[APP][Pro] Piggy Bank

Yes, and I thought I fixed it in version 0.20.44, but apparently not… Sorry about that, I’ll
make a new fix immediately.
Edit: I published a new version 0.20.45 that fixes it (again). Apparently, some invalid characters had sneaked in after I had verified my previous fix, these are now removed.

It is because Piggy need to be configured to your preferences. By default it is set up to move power usage from hours with expensive electricity to hours with cheap electricity. The way it does this is by adjusting the temperature down when electricity is expensive and turning the temperature up when it is cheap.

So, the first question is, do you want such a scheme? If not you have the possibility to choose to only control thermostats with on/off to keep you within the desired power budget.

If you do want that scheme you have to set up a default temperature for the mode you’re in (day/night/holiday/etc.) first, then you have to set the delta temperatures how much you want to adjust the temperature during expensive / cheap hours.

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Sparegris is really a nice achievement.

I do however have two issues I do not understand.

  1. My system is now in vacation mode, with all termostats set to 8 degC.
    In low price mode they will increase with 1 degC.

For some strange reason some om my termostats are now 8 degC and some 9 degC, but with normal price status?

  1. during the day and in away modus sparegris seems to turn on heating on thermostats and turn them off again after around 1 min. This happens a few times during the day. Is this normal behaviour?

Thank you,

  1. Is this a recurrent problem or a one-off case? Sometimes, the signal is not getting through to the thermostat, and the old temperature may remain. Normally, this would either show as an “unreliable” device in the piggy settings if it is recurrent or as a mismatch between the temperature in the Homey device and the physical thermostat (depending on how the driver has been implemented). You may also get more details for this case by going to the piggy settings, selecting Troubleshooting from the Help menu, and selecting the thermostat that shows the incorrect value. This will show all communication going to that device.

  2. Around 1 min. is not normal. In the first half of every hour, there is a threshold of 5 minutes before turning on devices that were turned off. Then it goes gradually down to 1 minute before turning on devices that have been turned off, and it will remain 1 minute for the last 5 minutes of the hour.
    Thus I would say that it is more normal to see a switching time of 5 minutes than 1 minute.
    Again, if you select troubleshooting and select this device in particular you will see in the log all the reasons a device was turned on and off, maybe this will give some helpful information.

Hi There! I use PB also to control my warmwater tank. I know we talked about this for about a year ago and you didn’t like the idea that well. Anyway, I save a lot of energy with this method and would love to make PB able to run the hot water tank in the x cheapest hours, and if the temperature is under x degrees, some kind of emergency heat should start not until x degrees but in x hours. The reason for that is that there is no need to warm everything up to max in an emergency situation, you only need to get the top of the tank hot until the next cheapest hour. Any chance this could be possible?

I believe it is already in the “plan”. If you go to the settings menu, and click “Time schedule” then you can see a demo of how it will work in the future. Then you can select a program with heating in the cheapest hours between x and y’o clock.

However, I got a lot more requests to get the other car chargers than Easee supported, so I decided to complete that first before I finalized the time schedule. I hope to be back on the time schedule in the not-too-distant future.

Please give me feedback on the time-schedule if you have any suggestions.


I fully understand, thx for your feedback.

Hi Frode,
Issue 2 is gone. Don’t know why, but fixed👍

Issue 1 is still a mystery for me. Some of the thermostats are never reaching the state set in Away mode for normal hours, (8 degC, freeze protection 8 degC). They normally is set to constantly 9 degC. I have set cheap to be -1 and expensive to 1.

Looking at the fault checking gives me no incations of the error.

any advice?

Not sure, but if you send me a complete state dump of the app when you’re in an error-situation I can look at the data and see why you get the behavior you observe. A state dump can be made as follows:

you have to manually copy the state from the window and into an e-mail.

EDIT: After having had a look at the state dump I see that the issue is that the desired temperature is lower than the lowest wanted temperature (frostGuard) and as such the temperature is clamped to one degree above the frostguard. (the frostGuard temperature is only used for emulating turning the device off, so it’s always above that when it’s considered “on”)

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I have a problem that has been going on for a while. Piggy Bank do not start thermostats after they have been switch off to avoid tariff step up.

Until maybe 2 months this was not a problem, but now all out 13pcs Heatit Z-TRM3 are running and I’ve recently increased our tariff from 5-10 to 10-15kwh as when I used 5-10kwh we had a lot of problems with cold floors. Can you please help me try to sort out the problem?

Totaly I controls 17 different items with Piggy Bank.

PS: My z-wave network is quite huge, but everything runs fine and everytime I try to start a Z-TRM 3 that is shut of, it starts right away.

Hope you can look into this issue.

Thanks in advance.

This is commonly caused by using “Emergency off” under Temperature control. If you use “Change temperature” or “Turn On” instead, then you will make sure the termostats are turned on again after having been turned off.

OK, I do normally use change temperature, but what if the price is “Grisebillig” and I’ve told the temermostats to warm up, my load is close to the 15Kwh limit, what then?
I thought they should be switched off if emergency to avoid the total consumption of more than 15Kwh that hour?

Or did I misunderstand the use of off if emeregncy?

The “change temperature” option will still apply control on top of the target temperature in order to meet your selected maximum power limit. Such control would either be turn on/off or turn temperature to the lowest possible value and then up again when there is enough power, depending on your preferred setting.

Emergency off is not meant for heating, it’s meant for non-essential lights/equipment only… when you are not able to meet the power limit even when all heaters are off.

Imagine you have used this setting on a light, then you go to bed during the power limited moment. Then the lights appear off to you so you just go to bed… then if the light turns on again after you went to bed it wouldn’t be very convenient… Thus, the emergency off is intended for such situations only, where you do not want the equipment to be turned on again without your knowing.

(I will change the terminology for this in a later update as there has been some confusions with regards to this option earlier)

Hi. Im using beta releases of Homey, and yesterday we got an update to 7.5.0. Today I tried to enter app settings in Piggy bank, but the only thing that happens is that the whole Homey app crashes. Im running iOS. Has anyone else the seen same issue?

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Yes, same here… Had to revert to original Homey-app to enter the settings of PiggyBank. With beta only crash, every time…

This was unknown to me, I sent a question to the homey slack channel to see if it is a known problem. Does this affect other app settings as well, or is it only PiggyBank? Has anyone seen this on Android, or is it iOS only?

Does it still work to open the settings from https://my.homey.app on a computer even if it crashes the iOS app?

Hi Frode. It seems like it is only PiggyBank. I have iOS. Works fine from PC, and also in iOS with the other apps (POTH, Strømregning, Easee and so on). Had to delete beta version of Homey-app, and run the original Homey. Now everything works fine with PiggyBank again… So it is something with the beta Homey-app that crashes with PB.


If I want to keep a constant temperature but still avoid to exceed the power limit, do I have to create a manual flow that turns the thermostats off and back on again when it’s safe or did I misunderstand something in the app?

If you want a constant temperature regardless of prices then go to the menu “Units->Price Control” and select Mode = Disabled

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By the way - the last 10-12 days (before the Homey beta was installed) Hoiax Connected app was reportet as unreliable in the Piggybank. Sometimes as low as 18% percent. But now when I have reverted to original Homey-app that message in PiggyBank is totally gone! Dont know if there is an issue there? Thought you should know, Frode.

Thanks, I did not know, but I saw that they had a performance bug with flows on their radar. It might be related.