[APP][Pro] Piggy Bank

Hi, Great App! I got some suggestions. Maybe insights could display car charging schedule graph? Find my self constantly going into the app config to chech that charging actually is scheduled and when. Or flow card telling the schedule so that one can make a notification with info? And its anoying that piggy bank is in quarantine for 15min if homey/app restarts. No chance to improve depending on how long piggy lost control while homey off/offline or if new hour starts or something? And more range on “vekslingstid” and "endringstid " to maybe improve rippling. Can piggy bank dynamically adjust charging, when scheduled or start/stopped manually in easee app?

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I might be misunderstanding the settings for controlling the price comparrison for future/prevoius hours under the “prisstyringsmagi” tab, but is it possible to chose more than the next 12 future hours? In some cases I find it a bit limiting that it caps out on 12 hours.

Hallo I am missing an Then card to set pricecontroll mode (Automatic, Manuel from flow or Deactivated).
Are there plans for this?

Yes, for example this:

This is very strange, do you get anything odd in the log? (at “Help” → “Troubleshooting”). I created this ticket for you: Investigate case where a user can not change mode · Issue #278 · frodeheg/no.sparegris · GitHub

Already done on this branch, but it’s not public yet (though, it’s not in the insights device, but in a brand new charge controller device)

This only happens when rebooting Homey, not the Piggy app. It helps to boot Homey faster and more reliably. It’s pointless for Piggy to start controlling devices that have not been initialized yet, so it wouldn’t help to do this earlier.

There are other mechanisms to improve rippling. Expanding the range of “vekslingstid” will only make the hourly control unreliable. Please increase the “Utjevning mellom timer” to improve rippling across hours instead.

No, you have to use the flows for that. Though, you will get an option to just have the charger always on later, which may work seamlessly with external control later.

The reason you only get 12 hours into the future is because the range of future prices varies between 12 and 36, so if you look further into the future then you will not always have a datapoint to look at and then the current algorithm will give overly much weight to the newest known price. (this also happens for 0-12 hours into the future when the prices are unavailable for a limited time)
I can probably do some changes here, but I’m not sure how to do it best.
In any case, you may use the flow based price control if you want > 12 hours, but that put more work on you.

It has been previously requested here: Allow forcing price points · Issue #255 · frodeheg/no.sparegris · GitHub, it wasn’t on the top of my priority list, but it helps that more of you request it :wink:

Request for help from iPhone users with html/css skills

Can you figure out why the icon on this page is yellow on iPhone using Safari and blue on every other screen (I don’t have an iPhone)

Edit: Resolved

PROBLEM/BUG: I have several Heat-it ztrm3 and a couple of Adax ovens connected. The triggering between different modes (vacation/home/night) works perfect. However, I am experiencing problems with the price management; Only one of the thermostats change target temperature when the price becomes expensive. To make it stranger, all thermostats change when it becomes cheap (and revert to normal).

Below is an excerpt from the log for one of the units, clearly showing that the app believes that the old temperature equals the new, even though that is not the case (by good margin). Would appreciate if you could have a look and advise how I can fix this.

“+12:56:47.707: attempt refreshTemp() for Z-TRM3 Kitchen
+12:56:47.709: Calculating Device Temperature for Z-TRM3 Kitchen: 16 | Mode temp(13.5) + Delta temp(0)
+12:56:47.710: finished refreshTemp() for Z-TRM3 Kitchen - Old temperature was equal to new one 16
+12:56:47.711: finished refreshTemp() for '48c88b5b-6b11-4796-bb08-361764f6bf1c - Success”

Brgds, Morten

This sounds like it could be related to the known issue with ztrm3-thermostats with encryption enabled. Have you tried this: [APP][Pro] Piggy Bank - #553 by frodeheg ? (this will disable the encryption, but the device will be much more reliable)

Have not tried it yet, but to my knowledge the units are not included in safe/encrypted mode. Will try it when I get back to the house and see. Can it be any firmware related? The one which actually works were added (and installed) later than the rest, due to a faulty unit.

Thanks! That kinda works
but not exactly what I was looking for.

I can try to explain what would do the trick; When you go into the PiggyBank Insigths advanced settings, there are several options to choose from when it comes to choosing which statusindicator you want the app to show on the “frontpage” of the app. If current “Prispunkt” was one of the options you could choose from, this would be a more ideal solution. Is this something that would be possible for you to add in a future update?

Just to give you some context. I am using a dashboard from Sharptools on a wall mounted tablet. I want to create a tile that shows the current “Prispunkt”. Right now I have to use differents logics and rules to be able to achieve this.

And again - thanks for a great app!

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 this seems to be a limitation of the Athom GUI. In Android you can select capabilities of type “string” to be shown for this case but not capabilities of type “enum”, I have no idea why. I can probably change the capability type, it doesn’t matter how I display it.

In the browser though, using my.homey.app, I can not select this at all, but it adheres to what was selected on the phone. However, if the “string” capability was selected it will not show anything.
I guess iPhone will behave similar to the Android app but I have no idea.

For your case, you use the Sharptools dashboard, which I have no clues on what they can show. Can you give me some input on which types of capabilities it can show or not with regards to boolean , number , string, enum or camera?

im guessing you ment debug? no troubleshooting options in app

here’s a picture

Ok, I suspect that there is some corrupt state and that when you save an error causes the saving to fail and abort the saving process before everything has been saved.

The setting that is saved right before the mode is the max-power. What happens if you change the max-power to a lower value, saves and exit the settings, then open the settings again. Did the max-power save correctly? Similar, what is saved directly after the mode is the “AC-mode”, does this save properly?

Another option is that if you have disabled popups there is a chance that you can have exited the settings before the settings was saved properly because you didn’t see the feedback that saving was complete?

In the newest test-version (which I see you have installed) the popups have been replaced with a passive feedback, so if that was the case then you should be properly informed when settings is saved now so you know when it’s safe to exit the settings. If so you can try to change the mode again and see if it’s better now?

Thank you for answering!

I’ll revert to you with some more input on which capabilities that are available for PiggyBank in Sharptools.

SharpTools founder here. It’s capable of displaying all of the standard Homey data types. For many of the official Homey capabilities, the capabilities are mapped to our own standardized capabilities + attributes.

Custom capabilities are mapped across as custom attributes.


Edit: I should also note that when adding a device to a dashboard, it will get added with a default tile layout based on the reported capabilities. If a thing supports multiple tile layouts, you can change the tile layout as noted here:

The help article also shows a layout called ‘Hero Attribute Tile’ which lets you display any attribute, including custom attributes.

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Thanks for helping out Josh!

That is exactly where I would like to show the attribute from the PiggyBank app :slight_smile: But right now the attribute I am requesting is not an option to choose.

These are the options I have to choose from when adding a tile in Sharptools:

And these are the selectable attributes when choosing the ‘Sparegris Innsikt’ tile option:

I would love to have ‘Prispunkt’ (needs translation to English) as one of the attributes.

Thanks to you both, the capability that is not listed in the selector box is this:

  "type": "enum",
  "title": {
    "en": "Price level",
    "no": "PrisnivÄ",
    "nl": "Prijsniveau",
    "fr": "Niveau de prix"
  "getable": true,
  "setable": false,
  "values": [
      "id": "4",
      "title": {
        "en": "Dirt cheap",
        "no": "Grisebillig",
        "nl": "Spotgoedkoop",
        "fr": "TrÚs bon marché"
      "id": "0",
      "title": {
        "en": "Cheap",
        "no": "Billig",
        "nl": "Goedkoop",
        "fr": "Pas cher"
      "id": "1",
      "title": {
        "en": "Normal",
        "no": "Normal",
        "nl": "Normaal",
        "fr": "Normal"
      "id": "2",
      "title": {
        "en": "Expensive",
        "no": "Dyrt",
        "nl": "Duur",
        "fr": "Cher"
      "id": "3",
      "title": {
        "en": "Extremely expensive",
        "no": "Ekstremt dyrt",
        "nl": "Extreem duur",
        "fr": "ExtrĂȘmement cher"
  "icon": "/assets/price.svg",
  "uiComponent": "sensor",
  "uiQuickAction": false
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Thanks Frode! Now i just have to figure out how to use this code in a tile

@joshua Any tips on potential next steps?

i can change and save max power without issue, but still not the other tab

Is there any other logs etc i can give you? i have a bit of experience with linux shell/cli, but dont know where to look

ive tested a bit more, everytime i restart the app, i can change it a couple of times, then it uses a LONG time to open the app, or i have to try to open it several times, then it wont save anymore and spits out these errors

Are you referring to AC-mode when you say “the other tab”?

or are you referring to the Operating mode that you already stated did not save correctly?

As for the log, that’s a bit weird, I didn’t expect “OK” to pop up there, I introduced the ‘OK’ in version 0.20.48 but there shouldn’t be any possible way to get it printed in that log
 I may have to scratch my head through the weekend to understand what actually happened.

Anyway, so we are clear. The bug you experienced started appearing in 0.20.47? and you have not seen it before that?