[APP][Pro] Piggy Bank

This is most peculiar,
I believe this might be a bug with the iOS app (which is out of my control), but I will try to change the capability type to string, that might help with how it is displayed. Thanks for the report and please let me know if it works in version 0.20.41.

New version 0.20.42


  • Attempted to fix the mode display issue above on iOS
  • Added support for com.Coderax.MillHeating:mill
  • Added support for no.elko:smart_plus_thermostat
  • Fixed crash bug introduced in version 0.20.40 that affected some users (sorry, none of the users of the test version was affected by this so testing didn’t catch it.)


  • Thanks for the report of the zaptec charger, it will be added to the supported list with the upcoming charger controller, though it will suffer from the same issue as the Tesla charger because neither the zaptec nor the Tesla app allows other apps to control the charger current, so this must be done with flows
 everything else will be done automatically though (1-2 weeks from now at earliest)
  • Added com.gruijter.powerhour:power to the ignore list (washing machines and other read-only devices should not be controlled by this app)

Update regarding the crash bug:

Due to the new version having to pass Certification from Athom the users that experience the crash will not get a it fixed before Monday (unless they install the test version). Though, the bug should only affect the insights device, so it should not affect the normal operation of the app. If it does, then please let me know and I can remove the iOS bugfix in order to be able to push the crash-bugfix out without certification (it is only the iOS fix that require certification, and as such block the crash bugfix from being pushed out)

Mode display issue on iOS fixed! Thanks! :blush:

Is Elko Super thermostat on the roadmap? I did send you the data a while ago, and I understand that you can’t win then all, but it would be nice if it was fully supported, there is a lot of them out there

I updated the definition of the com.elko:ESHSUPERTR 8 months ago, so it should work, however, when it shows in piggy you should be presented with this note:

Please note that the vendor of this device only expose the capability to set temperature in case the device is configured as a thermostat. When in regulator mode this app will only be able to control it as a switch. You may have to reinstall the device in Homey if you ever change this setting in order to make the device appear correctly in Piggy.

If you can not see this note then there is something wrong, otherwise please follow the instructions in the note to make the device appear correctly.

If you still have problems, please send me a new device dump and I will compare it with the earlier dumps I have to see if there is something I have not accounted for.

Theese are all configured as thermostats, not regulators, shouldn’t it be without the warning sign?

good point, I probably should add a check for that. I added this ticket for it: Remove warning for elko devices configured as thermostats · Issue #262 · frodeheg/no.sparegris · GitHub

EDIT: This is something different than what I noted above, the screen should not look like that if you’re using devices of type ‘com.elko:ESHSUPERTR’
Thus you probably have a newer version or something else using a different driver. Can you please send me a new report for one of the devices in question (by following the link on the on-screen instructions) and I will look into it.


Thank you,
I have added this device (no.elko:super_tr_thermostat) to the supported list in version 0.20.43

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The wify has requested(demanded) the ability to manually controll the heat pumps if she want to without it being reverted by Sparegris (don’t ask why, it’s easier to just accept it :face_exhaling:).

So i’ve set up an AVD for each pump with a list (much like the Sensibo app) that gives 5 options:
Automatic, Heating, Cooling, Manual, Off.

And then I’ve adapted the Sparegris controll flow(s) accordingly with overrides etc.

BUT: When it comes to the “Manual” mode, i only have the option to either use “Styrt” or “Manuell temperatur”. I would love to have a fully manual option :no_mouth: So she could adjust anything she wants without Sparegris overriding it.

And yes i absolutely understand this will throw off any sort of smart features, but hey what to do :face_exhaling: (i will make a flow that switch it over to the auto/heating or cooling at 3:00 every night so she won’t have full controll lol)

I think the following solution may work well for you:

  • Set AC Mode to Unchanged, then you can change it to whatever you like manually.
  • Then select override with manual temperature.

I think the consequence of the above solution will be that piggy reverts to using on/off to keep the power-budget while you can change ac-mode and temperature externally to piggy.

or do you have such a heat-pump that it doesn’t have an on/off button separated from the actual state control (heat/cool/off etc
). Because this case might cause a conflict if ac-mode is unchanged then it can’t use on/off while override to manual temperature must use on/off to control the power budget.

If you have such a conflict you can probably solve it by creating a virtual on/off device that piggy can control and then create flows that react to changes to that device on/off changes and relay it to the heat pump? (in any case I can try to make this simpler in the version that introduces time-control)

Yeah that would work, but is it possible to set that with a flow? AND per unit? She usually just want to manually fudge with the one in the 1st floor living room, none of the other ones. So putting all AC devices in “Uendret” mode just to gain manual controll over one device ain’t ideal :see_no_evil:


It looks like it’s an bug in the test version btw, if you try to deploy a new “SĂ„->Overstyr enthet til” you aren’t able to choose an unit, it returns a blank list in android app/simple flow. Or an error message if you’re trying to make an advanced flow.

There is no bad consequences of setting it to “unchanged”. The only thing it does is that it auto-detects the mode instead of setting it and it inverts the delta-temperatures if in cooling mode, such that you can switch between cooling and heating seamlessly manually. If you don’t switch then there is no problem so I don’t see anything bad about having it set to “unchanged” all devices (having it set to “heating” or “cooling” for all devices would not be as good though).

Note that if you use sensibo sky, then manual control with the remote will not always be transferred to the sensibo sky device properly, and as such might give piggy the incorrect information. Thus manual control must always be done on the sensibo sky device and not the remote.

(I’ll look into the bug this evening and see if I can reproduce it)

Hi, is there a possibility to invert the output signal. I am controlling some relays that when they turn on they activate night mode on the heating source.
I cannot find a setting that does that.

If that is not possible, is it an option to set up 3 flow card outputs?
Edit: Found a way, one can activate homeys virtual devices and use the output of those.

Totally agree with you :v:

I think I might have found another bug in the test version! The “Bytt AC-filtre” maintinance function don’t work! When i tro to activate it i get the error message “Kunne ikke starte vedlikeholdshandling”.

@Exerqtor :
I have gotten two crash reports around the times you reported the bugs that I have fixed here:

These reports did not come from the actions you reported, but they seem to be caused by a similar problem related to a corrupted state. Though, I would like to know how you got into this corrupted state.

Did you by any chance do the following:

  • Delete a mode recently, and then for some reason remained in the “deleted mode” after you saved the settings?
    If so then I wonder if this has caused the app to crash before the settings have been properly saved, and as such corrupted the settings needed to generate the device list for the first action card you reported an error on.

Otherwise, have you had any other incidents lately that you think may have corrupted the state (out of disk space on Homey / restarts while saving / restoring state from a Homey backup / transferring state from a HP2019 to a HP2023 / anything else you can think of?)

I’d like to understand the extent of the problem before I publish my bug fixes above, or if I have to do further investigation.

Nevertheless, since we are talking about a corrupted state, the safest thing to do is send me a personal message where you dump the piggy bank state by using the “Advanced → Backup” menu under settings. Then I can investigate if I need to take further actions to correct your state before I publish the fix.

Hmm i haven’t messed with tye names or number of modes in almost a year at this point (from what i can remember) so that’s not whats been causing my crashes :thinking:

I’ll send you a DM right away :v:

Thanks, I fixed the last ticket here:

Test version 0.20.44 is now available


  • Fixed an issue where restarting the app/rebooting caused Piggy to revert to year-old exchange rates instead of recent exchange rates if and only if the exchange rate server was offline.
  • Updated the fallback exchange rates to more recent values in case the exchange rate server is down (which was the case this weekend)
  • Improved the override flow card to be more informative when an error occurs or when the app has not been configured properly.
  • Fixed a crash bug in case a device controlled by Piggy was deleted outside of Piggy.
  • Fixed a crash bug that could happen if the app was enabled through a flow before ever visiting the app settings.
  • Fixed a crash bug that could happen when removing a custom mode while within a custom mode.

I’m seeing no controllable devices when trying to make a new flow to override a few devices.

I have an old flow where this is done, and it still works

There are a lot of controllable devices in piggybank, so I don’t understand what’s going on

I’ve tried rebooting Homey, and disabling/re-enabling devices in the piggybank controllable devices list, but nothing seems to work.

Any obvious fix I’m not seeing?

Edit: same bug reported by Exerqtor 10 days ago. Didn’t find it by searching because it didn’t contain exact wording :sweat_smile:


I have just started to use Piggy Bank. When Piggy Bank controls my thermostats it never turning the temprature back to my originale temp. Lets say I have it set on 22c. When Piggy bank turns it back up its always at 18c. I have two thermostats and it happens to both of them. Any idea why?

I am using ELKO smart Thermostats


All the best