[APP][PRO] Renault Z.E

@Herve69 - Hi, If I understand you correct you want to set the charge power that Renault uses? If so that is not possible, the car will use what it gets (and the API only has enable charge = yes/no). Usually this should be handled by your charger (wallbox) and that should be able to set the power (see f.ex. my Keba app.: Keba App för Homey | Homey) where you can set power in the flows.

Hi @Jonathan_Cohen ,
Thanks for this answer.
Yes, you’re right, want to set the charge power that Renault uses.
Maybe my Hager Wallbox could do this, not sure but I’ll check !

Hi @Jonathan_Cohen ,
I’ve connected my new Megane e-tech to this app and everything seems fine … but each time I turn on the Megane Device with my Homey app, the device always turns off 10 minutes later.
I would like it to stay turned on, so it would detect when the car is plugged in to my box using the “When vehicule is plugged” card. How can I let the device always on ?

@Jonathan_Cohen As we can now connect other Renault models as well, would it be an idea to rename the app to Renault perhaps? :slight_smile:

Would it be possible to hide values for non-electric or hybrid cars? And with it the flowcards that you can select?
My (petrol) Clio does not have battery temperature, available energy, plugged in, charging, charge remaining time and charging rate i.e….

That way you wouldn’t have to design all specific models just what type of car it is. And that way just make the values visible, belonging to the type of car (electric, hybrid, petrol). Perhaps that would make it easier and less work for you?

And it would be great to have the range as a status indicator.

I’d be happy to test for you or help you with a Dutch translation if you like?

Hi @Herve69 - not sure what you mean by turning on the device, The “action” when clicking on it is that it starts the pre-heating/AC, and that runs for 10 minutes. Otherwise, everything should be running and updating every 10 minutes or so, if the Renault API answers with changes.

How homey works is that each device has its flows and icons etc. so a different Renault model would be able to have different views and flows.
I can add Dutch translation, do you know how GitHub works, The best is to add it there and I will merge it - otherwise I maybe can give you some “offline” documents and you can do the work there?

Dear all, I as the developer of this app, will from November this year not have a Zoe any longer and will not be able to test the APP/API from then on. Is there anyone else out there that would want to help or take over ownership of the app?

That would be great of course. I just thought to make it easier to devide models into petrol, hybrid (perhaps plugin and non plugin) and electric. That way you would have 3 or 4 devixes to choose from instead of the whole model range of Renault. But perhaps that was thought too simple… :slight_smile:

I do have a Github account. Not a very active user thougj, but, it shouldn’t be too hard I guess? Perhaps you can point me in the right direction.
Feel free to contact me by PM if you like.

Oh OK ! So everything is OK, thanks :slight_smile:

hi @Jonathan_Cohen
to bad to hear that your not able to work with the app.

my knowlegde in programming and github is limited so i dont think im the man to lead this, but i could problably help, i can probably download the code and run it locally with some help on how thats done.

Only made one app and thats not even certified yet.

But i have a question, why are som red?


Hi @janrikard
it looks like a boolean (yes/no) and alarms get red when they are yes/active - nothing special I have done - it got like that after some Homey update a while ago.

I can, based on free time help in the future, but not test anything (no car), but if you get it running on your computer, I can help and point you in the correct direction. I am not a javascript/nodeJS developer but it worked anyway - good documentation and a good community,

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Are you still willing to work on this app, @Jonathan_Cohen? I read your “disclaimer” in the first post… :wink:
Hope you find someone who can takeover soon.
Perhaps it’s an idea to rename the app and this topic to “Renault” and omit “Z.E”, since the Megane and Clio are supported too now. And you might find another developer sooner then too…

I am waiting for my new 2023 Clio E-tech full hybrid now (have a petrol only Clio 5 at the moment, which is added to this app too).

Anyone added that one yet? Or hybrid Renaults in general?


I can take care of this app and update it in the free time available.
I just implemented Dacia Spring support and i have a fully working version ready to test (some bugs still needs to be fixed but this is 95% stable). @Jonathan_Cohen can you give me access to the app or add me as author? I’d like to publish a test version to let everyone try Dacia Spring integration.

Looking forward to your feedback, Jonathan and i wish you all an happy new year!


Hi Everyone,

I would like to thank Jonathan_Cohen for his support and availability in giving me access to this APP and related GitHub as developer. From now on i should be able to maintain the app and fix small bugs or implement a few additional features.

I just published a new updated version which includes Dacia Spring support (the car I own) and doesn’t change anything on previously supported Cars just like Zoe and Megane

You find it here:

Please as this is my first release, write me privately in this forum if you find any bugs or issues.
I’ll try to fix them as soon as possible!



Great news!
And thanks to @Jonathan_Cohen too of course.

Will you add more vehicles too?
Like my Clio (petrol) or new Clio (full hybrid)?

I can already add my current petrol Clio as a Zoe. It then shows mileage and wether or not it is at home. The Renault (Android) app shows range too, but that is not shown in Homey.

Plugged in, Charging, Remaining Charge Time and Charging Rate are not applicable for a petrol car of course.
Perhaps it is an idea to add a 3rd “device category” for petrol cars without those values?
A few tabs can then be omitted too. :slight_smile:

That way you could also make another category for hybrid plug-in / non plug-in cars…?


this app has been created to monitor electric cars not petrol or hybrid.
I don’t plan any other car type unfortunately.


Well that is by choice.
Why not add ofher cars, like other Homey car apps?
Petrol and hybrid cars can benefif as well from a Honey integration…

Hi everyone,

a new test version, including Dacia Spring support has been published.
I kindly ask existing Renault ZOE users to test it out too.
I didn’t change anything on ZOE yet, but this is to test that I didn’t cause any regression in the existing app.

I would need a couple of feedbacks from Dacia folks and a couple of feedbacks from Zoe folks before publishing it in production.

Many thanks!

Hi @Oreste_Dimaggio
I tryed to add my Dacia spring to my homey pro
but after signing in with my data, Home dont find my car.
Do i anything wrong?

Where are you located? Which country?
Have you registered your car within My Dacia app?
Is MyDacia App working and showing your car?