[APP] Philips Smart Devices - Add your Philips smart devices to the Homey ecosystem

Philips Smart Devices (LAN)

This app adds support for the Smart Home devices made by Philips working on the LAN protocol.

Supported Devices

This app currently supports integration with a single Philips device, offering seamless control and automation. Future updates will expand support to include a variety of Philips products, such as televisions, smart lamps, and other innovative devices that are not yet available or fully functional in the Homey App Store. Stay tuned for exciting developments!

Please see the Philips Smart Devices in Homey Apps Store for the actual list of supported devices, including the available flow cards.

Name Product Code Deprecated Current Problems Future Features
Somneo Sleep & Wake-up Light HF367x No setCapabilityValue() not working for dynamic alarms buttons and I don’t know why, so we can only see availible alarms but can’t toggle them - New Flows for alarms snooze [If the comunity will need it]
- Add device widget for Homey Dashboards

Next Plans

  • Add support of Philips TV’s due to this app not working and not updating anymore

Test Version of application

To which app are you referring?
The provided link doesn’t work.
Is it this one?

(it has only 1 device it supports)

Hi, I will add link later when app will be approved by Athom and app will be added to Store, now I created this only as template and id of topic.

What’s the difference between your new app and the existing one of @Kaoh I linked above?

There is more functionality and it works, different architecture, in the app you are talking about almost nothing works, and also this app will not be just for one device, there will be a growing list of devices including TVs etc.

Thanks for the feedback, if nothing works i world have expected a support request :rofl:
Architecture is homey, and it works over lan.
But i don’t mind it at all, if you make one with more features ill be happy to pull my own

So what are those extra features?

You may have seen feedback from me in your topic :wink: And I understand that you are busy with Govee app and don’t have time to support Somney app. In any case, this app will be more extensive than just one device and will include many others.

As for functionality, there will be alarm clocks, as well as flow cards not only for Main and Night light, as well as for Sunset, Relax Breathe, as well as their setting through the Homey app itself.

If the community will be needed, also will be added a player of FM stations and alarm settings.

If you can make the event to detect the sleep mode activated work ill be happy :+1:t2:
I build apps to fit my own gaps, so if others do that instead of me it saves me time indeed on other stuff.

Ill be testing this one when it’s available and be happy to redirect users and deprecate my own one.
If you want reuse svg etc i am fine with that for the device icon, spend real time on that one

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I will add this to my list :wink:

Hi @Kaoh, app already availible, so if you want you can test the app :slight_smile:

It’s not discovering my devices :pleading_face:

Great app hoping for tv support

1 Like

Can you please make next request for yor Somneo: https://{host}/di/v1/products/1/device and provide please “name” and “productname”

"allowpairing": false,
"type": "HF367x",
"modelid": "Healthy Sleep",
"allowuploads": true,
"serial": "LMFB2148042916",
"swverwifi": "1.3.14-P",
"wificountry": "NL/1",
"ctn": "HF3671/01",
"productid": "3000081115510B",
"pkgver": 404,
"swveruictrl": "UT 0.6.6",
"swverlight": "LT 0.3.1",
"swvermp3": "MP 0.0.1",
"swvericons": "IC 0.0.8"

Name contains my friendly name and privacy data :wink:

I have changed the discovery parameters, could you check again in version 1.2.1, it’s in testing now

Why does the app need full homey control permissions?

Still can not be discoverd :disappointed_relieved:

Very, very, very strange. We have one last option left, but unfortunately it’s going to take a little bit of your time. Unfortunately.

Here you can find more information, but I will add that you only need to install Bonjour browser, find your device in the list (it should be connected to the same network as the alarm clock) and send me a screenshot or information in the format:

Why does the app need full homey control permissions? - This is because I’m using HomeyAPI to create alarms within the Homey app. I don’t know why they did that, but you need this permission to work with alarms.

Nice to integrate with the Homey alarms.
Cant wait to try that out.
I use for discovery ssdp

“discovery”: {
“SSDP”: {
“type”: “ssdp”,
“ssdp”: {
“search”: “urn:philips-com:device:DiProduct:1”
“id”: “{{headers.usn}}”,
“conditions”: [
“field”: “headers.st”,
“match”: {
“type”: “string”,
“value”: “philips-com:device:DiProduct:1”

Here is some more info
“name”: “******”,
“allowpairing”: false,
“type”: “HF367x”,
“modelid”: “Healthy Sleep”,
“allowuploads”: true,
“serial”: “LMFB2148042916”,
“swverwifi”: “1.3.14-P”,
“wificountry”: “NL/1”,
“ctn”: “HF3671/01”,
“productid”: “3000081115510B”,
“pkgver”: 404,
“swveruictrl”: “UT 0.6.6”,
“swverlight”: “LT 0.3.1”,
“swvermp3”: “MP 0.0.1”,
“swvericons”: “IC 0.0.8”

I using mDNS-SD, so need exactly Bonjour browser if are you using Windows :melting_face:

Bonjour browser is also not showing them. But its missing many devices. Not sure if this protocol is going to work for me.

Problem with that protocol is that it doesnt span network segments. So Even though they are on the same Ip range and fully pingable and discoverable by any other protocol, since they are on my IoT wifi segment (same IP netwerk) that protocol doesnt find them.
So for anyone that uses IoT wifi access points for their smart devices will not be able to discover these devices. And since on my ‘normal’ wifi these Philips devices are unstable, only on my IoT network they are stable.
The SSDP does span these segments.

So yes same network, but not discoverable, all I can thing if is the WIFI AP for my IoT that does make them part of the same network.