[App][Pro] SmartThings Community (was the HCS version 2) Live 2.0.19, Test 2.0.25


Dropdown menu:

Washer Status —> Wasmachine Status
Pause —> Pauze
Run —> Draaien
Stop —> Stop

Rinse Cycles —> Spoelbeurten

Spin Level —> Centrifugesnelheid
Rinse Hold —> Stop Spoelen
No Spin —> Niet Centrifugeren

Water Temperature —> Water Temperatuur
None —> Geen
Cold - Koud

Washer Mode —> Programma
Geleurde Was —> Gekleurde Was



Washer Job Status —>
Rinse —> Spoelen
Spin —> Centrifugeren

Completion Time —> Tijd Tot Einde

Detergent Type —> Type Wasmiddel
None —> Geen

Child Lock —> Kinderslot
Locked —> Aan
Unlocked —> Uit

I can’t translate all options, because I don’t know which measurement can be shown. If you can let me know, I will translate.

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I will add those and make a list of anything that is missing. Thanks for your help.

I have added the previous list of translation.
These are some others if you feel like doing them:

    "Refrigerator": {
        "target_temperature_freezer": "Freezer Temperature",
        "target_temperature_cooler": "Cooler Temperature",
        "target_temperature_cvroom": "CV Room Temperature",
        "target_temperature_onedoor": "One Door Temperature",
        "onoff_icemaker": "Ice Maker",
        "onoff_icemaker-02": "Ice Maker 2",
        "alarm_contact_main": "Door Open",
        "alarm_contact_freezer": "Freezer Door Open",
        "alarm_contact_cooler": "Cooler Door Open",
        "alarm_contact_cvroom": "CV Room Door Open",
        "alarm_contact_onedoor": "One Door Open",
        "measure_temperature_freezer": "Freezer Current Temperature",
        "measure_temperature_cooler": "Cooler Current Temperature",
        "measure_temperature_cvroom": "CV Room Current Temperature"

It’s the text in red that requires translating in the above list.

Then there are these for AC units:
“Dust Filter Status”
“Lights Off”
“Lights On”
“Cleaning Mode”
“Silent Mode”

“Wind Strength”

“Wind Direction”

“AI Auto”
“Fan Only”

“Wind Free”
“Wind Free Sleep”

For cameras:
“Object Detection”
“Object Type”
“Image Capture Time”

For Fridge / Freezer:
“Deodorant Filter”
“Power Cool”
“Power Freeze”
“Rapid Cooling”
“Rapid Freezing”
“Water Filter Used”

For Dishwasher:
“Auto Door Release”
“Cycles Since Self Cleaning”
“Dishwasher Operation” (this is a status that show the current operating stage)
“Remaining Time”
“Sanitize” (this is a button to switch on the cleaning mode)
“Speed Booster”
“Time until start”
“Washing Mode”
“Self Clean”
“Extra Silence”
“Baby Care”
“Pots and Pans”

“Washing Zone”

For dryer:
“Completion Time”
“Dryer Job Status” (this is the current status of the wash)

“Dryer Status”

“Drying Temperature”
“Drying Time”
“Wrinkle Prevent”

Other items:
“Air Quality”

Pick any you would like to translate :slight_smile:

Hi @Adrian_Rockall

Below you’ll find the translations for the refrigerator.

“Refrigerator”: {
“target_temperature_freezer”: “Temperatuur Vriezer”,
“target_temperature_cooler”: “Temperatuur Koeler”,
“target_temperature_cvroom”: “Temperatuur CV Ruimte”,
“target_temperature_onedoor”: “Temperatuur One Deur”,
“onoff_icemaker”: “Ijsmaker”,
“onoff_icemaker-02”: “Ijsmaker 2”,
“alarm_contact_main”: “Deur Open”,
“alarm_contact_freezer”: “Vriezer Deur Open”,
“alarm_contact_cooler”: “Koeler Deur Open”,
“alarm_contact_cvroom”: “CV Ruimte Deur Open”,
“alarm_contact_onedoor”: “One Deur Open”,
“measure_temperature_freezer”: “Huidige Temperatuur Vriezer”,
“measure_temperature_cooler”: “Huidige Temperatuur Koeler”,
“measure_temperature_cvroom”: “Huidige Temperatuur CV Ruimte”

So I’m not entirely sure about the “CV Room” and the “One Door” translations. I think these are specific terms related to the smart fridge. I couldn’t find anything about these features. So I left “CV” and “One” as is. I believe that “Room” stands for a specific compartment of the fridge, so I translated that accordingly. But I hope there’s someone, who owns such a fridge, reading this topic so he/she can explain what those terms actually mean.

I will do the other devices somewhere this week.

Hi @Adrian_Rockall

Below you’ll find the other translations:

For AC units: = Airconditioners
“Dust Filter Status” = “Stoffilter Status”
“Lights Off” = “Verlichting Uit”
“Lights On” = “Verlichting Aan”
“Cleaning Mode” = “Reinigings Modus”
“Silent Mode” = “Stille Modus”

“Wind Strength” = “Ventilator snelheid”
“Auto” = “Auto”
“Low” = “Laag”
“Medium” = “Medium”
“High” = “Hoog”
“Turbo” = “Turbo”

“Wind Direction” = “Uitblaas Richting”
“Vertical” = “Verticaal”
“Horizontal” = “Horizontaal”
“Fixed” = “Vast”
“All” = “Alle”

“Mode” = “Modus”
“Auto” = “Auto”
“AI Auto” = “AI Auto”
“Cool” = “Koelen”
“Dry” = “Ontvochtigen”
“Fan Only” = “Alleen Ventilatie”
“Heat” = “Verwarmen”

“Options” = “Opties”
“Off” = “Uit”
“Sleep” = “Slaap”
“Quiet” = “Stil”
“Smart” = “Smart”
“Speed” = “Snelheid”
“Wind Free” = “Luchtstroom Vrij”
“Wind Free Sleep” = “Luchtstroom Vrij Slapen”

For cameras: = Camera’s
“Object Detection” = “Object Detectie”
“Object Type” = “Object Type”
“Image Capture Time” = “Tijd Vastleggen Afbeelding”
“Presence” = “Aanwezigheid”

For Fridge / Freezer: = Koelkast / Vriezer
“Defrost” = “Ontdooien”
“Deodorant Filter” = “Geur Filter”
“Power Cool” = “Power Koelen”
“Power Freeze” = "Power Vriezen
“Rapid Cooling” = “Snel Koelen”
“Rapid Freezing” = “Snel Vriezen”
“Water Filter Used” = “Waterfilter In Gebruik”

For Dishwasher: = Vaatwasser
“Auto Door Release” = “Auto Deur Ontgrendeling”
“Cycles Since Self Cleaning” = “Cyclus Sinds Zelf Reiniging”
“Dishwasher Operation” (this is a status that show the current operating stage) = “Vaatwasser Taak” (dit is de status die de huidige taak weergeeft)
“Progress” = “Voortgang”
“Remaining Time” = “Resterende Tijd”
“Sanitize” (this is a button to switch on the cleaning mode) “Ontsmetten”
“Speed Booster” = “Snelheidsbooster”
“Time until start” = “Resterende Tijd Tot Start”
“Washing Mode” = “Afwas Mode”
“Auto” = “Auto”
“Intensive” = “Intensief”
“Delicate” = “Voorzichtig”
“Express” = “Express”
“Pre-Wash” = “Voorwas”
“Self Clean” = “Zelf Reiniging”
“Extra Silence” = “Extra Stil”
“Baby Care” = “Baby Care”
“Plastics” = “Plastics”
“Pots and Pans” = “Potten En Pannen”

“Washing Zone” = “Afwas Zone”
“All” = “Alle”
“Lower” = “Lager Gedeelte”

For dryer: = “Droger”
“Completion Time” = “Eindtijd”
“Dryer Job Status” (this is the current status of the wash) = “Droger Taak” (dit is de huidige status van de was)

“Dryer Status” = “Droger Status”
“Pause” = “Pauze”
“Run” = “Bezig”
“Stop” = “Stop”

“Drying Temperature” = “Droog Temperatuur”
“Drying Time” = “Droogtijd”
“Wrinkle Prevent” = “Kreukel Preventie”

Other items: = “Andere Items”
“Air Quality” = “Luchtkwaliteit”

Hi @Adrian_Rockall

I’ve set a flow to send a notification when the washer job status changes to “Stopped”. Everytime the washer is status “stopped” I receive the notification 2 times. When I test the flow I receive it 1 time. There’s no other flow that also sends the exact same notification. Any ideas? Did I set too many rights maybe?

I get the same problem and I have not been able to find out why. The app only triggers once.

Does athom delete the original app ?

What do you mean by the original app?
My app has never been in the Athom store?

You write in your first post there is an SmartThings app from athom itself but I can’t find it

I believe Athom had issues with their app when more users started using it because it had too many login attempts. I think it is still in the store for existing users but has been hidden from searches.

Hmm okay

I have downloaded your app and making a flow for my dryer

When dryer status stop then send a notifications as a test

Dryer is stopped but no notifications ?
Must i enable remote control or doesn’t matter that

You shouldn’t need to enable remote control as far as I know. My washing machine notifies us when it finishes without remote control turned on.

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Hey Adrian, i would LOVE to be able to connect to my Samsung Family Hub fridge, especially the Bluetooth speaker, for my google service announcement.

Or does anyone knowns if there is a generic app for connecting to generic bluetooth speakers?

Fyi: You could use the advanced triggers app, and use the Debounce functionality to solve these kinds of double triggered bugs.

Hmm okay

When I make a flow the dryer change to stopped then send a push en blink light but that don’t work

I think the dryer status won’t change. ?
When I do it manually then it works

Hi Arie,

How do I use that functionality?

I haven’t seen the speaker in any previous logs, so could you send me yours from the Configure App screen, Detected tab, Get log then send log. If I can see the speaker as a device then I will try to add support for it.
Can you add your fridge with the Refrigeration device or the generic device?