[APP][Pro] Net Connect App: Discussions and Feedback

I have just released the Net Connect app. Unfortunately I do not have a lot of time to offer support but did want to make it available to others who are looking to solve the same “problem” of wanting to integrated network connected devices that do not have a dedicated app. As homey script does not support / offer Net communication support I’ve created this app. The App offers Wake-On-Lan, TCP and Sony SDCP Support / Communication…

Personally I use it to control a Sony Projector and a MadVR Envy video processor.

Hope it is useful to others. Feel free to comment in this thread.
(but again no promises :wink:


In a future release, you might want to link this topic in the app.json. This way the community topic can be found from the store page of your app.

Yes that is planned, did not want to create a topic before releasing something. Will add it in the next release - thanks

Some explanation on the settings. You have per device two buttons. Currently labeled “On” and “Off” which you can enable and add your commands to in the settings of the device. Some examples:

The buttons

Some setting samples.

There is also the option to use these in a flow, or send a custom command in your flow (or script), where you set the Protocol ( Wake on LAN, TCP, or Sony SDCP) and the command to send. If you use wake on lan the command (field) will need to have the MAC Address of the device.

That is basically it. I was thinking to make the button labels also custom so you could use it for something else as well but not sure if the is a desire/need for that. (For myself not so much).

Hope this was helpful.