[APP][Pro] Support for Fronius inverters and smart meters

Adds support for Fronius inverters and smart meters
App link : main and test

For issues and requests : github

Feel free to donate to support the project !

After installing the app, several possibilities are available :

  • Inverter : shows for every inverter PV power, daily/yearly/total Production, AC/DC current and AC/DC voltage. PV power is reported in energy tab
  • Smartmeter : shows current, voltage, frequency, power and energy (produced/injected) for every smartmeter
  • PowerFlow : shows for the site PV, Grid, Load and Akku power. Load is reported in energy tab.

In test version :

  • Reporting : using datamanager archive, adds a reporting app that shows costs, savings, self-consumption rate, etc.
  • Ohmpilot : reports consumption and temperature for Ohmpilot consumption regulator
  • Storage : reports battery capacity, charged capacity, current and voltage

I added a new test version with reporting (it uses datamanager ArchiveData to show/calculate some values such as savings, spending, etc. )

If someone is willing to test, I can try adding Battery and OhmPilot in next version, it should not be difficult.

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I added basic support for ohmpilot and storage in test version - as I do not have theses devices, testers and reports are welcome

great App! I have a question ? why can’t i see on the smart meter card. currents, voltages and frequency.

It’s strange. Could you open an issue on github ans post the result of : http://[ip]/solar_api/v1/GetMeterRealtimeData.cgi?scope=System


Sorry, i might be wrong here, but when i connect Homey with Fronius via Homey-Fornius-App i need to enter Hostname/IP-Adress (it says Specify Fronius Datamanager IP/hostname). I enter the IP in the format x.x.x.x but it does not work. What do i need to enter? Or how if not x.x.x.x?

The IP address is that of the inverter

That is clear. But what is the format when I add it? It does not work with x.x.x.x

error message:


Good day

Many thanks for this great apps.

After some day of usage, I see some possible issues. I don’t know if I missed something or if it is an issue.

I’ve a Fronius Gen24 and a smart meter TS65a and homey app v0.1.1

I took some screenshots, Fronius apps vs homey.

As you can see

  1. GEN24: daily production isn’t updated at all (I installed the apps 8 days ago).
  2. Smart meter ts65A: Power from / to grid is not correctly set

Any ideas?

Is anyone using the Fronius app combined with a home battery?
I am about to invest in a battery but would appreciated some user feedback.

For the record, I answered this topic on github : Inaccurate data GEN24 + TS65A · Issue #33 · ThomasHoussin/com.thomashoussin.fronius · GitHub


I do not have batteries, so I can’t test the app. However I had some reports of users with home battery (for example Fronius Symo Gen24 hybrid inverter with BYD batteries not recognized · Issue #31 · ThomasHoussin/com.thomashoussin.fronius · GitHub) so my guess is that it works.

I use the GetStorageRealtimeData request in the API ; according to fronius it supports :


I had some troubles with GEN24 (strange API values, etc. see for example GEN24+ system with BYD accumulators · Issue #19 · ThomasHoussin/com.thomashoussin.fronius · GitHub)

If you add batteries and find that the app needs some corrections, feel free to contact me on github.


Did you manage to get the app installed?

I have the same problem.


Did you enabled the Solar API in your Inverter?


Thank you for your reply.
Would you say it might be possible to have a function that would allow to charge the battery not from solar but from the national grid? this might be usefull when dynamic electricity prices are really low.

Of course, I would be more than willing to pay for the development.

In the manual, I found a reference to the ACTIVE GRID-function. This could be it. However, it would be nice to be able to activate this function in Homey. Prices of power (Power by the Hour app) , electric curent (already available as is) and battery level (already available as is) would be parameters upon which this function could be activated to optimize power consumption and power sources.

"In the case of a hybrid inverter with active grid support activated ("Active Grid
Support"), additional scenarios arise:

If the output power has already been reduced to 0 W when the voltage is too
high and the voltage continues to rise, additional energy can be taken from
the national grid (the battery is thus charged, see "System with storage and
active grid support enabled" - blue characteristic curve in the lower "Power
Input" area)."

If i want to install the APP i get the note, that it is only available for “Homey Pro” - but the hardware is not available yet. I think, this is because of a maybe necessary local LAN Connection to the Fronius Inverter ?

At the moment i’m using a different Platform where i only had to enter the SystemID Key for the Fronius Solarweb guest access and all the data comes from the cloud - just like it is made with the Shelly parts. Is it possibile to use this APP with the Fronius Solarweb guest access getting the data from the cloud ?

Yes it is, but thay is only available for “Homey Pro”.
But hey, you just noticed that yourself! So, therefor I am probably not fully understanding your question?

Sorry for confusing with my “encrypted” style of questions :see_no_evil:

If wonder if i need the “Homey Pro” Hardware ( so wait until April when it is shipped ) or is “Homey Pro” just a different kind of access / software variant which i already can use when i pre-ordered the hardware. If i need the hardware i wonder how people already can use this app when the hardware will only be shipped in April 2023. This is why i think the App uses cloud data from Fronius but is only working with a “Pro” Account.

Homey = Cloud solution, only brand apps with cloud-to-cloud access (and ZigBee, ZWave…)

HomeyPro = local Hardware with additional possibilities like LAN access and community apps.

And this is a community app, so it’s only available on HomeyPro.

Ceck the comparison at the end of the page: