[APP][Pro] smpl products - Battery powered e-ink display

And it failed again, lasted 5 or 6 days or so and lost connectivity. I am unable to add it back into Homey, tried with the app, after rebooting homey, removing batteries, reset the smpl display etc, nothing helps…

I own two SMPL displays, my old one received in November last year still works fine, only the unit received and added to Homey early february this year has stopped working.

For now, using a zigbee router device as in-between should solve it

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It did NOT for me.

New firmware out 10.3.1. No change for me,
But I am having problem that my homey says device already added but its not.

Do you see that device also in Homey Developer Tools ?
If not and you are adding fully new device never added to Homey before, I would contact support.

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No they don’t show there, asked in a support request to remove them.

Interesting, I brought it to my garage so that I had multiple zigbee repeaters between Homey and smpl, and it was included and showing data again.
But when I brought it back into the house it stopped working again (exclamation mark in top right corner).

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Yes, known workaround, see : [APP][Pro] smpl products - Battery powered e-ink display - #292 by Peter_Kawa

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I have the problem that when I want to configure a display layout, I only see 7 entries and have no scroll option. As I have a device that has 27 values, I can’t get to the lower ones.

I think that is a bug. Do you know what browser you are using on your device? Maybe you can try in the web app: My Homey

That was the first thing I tried. On the web I’m also unable to reach the lower entries. In both cases I used the Safari (mobile, desktop). Will have a look on Firefox/Chrome on the Mac soon.

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Used to stay with just 7 to select.

iPhone Homey App / Homey Pro (Early 2023) 10.3.1 / iOS 17.4
MacOS Webpage (latest Safari, Firefox, Chrome)

it is bug or maybe not. smpl does not detect sub cap like meter_power.import .export etc only meter_power

you need to make variables and use those

The smpl app depends on the Homey API and only capacities exposed to them can be fetched through the API.

Workaround is : SMPL needs to be connected true a Zigbee Router and not direct to a HP23.
All ready mentioend a couple off time’s

I have tried it with a Hue lamp and with a klikaanklikuit Zigbee device. Even added the lamp as a Zigbee device instead of trough the Hue app. Didn’t make any difference.

No luck here either

Anyone heard any news?

Even my wife is complaining now :rofl:


Firmware v10.3.2 out, still unable to add device.
Same for others?

Same here. Can’t add the smpl display. Not in the app, not in the browser.

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