[APP][Pro] Piggy Bank

There is a flow called “Start charging x cheapest hours before nn:nn o’clock”
or “Start charging cheapest x kWh before nn:nn o’clock”

Either of them would start the charging.

The reason you have this flow instead of automation like other devices have is because the charging would become kind of unpredictable without it.

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No, they should not be Then cards.
While the following (Norwegian) cards might appear to be Then cards they are not:

  • Endre ladestyrken til … W
  • Slå på laderen og bruk laveste ladestyrke
  • Slå av laderen

Though, the naming could probably have been better. I can possibly rename them to:

  • Vennligst endre ladestyrken til … W
  • Vennligst slå på laderen og bruk laveste ladestyrke
  • Vennligst slå av laderen

Edit: Fixed here: Rename When card for charging to be more intuitive + remove crash bug on Android · Issue #253 · frodeheg/no.sparegris · GitHub

Though, I will probably deprecate all these cards anyway when adding support for two chargers.

Piggy charger controller

I have started the development of a universal charger controller for piggy. Which icon do you like most?

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I’m new to the forum, but just have to start with a big thanks to @frodeheg and others to all the work been done so far!

Is there a possibility to somehow get the following to work?

I’m having two easee chargers, but only using the one on a daily basis (charging an e-golf). The other one is used to charge an ID 4.

My goal is the following;

  1. Finish charging E-golf every day before 07.00 within cheapest hours
  2. If room within Power Capacity and price is < treshold in KR (ieg 0.50kr) - charge ID 4.

I think I read somewhere above in a recipe regarding one charger that it was possible to get two chargers working but that it required somewhat more through flows?

Have tried on my own and have gotten this so far;

Been using this flow to calculate and order charging to piggy bank for one car.
Delt Flow | Homey

The generated charge plan in piggy bank is just one hour. As the car is just able to charge 3,5 kwt per hour and ordered kwh is above 7 the result seems a bit odd to me.

Thanks in advance!

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Without having looked into this particular case I would guess what happens is that piggy doesn’t know in advance that the car is limited to 3.5 kW, thus it uses an artificially limit ~80% of the total power budget (which may be like 8kWh for a 10kWh budget) when scheduling the hours.

Then after one hour of charging it sees that it still has about 4 kWh left and thus it will dynamically schedule that to the next cheapest hour between then and the end time.

I will try to improve the prediction in a later version but first I need to fix the two charger support and improve support for other chargers than Easee. Meanwhile it may be better to just use the other start flow (charge cheapest x hours before x o’clock)

@frodeheg: im still not managing to get piggy bank to control my easee charger.
I get these in the log: (time looks to be 2 hours wrong)

And the cycle looks ok, should be charging now:

But easee says no :frowning:

I know that piggy bank can control the easee, because it turns it off when i turn on easee manually in the app

It’s UTC so that’s expected.

The question is what is turning it off again.

If you
1: Remove the Easee charger from the Piggy bank controllable devices list
2: Draw the slider that controls the offered current in the Homey Easee app up to max so charging should start.
Then, does the car start charging? … and stay charging?

How have you been starting the charging previously? Only with means external to Homey (web interface or Easee mobile phone app)? or have you managed to successfully charge the car earlier by using the Homey Easee app (not Piggy)?

I’m gonna do some more testing today or tomorrow, but i can see from the logs that piggy tries to change the effect on the charger all the time. That cannot be good for the charger i suppose. Should not be doing that all the time…

Hi, I have a couple of requests. :slight_smile:
When I have defined my own modes of operation, and given them my own preferred names, they show up in “Sparegris innsikt” (Piggy Bank Insight) as “Egendefinert #”. Would it be possible to show my own names?
And my second request; would it be possible to add flow cards to set / change price control mode? This would be of great help when I normally want price point to be calculated from spot prices, but need to force a certain price point for comfort temperatures when we are at home for some reason at times we normally are at work. Or am I missing a better way to achieve this?

Yes it stays charging when not controlled by piggy.

When controlled:

When not controlled

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Thank you for your requests, I will follow them up later this week.
You can follow the progress on github ticket 254 and ticket 255

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Great, then the problem is one of these:

  • The time it takes between a power change request in piggy to your meter reader report the change in power is longer than the time piggy waits until a new change of power is initiated. You can increase the charger toggle time in piggy to account for this.
  • The power budget is too small to keep your charger active at the lowest charging current at the same time as the house is using power. You can increase the power budget, or alternatively increase the threshold when charging should start. Then the charging will not start before there is enough power in the budget to keep the charger on all the time. Though, it will probably turn it off again when crossing into a new hour.

It may also be beneficial to override the maximum charging to a lower value to reduce the time with too much power. (though, I believe the toggle time is the real problem so that should be looked into as well.)

FYI: In the new charging device I am creating, I will add a measuring tool that will measure the toggle time so you do not use the wrong value.

These are replies to in-app reports that has been sent without any email address to reply to:

July 12 / August 13: aeotec:ZW078, Heavy Duty Smart Switch:
Det virker som appen ikke skrur Heavy duty smart switch på igjen, kun av.

Please use mode “turn on” instead of “emergency off”. Emergency off is intended for non-essential lights, not heaters.

July 21: balboa:Balboa, Spa:
Er det mulig å få inn denne slik at man kan kontrollere effekttrinn inkl spa?

Currently you will have to use virtual devices for that, one with on-off for the first heat-element and another virtual on-off device for the second heat-element. Then in Piggy the priority you order them in will decide which heat-element that will turn on first / second.
I added the device to the supported list in version 0.20.39, however piggy will then control the temperature and not the heating elements, for that you must still use virtual devices.

August 2: DevelcoProducts:EMIZB-132: EMI Norwegian HAN:

Added in version 0.20.39

August 7: VV1 Smart Life:
Device is not being turned on/off

The report says that the device is unreliable and cannot be reached at all times, which means that you probably have a signalling problem in your zigbee network.

I am struggeling getting the right prices into Sparegris. As i understand it should get the prices from “Strømregning” automatically.
Strømregning shows:
Skjermbilde 2023-08-16 200106

Sparegris shows:

Settings sparegris:

Anyone that have ideas what I do wrong?

It depends, It will only fetch the price from “Strømregning” if you under “Advanced” → “Cost” → “Usage part” have selected “Price type” = “External”.

If you select “Spot price” then it will fetch the prices directly from the European power broker.

I believe it is a chance that you have selected “Spot price” and have the surcharge incorrectly set (the unit is NOK / kWh)

This is how I have it set up:

Thank you, it was the “External” setting that I missed. When changing to extern it is working. My settings here was like this before.

Great that you got it working.
As you see the grid cost was missing a comma, so that was the reason for the large number. I also see that there is a difference in punctuation between your and my screenshot, I will check if that has an impact too. If it does, then I will update the app.

This just happens. I have raised the toggle time to 300 now.

Piggy never limits the power, it stays at 13A all the time.
It’s just turning on or completely off

That screenshot looks unfamiliar, is it from the Easee Homey app?

It looks from the timestamps that the dynamic charger current is forced off immediately after being set

34:02.973: set to 4, then 0 in the same microsecond
39:05.777: set to 7, then 0 the microsecond after
29:06.246: set to 4, then 0 in the same microsecond

I didn’t think Piggy was capable of changing the dynamic charger current that fast.
Did you extract this from the piggy log or is it the Easee app log? If it is the Easee app log then it leads me to think that it is the Easee app itself that forces it off immediately after being turned on.

It’s from the easee app yes. But I can’t understand why?
What will be the correct settings for the eaesee charger itself? Should it be set to 1 or 3 phase? I set it to 1 cause my car don’t support more. And should the operator be “none” or “easee” for piggy to work as it should

This also is in the easee homey app, does that mean the easee app should be updated for piggy to work with it again? Do you speak with the developer of that app?