If you have this homey app, is there any point in having/buying a “sunny home manager 2.0” if you have for example the “Sunny Tripower Smart Energy” inverter? What would be the additional benefits? Or is it needed to be able to talk to the inverter?
I’m not familiar with your “Sunny Tripower Smart Energy” inverter. But if you can measure your total consumption and your power feed in somehow alreadsy, then you don’t need the “sunny home manager 2.0”.
Normally, with just the inverter, the problem is that you see how many energy your solar panels produce, but you don’t know how many power you use and how many power you feed-in. If you would like to know this, you have to install the SHM 2.0.
Guys, I’ve a problem and I don’t know where I should start with troubleshooting.
I’m using an external matrix display (Ulanzi Smart Pixel clock) in my kitchen to show the power information about my power usage, feed in etc. provided by my SHM 2.0 and two SMA Tripower Inverters. I don’t really know since when the issue persists, but the problem is that after a few minutes one of my two “SMA Tripower” Inverters is showing nothing anymore in the homey app. So the inverter tells my nothing anymore or 0 for (I’m guessing) 1 polling interval - after that everything comes back normal for some time. What I already tried was to lower (2s) and lift (10s) the polling interval. But the issue was the same.
Here is the error which the SMA app shows under Debug:
Any hints what it could be? It happens always, even during night without any solar production. The point is, if the inverter shows 0, my calculation on the display is completely wrong which is quite irritating.
I do see that homey ( tries to read modbus register 30771 ( on one of the inverters, but homey doesn’t get any answer for more 10 seconds
Who has made a flow that switches off or limits the SMA Solar inverter depending on de electricity price?
I have a TL9000 and the Homey SMA app shows a card that allows power reduction. SMA documentation is typical German style and a nightmare to read and to determine if this hurts the inverter or not.
If this is possible it should be easy to limit power upload to the grid at peak moments and challenge the delivery fine that is being discussed now.
So I am looking for actual experience using the power reduction card on SMA inverter via Homey. Does it really work and how much reduction is possible?
Yes, this works. If I limit it to 0, it shows around 40W. I just asked (post above) if it would be possible to turn off the inverter, instead of limiting, so have to wait for that.
In the meantime, 40W is better than 8000W of energy prices are negative.
Hey there! Is there any possibility to initiate charging of via sma tripower connected battery? I have added the inverter to my homey pro and I am getting the battery-stats like condition an SOC. But I am missing to tell the inverter to load the battery. Using the SMA Sunnyportal (https://www.sunnyportal.com/) I am able to tell the Inverter to start charging in certain time-slots, but I really would like to charge it automatically depending on the current price of tibber.
I did, it worked perfectly yesterday I have a flow that when prices drop below 0 it puts the SMA inverter to 0. I was only hoping that the developer could add an option to put it back to 100% instead of having to put a specific number in.
So another flow when prices go above 0,00 then turn it back on (i just set it to 10000 for now since 100% is not an option). Hopefully @Richard_B can add that in some way Thx!
PS. I use the Power by the hour app to get current prices.
Does the inverter shuntdown when there is no DC?
I have the same errors message when I shutdown the Sunnyboys (AC and DC unpowered). In that case I need to restart the app, it doesnt automatically recover.
My errors come during the day when the sun is shining, so there is for sure DC power. And the errors are gone after 30s or so.
I don’t know what exactly happens if DC is 0. As AC is still available I would expect that the inverter answer to the request of the SMA app - even though the some values are 0.
My SMA solar app sometimes show 0 production and I need go inside the app and restart the app and then it works again and show correct value.
Have SMA STP 10.0-3AV40 inverter
Anyone more with this problem ?
I have 2 SMA inverters. One STP4.0-3AV-40 and an STP 7000TL-20.
They both work good with this Homey app expect when I change the “Limit the active power output“-slider from the STP 7000TL-20 inverter I get the message “Timeout after 10000ms” and it looks like nothing changed in the inverter. The same action in the STP4.0-3AV-40 inverter reacts good. What do I need to do to get this also working for my STP 7000TL-20 inverter?
I am further in the process now and have found a workaround… As said above: I have 2 SMA inverters. One STP4.0-3AV-40 and an STP 7000TL-20. As I want to be able to set the “Limit the active power output" on both via Homey and this was working directly on the One STP4.0-3AV-40 but not on my STP 7000TL-20. I just found a bypass so also got it going on my STP 7000TL-20 with this app but it is not sexy but it is working. What did I do to get it to work also on my STP 7000TL-20:
I made 2 flows that do the following:
When start flow “Stop inverter STP 7000TL-20”> restart app “SMA Energy” > wait 10 seconds and limit the the active power to 0 Watt. Repait this for 5 times with a second in between.
When start flow “Start inverter STP 7000TL-20”> restart app “SMA Energy” > wait 10 seconds and limit the active power to 7000 Watt. Repait this for 5 times a second in between.
What is the case: without the restart of the app it is always giving a time out and nothing got changed on the inverter. After the restarts it takes +/- 12 seconds to get the app started. Immedialty after it needs to sent the message to the SMA. If you do this one second to late I get the timeout again. As it takes “+/-” 12 seconds at can be sometimes earlier or later so that why I repeat the signal 5 times so one of them will go correct.
I have tested it a lot of times with this flow and it always is working so far.
Again it is not sexy but now it works for me and I only can hope that this will be fixed in the app itself. Till then I keep using it like this.