[App][Pro] SmartThings Community (was the HCS version 2) Live 2.0.19, Test 2.0.25

Just send the log

I just sended a new log because wifi input still is not working.
I select it snd it goed back to the last chosen and working input.

A few days ago I deleted the app and removed the Smartthings tiken and created a new one. Installed the app again and nothing was changed.

I do not use wifi input a lot but is should just work like it did on my Homey 2019 it did work just fine.


I can’t see why it’s not working as the log shows it is sending the correct command.

Could you set the input source to WIFI by some other method and look to see if the selection in Homey changes?
Then also send the log while WIFI is selected so I can see what value is returned for it. maybe the value is case sensitive and I have it wrong.

Sorry for taking so long to ,look at this.
Could you send me the log from the Detected Tab. You will need to tap on the Get Log button first to populate the list and that will fetch the list of devices you have along with their capabilities.

No problem, done.

Okay, in the log I just sent a few seconds ago I have selected all inputs with the Smartthings app itself.
All inputs work correctly with that app.
Right after that I changed all inputs with my Harmony Companion remote.

Hope you can figure it out. :wink:


Sorry, still no idea why it’s not working. The state after you set it externally is coming back just as I expected. The command to set the source is identical for all sources except for the value, and that is being sent correctly as far as I can see. I can’t see why the Homey model would make any difference to that.

I have published a new version in the HCS. Can you let me know if that works OK for your air filter?

I have no idea as well, only thing I know is that wifi input does nothing. At least not for my soundbar.

Thanks for looking into it.

i re added the device looks good, 2 things are missing

PM10 status = ok
PM2.5 status = ok
PM1 status = ok
Odor status = missing

PM10 = ok
PM2.5 = ok
PM1 = missing
Odor = ok

The ones you say are missing, is that completely missing or just no value?

complete missing

Goodmornig everyone,

I cant go to this link: Homey Community Store its loading for every. How do i fix this?

by installing the new version https://homeycommunity.space/
The one you want to install is the old one and not working anymore

Hi all, when i try to install ST2 then HCS app says crashed, dont know why :frowning:
Where to find some logs to see whats happening?

Is the HCS app that’s crashed or the ST 2 app?

When i click install, says installing, when i go back, crashed, and ST2 is not installed, so HCS is crashing when installing ST2

I did test to install panasonic app, crashed too…

Phew, that’s me off the hook :wink:
Can you try installing from the web page to see if that works?

Okay, after uninstalling HCS and installing again via Windows installer, SC2 works :slight_smile:

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Did you find the 2 completely missing?