[App][Pro] SmartThings Community (was the HCS version 2) Live 2.0.19, Test 2.0.25

I’m sorry to be a real pain, but the log has a limited size and the polling has overwritten the discovery messages. Could you remove all the SmartThings devices once more, clear the log, then start the Add device process to the point where you see the washing machine and refrigeration devices listed, but cancel it before actually adding a device. Then send the log. Hopefully that will just capture the discovery process.

You are not a pain at all, im thankfull for your effort, new log sent

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That log is not showing any issues either. So, I have published a new version with extra logging in (plus fixed a minor issue). As mine was working, I wonder if there was a discrepancy between versions, even though the Git history is not showing any changes that explain the problem.

Installed the app again and get the same result, sent log.

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This is very strange as it is adding the capability:

* Adding device Vaskemaskin with [
  "washer_status",  <------------------------

So if that is there, you should see the list in the device

And that should give you the action card in the flows.

Yes its strange, its not there…

I also get an error message if i try to change drying level ! Missing capability listener: dryier_dry_level. Maybe there is a clue there?

I will keep looking.

I have one more test to ask of you. Could you set the polling to a long period (~200 seconds), enable the log and then restart the app. Then go back to the log and send it (once that app has had time to initialise.

The reason I ask is because there is a check when the device initialises that request for the disabled capabilities from the API. So, I wonder if the washer status is being removed by that.

This is what my washing machine returns:

* Get device: devices/caca78a0-103b-2557-ab4e-4579ea39c9c7/components/main/capabilities/custom.disabledCapabilities/status
Result: {
  "disabledCapabilities": {
    "value": [
    "timestamp": "2022-06-14T12:13:28.172Z"

New log sent now

Just a question, when creating the token i ticked all the boxes for good mesure. maybe thats causing some trouble?

I don’t think that’s a problem as it seems to be getting valid data and too many permissions just means the app could do things it doesn’t need to.
I have the log but it’s not got the information I need. Could you add just the washing machine to Homey, make sure the log is enabled and polling is set to 200. Then restart the app so the washing machine device initialises and then send the log. It’s also possible to capture the information just after adding the device but it can get lost amongst all the other information.

New logs sent.

Well the good news is I found the culprit. The bad news is there is no fix that I am aware of. From your log:

Result: {
  "disabledCapabilities": {
    "value": [
      "washerOperatingState", <---------------------------------------------------
    "timestamp": "2022-09-25T14:06:55.271Z"

‘washerOperatingState’ is disable on your washing machine. That capability holds three values for washer_status, washer_job_status and completion_time so they will all be missing from the device in Homey. I will hunt around on the internet to see if there is an alternative when that is not available.

That is strange, it works from the smartthings app from samsung and i dont have a smarthings hub so i guess the “signals” is comming from the same site… In the samsung app i use delayed start all the time, in the app i get both start and finish time so i get it to start more precise in the cheaper hours of the day. A hub would not help i guess?

No, the hub won’t help as the washing machine connects directly to the web server.

Love the app and have my smart home 9 climate control. I have a few problems changing mode using homey app though, it seems to be working fine from flows. And i would love to get the power measuring to homey so if you would like to se what you can get out of the API from my climate control i could share info with you!

Could you expand on the problems.
If you open the Apps - SmartThings2 - Configure App screen and select the Detected tab, then tap on Get Log and once the list is populated tap on Send Log.
Next, select the Log tab and enable the Diagnostics Log. Then change the mode so you get the problem and go back to the Configure App screen to send the Diagnostics Log.

Hi @Adrian_Rockall

I just installed a new washing machine and I noticed a few things.

The drop down menu from where you can select things as washer status, spin level etc. is all in English. Is it possible to change it to Dutch?

In the same dropdown menu when “washer mode” is selected, the options are in Dutch. I spotted a little spelling mistake:

Geleurde was —> Gekleurde was

Lastly I have a real problem. I can remotely control my washing machine, but the status of things like the washer status, completion time, power etc. don’t get updated. I changed the polling interval to a higher number 200, but that didn’t work.

Can I send you my log that I create after restarting the app?


Sorry, too soon. Updates coming in normal.

If you can provide the translations I will happily add them to the app.
Glad the updates are working now.

Again I was too soon.

It seems the “completion time” isn’t updating to what I see in the Smart Things app of Samsung.

In Homey the completion time shows “14:28 13-00”. but in the Smart Things app it shows 15:29 and changes often. But time isn’t updated.

I send you the log after restarting the app.


If it’s any help, I see the “Completion Time” just updated. There’s only a time difference of exactly 1 hour. Smart Things app shows the right local Dutch time 15:24 and Homey shows 14:24.

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