the case to them and hope they can do something with it.

Silicon Labs told me that there is an active issue on their tracker related to the behavior that I am seeing when reproducing the issue after the 10.3.0 update. However, I am not yet convinced that this is the whole picture.

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until the repair by the Homey-Silicon Labs-Smpl team, the device is a brick.

Is there a way to install the previous version of homey? I am prepared to rebuid everything from scratch

I’m afraid not, because it’s linked with Zigbee chip firmware upgrade - Athom would need to create special firmware, which would downgrade it … which I guess will never happen :frowning:

Hmm. Here I’ve got them all working again for ~48 hours now. I have not removed them or something like that. But close to homey, it was a problem/they did not work anymore. I have placed them on the attic (far away from homey) and rebooted homey. My idea was to look into them if I can do the firmware update (they are all on older firmware version). But they became all to ‘life’ again (already for 48 hours). I spread them (4) over the house. Will see tomorrow how that goes…

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Just theory but maybe by moving it away, it got re-routed via some existing non-Homey router and that’s why it works now ?

Just checked them all. They are all working, but the one close to homey is not updating every (set) 5 minutes (the clock is sometimes 10-30 min off). Also tried removing and re-adding one. Interesting; close to homey i cannot get it connected. far away it is reconnecting the first try. (For zigbee I have primary INNR 120 ‘routers’)

So it looks like that a ‘primary’ connection to a Homey 23 is less stable since the latest firmware update?

Not sure it’s about stability rather then ability for certain devices…as all others Zigbee devices works, or?

Hmm, I don’t know. I don’t have much zigbee devices (47+ Homey). But all other are working without any issues.

Anyone tried beta firmware v10.3.1-rc.2 if it fix anything?

Same problem now occurred for me. Smpl has worked as a charm, but yesterday it lost connection and I’m not able to repair it or connect it as a new device.
Strange is that it worked for some time with homey sw 10.3.0 and then suddenly stopped.

Did nothing, removed display few days ago. Tried to re-add it many times with no success. Today (after doing nothing) I have added display again… and it works! Adding via iOS app said that device was already added, so I have restarted Homey, and tried it via web app with success.
But I think it will lose connection after few days, same as my lights are (2 out of 3) are changing colors only few days, then stopped (show something about unknown cluster) … for a few days, and then after few days it starts changing color again… without anything done from my side.