[App][Pro] SmartThings Community (was the HCS version 2) Live 2.0.28, Test 2.0.33

This topic is for the unofficial SmartThings app SmartThings Community App for Homey | Homey

Athom now have an official version so, if you use that version, you will need to contact Athom support if you have any problems or want to request new devices.

My version also supports the washer / dryer plus many other devices.

The app requires that you obtain a Personal Access Token (also known as a Bearer Token) by logging in to your Samsung Account at Samsung account
Once you have logged in you can click on the Generate New Token button. You will have to provide a name for the token, which can be whatever you want, and also assign the permission for the token.
Make sure you assign at least the following permissions:

List all devices,
See all devices,
Control all devices

See all locations,
Control all locations

Scenes (not currently used but maybe in the future)
See all scenes,
Control this scenes

Custom Capabilities:
See all custom Capabilities

Once those boxes are ticked you can click on the Generate Token button. A long code will be shown and you must copy it before closing or moving away from that page as it will not be shown again.
When you have copied the code you will need to enter it in the “Configure app” page of this app.

Samsung put a limit on the number of times the server can be accessed so make sure you don’t set the Polling time to low. The actual time will depend on the number of devices you add to this app as each one will need to make an API call to get the current status.

Once you have entered the token you can then go to the devices section and perform the normal add devices procedure to find all the devices in your Samsung account.
Select the items you want to add to Homey and then tap on Next.

So far the app has been tested with:

  • Lights (on / off and dim),
  • Sockets (on / off),
  • Contact sensors (contact alarm),
  • some features of Samsung washing machines,
  • some features of Samsung TVs,
  • Samsung Home / Away detection.
  • Samsung Fridge / Freezer

Other devices might work if they have supported capabilities. However if you have any devices that are not detected then let me know via the forum or GitHub.


Hi @Adrian_Rockall,

I installed your HCS app and was able to add my SmartTag+’s too.
It seems though as it is not as the correct device recognized. Seems a smartplug or a lamp:

Battery status is not displayed as well (shows ? now)

These are the cards I can choose (only for IF; no actions for AND or THEN):

Can I help to integrate SmartTags as well?
Of course I don’t know what is technically possible, but of you like to support SmartTags too, I’d be happy to help. Just tell me what to do.

Can you open the Configure App page for the app, select the Detected tab, tap on Get Log and then Send Log.

Just send it to you!

I have published an update with a quick fix so it changes the time the button is pressed. The button will also trigger a flow.

It looks like Samsung are updating the API to provide more standard features, but at the moment they all return null.
I can see some potential in a non-standard set of data, but it is completely alien to the current app. Maybe, when I get time, I will investigate making a special driver for the tags to access that data.

Wow @Adrian_Rockall, you’re quick! Thx!
Unfortunately I don:t notice any changes… :frowning:
Should I remove and re-add the tags?

What I did:

  • Update the app to v2.0.2 (of course)
  • made a flow that pushes a notification to my phone when a button was pressed - doesn’t work unfortunately. I used this flow (do I need to do something with the tag?)

Hope that helps…?

One thing, if you remove the tag from Homey and then add it again, the superfluous capabilities will go.

I believe, for the button to work you have to enable a a notification in the SmartThings app. I had to set mine up to push a notification to my phone when the button is pressed. I must admit I don’t really use mine as I found it very limited at the moment and I am hoping that Samsung will improve it. Although since I last looked, it does now provide more information in another non-standard section, hence I might play to see if I can use that.

Thx, I will test it further, but cannot do so until tomorrow or this weekend.
Will let you know asap. Thanks so far!

Must say the tracking functionality works great so far.
Had multiple notifications on both trackers while they were at home (and I was not), that they were detected by others…!
Does give me some confidence I will be able to track down our suitcases during our upcoming holiday travels! :slight_smile:

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So, I got me a couple of Samsung Visions. Pretty neat little things with privacy-friendly image and video streaming capabilities as well.

They can be turned on and off by the app but it would be a little more useful if they could trigger at least a motion alarm. ATM they don’t seem do that (I’ve ticked all API-boxes, just to be sure). If you’re interested in supporting them I could send you a log or provide you with any other info needed. Just let me know :wink:

Looks interesting. Please do send me the logs so I see if there are any capabilities that are usable.

Can’t keep up with you :wink:

Done. “Beeldsensor” is probably the one to look at. The “MotionSensor” capability is possibly the one I’m most interested in for Homey integration but I’ll leave that up to you ;-). The other devices are phones, a TV and some Smart Tags.

Hmm, it should already support the motion sensor part. The device using your log in my simulator:

Okay, not sure what’s wrong then:

Could you enable the log on the Log tab (blue tick not grey), then trigger motion and then send me the log.

It could be the 5 second polling is too slow to pick it up.

Nope, it definitely got it:

Result: {
  "motion": {
    "value": "active",
    "timestamp": "2022-08-22T21:49:01.508Z"

Aha, I see the problem. My other motion detection returns ‘motion’ when it is active. I will need to add multiple choice to the true condition.

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I have published a new version to the HCS (2.0.3).
I have also added objectDetection and imageCapture to see what they return, so can you send me the log after you have updated. You will need to remove the device and add it again to get the new features.

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Done. Motion alarm seems to work now, including some some interesting UI artifacts:

Fantastic work btw!

That’s good. Could you send me the other log so I can see the result of the new capabilities?
I interested to know if they can be useful.

Done, twice. Don’t know if it matters but in the second one I just triggered the motion alarm.