[APP][Pro] Piggy Bank

@Stian_Torkildsen , @Jan_Harald_Andersen , Athom was not able to reproduce the problem, the app did not crash when they entered the Piggy Bank settings. Can you please provide some more information. They specifically asked for which device you used, software version, homey version (2019/2023?), homey firmware version, Piggy version, etc.

Also, if you don’t mind, I would like to know which device types you control. Is price control enabled? Are you using the features for charger control?
Does the piggy app control, flows and insight device work fine even if the app settings does not open?
Does any of the above start malfunctioning after the Homey app has crashed?

I will try on my MacBook Air tonight if I can reproduce it there.

You may respond in a private message if you don’t want to go into the details here in the forum.

No problem. This is my set up:
iPad Pro 3. gen, iOS 17.1
Homey 2023, firmware 10.0.8 (but when it crashed it was the betaversion!)
PiggyBank v0.20.45
Other apps on Homey:

  1. Cast a text to Google v.2.0.1
  2. CountDown v.3.0.6
  3. Easee Home v.1.7.3 (experimental)
  4. Eufy Security v.3.18.13
  5. Harmony Hub v. 3.0.2
  6. Husquarna Automower connect v.1.2.1
  7. Høiax v.1.7.23
  8. Miele v.1.4.1
  9. Mill Heating Norway v.2.3.9
  10. Philips Hue v.5.9.3
  11. Power by the hour v.5.7.5
  12. Sparegris v.0.20.45
  13. Strømregning v.1.7.2
  14. Tibber v.1.9.18
  15. Toshiba v.2.2.1
  16. Værvarsel v.1.4.3
  17. Yale Doorman v.1.3.4
    Units controlled by PiggyBank:
  • 3 ovens (Mill)
  • 1 heater for water (Høiax) Connected 200
  • Easee Home Charger
    Other units are listed as units (as my Samsung TV and Hue lights) , but is not controlled by Piggy.
    I use pricecontrol, and have a 10kW limit in Piggy. It seemed as Piggy was working just fine in beta, but opening the settings just made it crash. Restart of Homey in betaversion and/or Piggy did not resolve the issue.
    The homescreen in Piggy never showed, Homeyapp beta crashed before that. Now it says «Great, the app is configured correctly» - but in the beta Homey the Høiax heater was listed there as unreliable.
    Thank you very much for helping out, Frode. Do you need anything else?

I have sent you a private message with the details. Thanks for the great app and for looking into this matter :slight_smile:

Can you please clearify. I first thought you was using the iOS app beta version, but now it looks like it’s the firmware for the homey itself that was at beta. Is that the case? So you can still run the 7.5.0 iOS app version with the older homey firmware without problems?

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Yes that is correct, I was using the Homey beta that was released about a week ago… Now I have reverted to the official Homey-app, and then everything works fine!

Hvorfor er tilgjengelig effekt 2584W når Estimert forbruk er 2159Wh og Effekt trin er satt til 5-10 kWh?
I sommer var effekt ledd satt til 2-5kWh, økte til 5-10 kWh i september. Jeg serer ofte at termostater blir slått av i de rimeligste timene selv om forbruket er langt under 10 kWh i gjeldende time. Hva kkan det være som begrenser?

It is probably the “Max monthly usage” limit you have set. There was only one reason this was introduced and that was because you do not get any government refund for usage above 5000 kWh per month. The limit you set to 3500 per month doesn’t make sense. So how this works is that it will limit your daily usage to around 115 kWh per day, which is about 4.8 kW per hour…

If you know you will be below the 5000 kWh limit per month anyway then you can disable this limit, but it might be valuable if the price is very high. If you don’t disable it, then at least increase it to 5000 kWh.


Hi, I am trying out this app and experienced some points here:
Network problems are experienced by many with Homey. This perhaps happens more often when saving the configuration than in other contexts. Many dialog boxes about this will then appear, which must be confirmed by the user. There may be a bit too many of them which are disturbing, 1 should hold. A message that saving has started should also be unnecessary, the animation about it should be enough to tell that work is being done on saving, I see no need for the user to confirm something they have already done, pressed the save button.
I also get an error message that an email address must be entered when I send an error message from the config dialog. The error message should go to the person concerned without the need to indicate to whom, maybe with an e-mail address in addition for those who want it.

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Right… My network is good, so I haven’t really experienced this a lot and have thus not deemed it as a problem. But I have seen it a long, long time ago, so I do know what you mean. If others are experiencing it a lot then yes I should do something about it. (ticket link - fixed in version 0.20.49)

Yes, point taken, good idea. Will change! (ticket link - fixed in version 0.20.49)

If you are referring to the device reporting page then the problem is that EVERY single report I get without an email address where they try to tell me about some problem in the app causes me to bang my head into the wall because I see that every single of them have misunderstood something. The pure intention of requiring the e-mail response address there for messages is because I want to send a response to them explaining how they should do it properly. That is the PURE reason for requiring the e-mail response address. People think they have found a bug but they have not, it’s just the interface that isn’t mature enough to tell them how to do things properly yet. This will improve in later versions.

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Thank you for your quick reponse.
I can understand your head banging. It is the device reporting page I am refering to. In my head, since I was autenticated in Homey I thought this reporting page had my email already, as was the case when I reported this issue here in this forum.

The apps don’t have access to this information as far as I know.
I believe it’s due to some privacy concerns. You know, not all app-developers might follow the GDRP rules properly, so why give them access to information you didn’t give them In the first place.

That’s a good point, thank you again

@Stian_Torkildsen , @Jan_Harald_Andersen, and others with the iOS Homey app crash issue: This issue has also been observed with the “Sureflap app”. Gerard Wessling will be looking at this issue next week, if you have any new input or want to be up to date you can reach him in the Homey Community on Slack. The issue is being discussed in this thread. I will be traveling all of next week and won’t be back before the 13th of November, so I will not be very active in this forum.

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Hi Frode. Have a «piggy-problem». Know you are travelling, so check this when you have spare time. Up in northern Norway we are having extreme prices now, haven´t been theese high prices for a long time… So I had my Easee charger on «Turn off» if extreme prices occure. This happened today. But apparently «Turn off» in PiggyBank does not mean «Do not use at all», cause it kind of disconnected Easee from PiggyBank - so it started charging on its own! Happened twice before I could see the reason… Now I have paused the charger, and set the charging in Piggybank to «Off if crisis». But the «Turn off» in Piggy should have been «Do not turn on at all» when the prices are extreme - am I correct?

I may be remembering incorrectly, but I don’t think the common options for price control applies to the chargers as they are only controlled by the flows “charge the cheapest x hours/kwh before y 'o clock.” When the charger is marked as controllable by piggy it will never turn on the charger by itself, only as a reaction to you triggering the action card, and then only in the cheapest x hours in the windows you told it to charge…

Well, I have the trigger «Charge the cheapest 4 hours before 08.00». On PriceControl I had «Turn off» so it never would charge at extreme prices. But instead the charger started charging…. Now I have changed in Piggy to «Turn of if crisis» with extreme prices, but it will still charge then even if prices are way over what we are used to here up north. I was just thinking that with «Turn off» in setting it would not charge at all… Can live a day of no charging if prices are extreme.

Yes, I know it’s not the most intuitive interface, but I have an update for this that will improve it significantly, it will be published in the not too distant future, I just have to do some more testing on it when I get home, so I expect in 2-3 weeks.

I will fix the price controlled options for charging in the same update.

For now, just have the setting at “controlled”, as nothing else makes any difference for charging.
If you don’t want the charging to start then don’t start the flow "charge the cheapest x hours before x 'o clock. To me it sounds like you have this called automatically every day, so just disable the flow the days you don’t want charging.

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Thanks! :blush:

Hilsen Jan Harald :blush:

Love the app!

Is it possible in any way to use a flow or logic variable to collect the current Pricelevel from Piggybank insights (Ekstremt dyrt, dyrt, normal, billig ekstremt billig)?

I would like to have a tile on my dashboard (wallmounted ipad) that shows the current pricelevel.

Hi, i got a problem with changing the “Day/Night/Vacation” tabs by flow, i have made my own tabs tho, so i can change “base” temperature bases on outside temperature , it did work when i set it up (dont remember what version the app was then), but now it ALWAYS defaults to “day”
Even if i change it manually to anyone of the other tabs on the dropdown menu, save and exit the app, and then re enter it right away, its back on “day”

Have checked and rechecked all my flows, and i have no flows that use the “day” tab

What do you need of information from me? dont think i have done anything wrong, because i havent changed anything that have anything to do with temperature or this app after it stopped working)