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I have 2 SMA inverters and a BYD battery pack? Will the app show me battery level if I finally have modbus enabled in both inverters? So far I only have been able to add the home manager 2 because I dont have passwords for the inverters yet. I hope the company will at least enable modbus by themself soon.
You can connect 2 ‘strings’ to your inverter, SMA calls them MPP A & MPP B.
These tags show the DC output of these strings if I’m correct.
1, If you add the tags in e.g. a timeline card, you will see the corresponding values.
Previously, the values were directly visible in the overview you showed. I think it still shows with Pro 2019 models.
2, check insights to see the values
Ah, I now see what you mean.
I installed my inverter yesterday and added it to Homey.
Imho these capabilities should be renamed to something like this:
Not only there, but also if you use a value in the app “device capabilities” you don’;t know what you’re choosing. You have the “V/W” there … ( and “A” is missing )
I get that. If they are renamed in the app, it will be visible everywhere
That’s why it would be very nice when the capabilities get renamed by @Richard_B ; For example in advanced virtual device you will see (following my example) MPP A (DC) Voltage
and MPP A (DC) Power
instead of two similar MPP A (DC) capabilities.
I’m not sure if renaming capabilities will break things, like insights historic data.
Do you mean SMA, or the installer companies?
In common, I think it will remain optional.
However I don’t get why it’s so complicated just to enable stuff like that on your own inverter.
Yes, the installer company. They weren’t capable and in the end the their electrician gave me the full password and said I shouldn’t tell anyone I got it. 5min later I had modbus on and finally battery readings in Homey. Some initial push notifications seemed to be strange but now it seems to work flawless
Right now I still get wrong battery push notices from the SMA inverter (the one of both which is actually connected to the). It says empty, full or one of my threshold values while it’s completely wrong. Sometimes two messages at one (empty and 10% - while more than 30% are there)
The SMA Energy App shows always correct reading and even when looking at the battery page of the SMA Inverter device inside the homey app everything is correct. Are these some kind of splitsecond missreadings triggering those push notice flows?
pushing up an old message
I’m using homewizard connected to P1 port of my digital meter. It measures what power goes into or outof of the network.
If I have this, do I still need the sunny home manager?
Is there any way to load the connected battery via modbus? In the sunny portal I am able to set certain timeslots for the battery to load. But I want to automate it.
It is easy to add the power and voltage additions to the MPP A/B and Battery.
The battery (%) comes from the built in capability in Homey. Lack of % sign then.
I didn’t understand the comment about missing A though.
Hello, I added my inverter succesfully using modbus tcp like described here. It works great. The device type I have is not in the list on the google sheet linked here in the description. The type reported is “STP 6.0-3SE-40”.
Something I noticed: I can see “Grid power” if I click on the device and then check in the list of current values. And also the same value is shown on the device button at the top-right in green. But then when I go to the “insights” part, I can’t select “Grid power” as a plot. Am I missing something here maybe? By the way, I can see MPP A en MPP B power in the plot just fine.
And something more: sometimes it seems the displayed grid power on the button of the device is show a number of watts around 4 bilion indicating a typical case of reading a signed value into an unsigned value.
Indeed, the sunny home manager is not need I can confirm.
I have bought the P1 from homewizard and it works great. When the power usage is < -500 then I enable the led ring of the homey and when it is > 100 I disable led ring again. That way I see when I need to spend some power is almost impossible to be the correct IP for a regular network client.
With (Android) tools like Fing, Network Scanner, Ping Tools, you can discover the IP addresses of your network devices.