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Get statistical data from your QNAP NAS

Connect Homey to your QNAP NAS.
You get an overview of important system properties such as CPU and memory usage, temperature, fan, firmware version.

By adding further NAS elements to Homey, the following data is provided:

  • Ethernet interfaces: IP data, MAC, TX, RX, errors, etc.
  • Hard drives: technical data, health status, temperature, etc.
  • Volumes: memory data and processing state

The IP address or the host name and the QTS port can be used to connect.
The SSL certificate check is suppressed so that the internal LAN IP address can be used even if a certificate is available (e.g. LetsEncrypt with specification of a domain).

A NAS user is required for login. A separate user with restricted rights should be created for Homey like:

  • Group: Administrators (necessary for reading system data)
  • No rights for shared folders
  • No rights for Apps or Services
  • No 2FA (for now)

If the IP or the user changes, the NAS can be reconnected via the device settings (Repair).

You can add the NAS and some components as devices to Homey:

You’ll get a device for each added component in Homey:

You can watch some properties:

Thank you for supporting app development with a small donation via PayPal.




  • 1.0.9
    Some error checks on login
  • 1.0.8
    Date conversion for FW 7.4x
  • 1.0.7
    Changea app category
  • 1.0.6
    Flow trigger for NAS availability/unavailability added including flow tag for unavailability reason.
  • 1.0.5
    Checking the user rights in the pairing dialog.
  • 1.0.4
    Added hint about used Ethernet devices in WoL flow action.
  • 1.0.1 - 1.0.3
    Added wake-on-lan
    Use the buttons in maintenance view (device settings) of NAS or Ethernet devices.
    Use flow action: select the flow of the app and select the NAS you want to wake up.
  • 1.0.0
    stable version
  • 0.0.13-0.0.16
    – unvailable message at connection error including details on device view
    – correct update of Eth,HDD,Vol if more than one NAS is assigned
  • 0.0.12
    Added temperature alarm for CPU and system
    Fix for single-volume systems
    Fix for system memory unit (MB->GB)
  • 0.0.4-0.0.11
    Testversions for adaption to older firmware versions
  • 0.0.3
    Added volumes
  • 0.0.2
    Take login / authorization errors into account and set devices to not available in the event of an error
  • 0.0.1
    Initial release
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Reserved for additional information or FAQ.

Can you already see when the app will be released?

Hi Uwe, you took the english thread :wink:
The app is waiting for approval for over a week and there is no comment from Athom. Seems Athom is on holiday :desert_island:




Fantastic! :muscle:

Version 0.0.4

Problems with: 'NOENT: no such file or directory, lstat 'C:\Users\47918\Downloads\homey.qnap-main (1)\homey.qnap-main

version 0.0.2 went ok…

Where did you download version 0.03?


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Please check your file paths. Perhaps the space or brackets are causing problems. Just use “homey.qnap” withaut the main stuff behind.
Or wait some days. I hope Homey is preceeding the store list this week :slight_smile:

will wait :slight_smile:

Not file path though…

But that seems to be an issue of your local node.js environment.

And please make a clean install with version 0.0.4 or delete all app devices first.
There a breaking changes for many capabilities that would make your devices crash. That’s the disadvantage of using an alpha version :wink:
If you wait fot the store version, please uninstall the local version first.

The app got rejected…
I used an app id with homey.qnap as sub identifier (used the github id for that). That was not a problem in the past. It seems, Athom changed the policy. And device discovery by IP/port ist not allowed anymore. So I have to implement something different.
It will take some days for a new attempt…



the app is available in the store :smiley: :tada: :fireworks:

It provides still the IP/hostname and port definition to connect.
Please use the QTS-SSL-Port of your NAS.
Use a separate user for Homey without 2FA to login (admin group without other rights is ok).

Please note: There are older firmware versions that have a different content in the webservice data. That could cause errors (empty capabilities in device).
In that case, please install the current test version which has a log page in app settings dialog. Activate the log, wait for a call and copy the log content and send it as PM.

Installed it, but it does not accept my user/pwd. I use the latest 4.5.4 qnap firmware, but I have also enabled 2fa to login. Might this be an issue?

Yes, 2FA is not supported yet. I would prefer to create a special user for Homey without 2FA and not to use a default admin user.
Edit: I changed the last post for the hint of using a separate user without 2FA

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Non admin user can also have 2fa :blush:
Created a new user, no 2fa, different error (is in administrators group). I can login with the account on the Web interface.

Error is:

That’s not a app problem. Have you installed the test version? In that case it could be that the app was updated in background and you have to start the pair dialog again. SO please close the dialog and start the add process again.
I’m currently testing with another user some improvements for old firmwares.