[APP][Pro] Rachio Irrigation Controller

Have seen that reported by other app developers as well on other apps. Will check what the solution, if available, is.

Martin Verbeek

Is there any chance that the app will support every drop flow meters?

Will check on how sensor data gets exposed in their API

Hi Martin, if you take look into the API any chance to add Rachios new Smart Hose Timer, too.


Been looking at it, not that clear in the API. It is providing good interface for rain sensors, not so much for the other wired sensors.

I can see that a sensor is present and what/who it is, but as i do not own one, i cannot see if any events are being submitted.

So what i will do is to release a test version and ask you to create events for flow and send me the log so i might have a clue if it can be made to work in the app.

will check into it.

No API yest for Smart hose

Hi @Martin_Verbeek

Are you by any chance planning to build the smart hose integration?

Last time I checked Rachio had not added Smart Hose to their API…

Still the case… loads of people asking for API support of the hose.

Hi, the device addition to new Homey Pro is Not working unfortunately, comes back with error on adding the controller as “Cannot convert undefined or null to object”. Pls guide

Could you do an add and after that make a diagnostic report? Go to apps Rachio to do that

I downloaded the rachio app for homey. It shows as an app under settings but then doesn’t show as an option when creating a flow. I have noticed this with some other homey apps. Does anyone know why this is?

Attempting to add the Rachio controller. Says that a new device is found, however I seem to be getting this message: “Cannot convert undefined or null to object” The API key is already added in the app. Anyone else seeing this issue?

Could you pm me the log?

@Martin_Verbeek PM’d you the info

Can you install test version 2.4.0 and run it, try to add controller and PM me the log if you can?

Hello Martin, thanks so much for writing this app. I feel like I am close, but must have one thing out of whack.

I downloaded the app. Went to add new devices. Selected the app. And, it found my controller and zones. I clicked on connect and at the top of the page it states “New Devices Found”, but in the middle of the screen it flashs “Scanning for Devices” and then I get “Cannot Read Properties of Null (Reading Person).” When I x out of the screen after 5 min or so, it asks am I sure, this will abort the process.

If I back out and choose zones, I do not get either message, the pinwheel just spins, and when I x out I get the same “are you sure message”

I have deinstalled and reinstalled the app. Same
I have done all of the above on my iPhone 15 and Windows Web App.

Thx for any help you can provide.


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