[App][Pro] SmartThings Community (was the HCS version 2) Live 2.0.19, Test 2.0.25

Cool, thank you. It looks interesting as the object parameter is set to “human”, so I wonder if there are other results?
If so I could change the capability to a string or ENUM so the trigger/condition could be more specific than true/false.

The images seems to be the URI for an image, so would it be OK if I try the link to see what is there?
I could possibly add that to the device as an image if I can work out the format.

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Hi @Adrian_Rockall,
Back from holiday here, WITH my luggage in which my Smarttags were hidden. The have performed great! Considering all the embarrassing luggage handling problems at our national airport (Amsterdam Schiphol) it was such a relief to notice that the smarttags were detected within a few meters when we were in the plane… :slight_smile:

Were you able to work on the Smarttag integration or can I do something to help you? I would be glad to; just let me know…

Glad to hear they worked OK and I hope you had a nice holiday. I still haven’t got the enthusiasm to face the chaos at airports since COVID and didn’t organise a UK holiday this year either. At some point I will have to take time off work as I’ve now got 5 weeks annual leave to use up before the end of the year :blush:
I haven’t looked at the tags yet as a user gave me a nice SmartThings camera type sensor to play with plus I’m writing an app for my new solar system.
I have got a smart tag and I’m intending to try more things when I get a chance.

No problem, just let me know if I can assist in any way.
Must say the chaos at the Amsterdam and Barcelona airport was very doable when we were there.
I can only recommend a nice holiday! Hope you have a good one, when it’s time!

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I have installed the smarthings 2 app and discoverd my fridge and washer/dryer. What i cannot find is a then card to start washingmachine. What i want to accomplish is to start washer/dryer at the time electristity is at its least expensive hour, the app Power by the hour triggers the flow to start. in then card i get the option to turn on but not start. Is there something im doing wrong here?

You should have the Wash Status card that you can set to Run:

Ehh, no. I cant find it? I have no status card

Could you go to the Configure app page, select the Detected tab, tap on Get Log and then on Send Log. Hopefully, I will be able to see what capabilities are being returned.


I have it and will check it when I get home from work.


I have just put your log into my simulator and the washer status card shows up for me:
(Screen shot from the web app this time)



The only thing I can suggest is to remove it and and add it again.

Il try that. i see there is 7 cards in your simulator, and 7 cards in my choises of cards in my setup, i dont have a card with status but i have a card with “modes” , in modes there is no “run” or “start” option but a choise of washing programes. in your simulator there is no modes card. Is there a difference between smartthings hub app and smartthings 2 app maybee? im on the smarthings 2 app

I’m also using SmartThings 2 as that’s the latest version.
If you look at the image from the phone app above I have 8 cards, buy that’s for my washing machine. I will run your log through my simulator again and check the phone app to make sure it picks up all the capabilities.

Removed and reinstalled with same result. wash status card not present in web or phone app.

Just checked the simulation again and something doesn’t look right, so I will investigate further.

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Ah, OK, I don’t see the the “modes” card because of a limitation of my simulator. As different models have a different list of wash cycles, the app has to call an API function to get the list identifier so it know which version of the capability to add. The simulator can’t call the API function because it is not logged in to your account, so it can’t determine which list to add and therefore doesn’t add it at all.
But I can’t see why it wouldn’t add the status capability on yours. Could you enable the Diagnostics Log (blue tick), then add the washing machine and then send the log. That should show me the capabilities it processes while discovering the washing machine.

I sent logs, the last one was after adding washer/dryer and i guess thats the log you are looking for. The only thing i did different this time is that i did not select to add the fridge…

Edit: well, i changed pollingtime to 30 sec aswell this time. first attemt yesterday i set it to 15 sec…