Hi @frodeheg
I have a question about piggy bank and the Høiax Connected water heater that I hope you can answer.
I recently switched to the myuplink app for the water heater in Homey, and it seems that it is slightly different as to how it is turned on and off. At least when using piggy bank to controll it. It seems that instead of being turned off, it sets the heater to 0W effect. Gives the same result when it comes to power usage, but it has given me an issue that i didn’t have with the old Høiax app.
Since the water heater has three effect-levels (1250, 1750 and 3000W) I have a flow that sets the heater to the lowest effect-level when piggy banks reported available effect gos below 100W. And then back to the highest level when Piggy Bank reports over 100W available effect. This makes the heater stay on, on lower effect insted of being turned off completely by piggy bank.
Since the myuplink app seems to to controll the effect level rather than actually turning it off I was wondering if this is something piggy bank “knows about” or if setting the effect level to zero is just piggy banks way of turning it off?
The ideal thing would of course be to let piggy bank controll the different effect-levels.
Hei! @frodeheg Takk for en flott APP!
Jeg har et smarthus fra HDL og bruker HDL Homey app. Sparegris appen finner komponentene og det virker som det fungerer helt greit, men dersom jeg slår av termostatene så vil appen skru termostaten automatisk på igjen etter noen sekunder.
Jeg har også prøvd og lage en flow med flytkort som setter appen i manuel overstyring, men appen vil igjen skru termostaten automatisk på dersom jeg manuelt skrur de av. Det er litt upraktisk på sommeren dersom man vil ha flere termostater fysisk av.
Er det en måte å fikse dette på? Jeg har også rapportert status på dette via appen.
I have that icon at Oso in Charge. I have tried to send report 2 times. Is it possible to fix this?
Is there any issue with Piggy bank communicating to Easee Charger? as I am getting 403 and Piggy bank cannot reduce the current. I am getting these logs.
+22:19:55.368: Failed signalling charger: Error: Failed to set dynamic charger current! post ‘/api/chargers/EHUUH34F/settings’: Failed, HTTP status code ‘403’
+22:19:55.369: aborted changeDevicePower() for Easee Charger - failed signalling charger Error: Failed to set dynamic charger current! post ‘/api/chargers/EHUUH34F/settings’: Failed, HTTP status code ‘403’
+22:19:55.370: Running turn-off-cycle in Emergency mode
+22:19:55.373: Requested power change: -5110
+22:19:55.394: attempt changeDevicePower(-5110) for Easee Charger
+22:19:55.395: Wait more: 90 - 0 = 90 sec left
+22:19:55.396: finished changeDevicePower() for Easee Charger - still waiting for confirmation on previous command
+22:19:55.397: Claims to have turned off device successfully
+22:19:57.400: Power reported from power meter: 14538
This means ‘forbidden’. Somehow the app is not allowed to connect with Easee
Maybe the app exceeded the maximum number of API calls
That I understand I am wondering how to fix it
Hi all, and sorry about all the delay, I have started some piano classes and often find myself playing all the evenings instead of developing this app. I will try to do some interleaving so you`re not completely left in the dark.
You can do this already, please click the Advanced-menu → Cost → Power part, then you can select all the limits individually.
Not at all, the app will prioritize the frost guard, so if you don`t meet the frost guard temperature then the app will allocate more power for your even if you crossed the hourly limit.
Are you using the test-version or the stable version?
I need to look into that.
Can you clarify which manual override you used? It should be possible if you use the maintenance option (off until manually turned on)…
Sorry about the late reply, I havent done much updates lately. I`ll see if I can find some time, but it will be updated at some point.
When PB is losing contact to the price server, it gives you this error in the feed. Is it possible to also log then it’s back in line? When I see it now, I reboot the app, but I don’t know if it’s getting back automatically.
Help! PB isn’t reading any prices from NO1 at all for a while… @frodeheg
Same here, no prices after 04.10. So nothing is working here now.
@frodeheg I am not sure which version I am on, probably the stable. On another note I had some hardware issues with Easee that they have (hopefully) fixed remotely now by switching the master unit. In the meanwhile I have successfully controlled them using flows to control the Dynanic_Circuit_Current of the master unit to between 14A and 32A, seems to work.
But: since 4-5 days ago I am not getting any prices into sparegris. Same with the Elvia iOS app…might be a Nord Pool API issue?
It is possible to get the prices from the app Strømregning to solve the problem temporarily.
This worked fine for me, even though it would be better to let PB handle it directly.
Thank you for the fix regarding the price. How do you set up the price adjustments to get maximum savings? I’ve set it up with a minimum of 3 cheap hours and 5 expensive hours. Is that enough?
Also is their a flow you could set up to estimste the savings ?