[APP][Pro] Philips Hue Zigbee (Without the bridge)

When you look at the apps Philips Hue, without the bridge App voor Homey | Homey or Philips Hue, without the bridge App voor Homey | Homey I would say yes, as it is just a Hue lamp. However the icon might not reflect the armature. And if you buy an armature with more than 1 hue lamp, be prepared to switch them individually or program a group.

There is an odd issue on the Homey hue app that whenever a sensor is connected it will drop it connection with Homey.
The sensor would go on its own in pairing mode.

I 've seen this in outdoor sensor but as well in the indoor motion sensor.

What stands out is that the sensors that drop connection are the sensors that are usually connected via a router and not directly connected to Homey. I don’t know if this can be useful information to you. I have to admit though that the connection has been dropped directly after being added and right in front of Homey a couple of times too.

So that observation may not be consistent.

Also especially with the outdoor sensor. It will drop connectivity in matter of minutes after re-adding.

I tried many times to add it , and took the necessary steps via Athom but the sensor keeps going back to pairing mode whenever moment arise of low activity.

These sensors had maintain a connection for years in the passed so they were fully functional until the beginning of this year.

Is there a possibility for you to check if there is any issue on your side of the application?

The sensors I am currently using are SML002 and SML001.

Kind regards.

I’m fairly new to Homey. I currently have 2 Hue Bridges (approximately 75 Hue devices). I’m considering to move to the Hue without bridge setup in order to have a more robust Zigbee network for other devices. One thing holding me back for now are my Hue contact sensors. These are currently not supported by Hue without the bridge. Any plans to add them in a future release?

For reference purposes, I’ve added one as a generic Zigbee device:

Please let me know if any information is required.

Seems there is opened issue for this sensor already since 10/2023 - New Philips device: Door Secure Sensors. ¡ Issue #504 ¡ JohanBendz/com.philips.hue.zigbee ¡ GitHub

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@johan_bendz question… I see a strange behavior with the Hue dimmer switch (gen 3):

The long press trigger for all buttons triggers also the actions that is set to be triggered with a short press.

So by example:

Short dim up will set the lights in my bedroom +10%.
Long dim up is set to let my smart fan spin 10% harder.

The short button action is working fine. But with the long press option it triggers both. That should not happen right?

The Dimmer Switch 3 was already added on 05.03.3021 and this problem wasn’t mentioned in this topic or on GitHub, at least I couldn’t find anything.
I don’t have any programming skills, but nevertheless I took a look at the code for the Dimmer Switch (Gen. 3):

_buttonCommandParser(payload) {
  var button = payload[5] === 1 ? 'OnOff' : payload[5] === 2 ? 'DimUp' : payload[5] === 3 ? 'DimDown' : 'Hue';
  var action = payload[9] === 0 ? 'ShortPress' : payload[9] === 1 ? 'LongPress' : payload[9] === 2 ? 'ShortRelease' : 'LongRelease';
  return this._switchTriggerDevice.trigger(this, {}, { action: `${button}-${action}` })
    .then(() => this.log(`triggered RWL022_buttons, action=${button}-${action}`))
    .catch(err => this.error('Error triggering RWL022_buttons', err));

The code for the “ShortPress” and the “LongPress” action are definitely different:

payload[9] === 0 ? 'ShortPress'
payload[9] === 1 ? 'LongPress'


So are you sure that there are no mistakes in the flows? Can you please post an example flow?
Have you ever created any test flows?
– Short press = Timeline Notification “Short”
– Long press = Timeline Notification “Long”
Or something like that? Please deactivate all productive flows first.
Was the problem there from the beginning? Or did the problem occur later, e.g. after something was changed?

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Thanks for you reply. I did exactly what you suggested:

– Short press = Timeline Notification “Short”
– Long press = Timeline Notification “Long”

Result: Short press will give a timeline notification with short. Long press results in 2 notifications. 1 for short and 1 for long. So indeed, something is going wrong.

EDIT: I will try to see what happens with a older dimmer switch (v1/2) and report back.

EDIT 2: Tried first generation Hue dimmer switch and the behavior is the same. Long press triggered also a short press action.

My guess is that since the device will not know whether pressing a button will result in a “ShortPress” or a “LongPress”, it will first issue a “ShortPress” event, then after the button has been pressed for some time, a “LongPress” event.

If you want to act on either, but not both, you probably need to trigger on the “Release” events, because only then will the device have been able to make the distinction.

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That makes sense. I will play a bit with the different options to find out! Thanks.

I have Gen.2 Dimmer Switches in use and use “ShortPress” and “LongPress” only for dimming lamps.
ShortPress to change the brightness of the lamp relatively by 20 %.
LongPress to change the relative brightness of the lamp by 10%, but every 1-2 seconds.
Every 1-2 seconds is caused because “LongPress” sent a signal every few seconds. This can be seen at the green LED, which goes on and off again and again.

The reason why I didn’t recognized the “wrong” behavior is probably because it’s not possible to see that the brightness of the lamp is first changed by 20 % (= ShortPress) and then step by step by 10 %. Especially as the dimming is done smoothly. :thinking:

With the release button options its working fine now. So now I can give all buttons 2 different triggers. One for a short release and one for a long release. Thanks!

Has anyone used Philips Hue LCT011 LED BR30 Floodlights before?
If so, which supported device did you select?

I installed all my Hue lights using Homey’s Zigbee Technology.

I am doing the same but the BR30 type bulbs don’t show up in the list when you go to add a device. Just wondering what people are selecting for the BR30 bulbs.

You mean the icon? Just select an icon which looks like it. The functionality is the same.

I’ll give it a go. There is no icon that looks like the BR30 bulb but I’ll just try A19 and see what happens.

Just let us know the result :grin:

Since Homey firmware version v7.1 all Zigbee lights are supported by Homey without any dedicated app: What's new in Homey v7.1 | Homey News
However, only the standard functions brightness, color & temperature are supported.
Because there is no app needed, you can add those “unsupported” lights like this: New Device → Homey → Zigbee

Good to know, thanks. Those standard functions are all I want anyways :slight_smile:
Well, I added the BR30 bulbs to the Hue app, waited for a few days for them to get a new update installed and then removed them from the Hue app.

I proceeded to add them to Homey and selected A19 type. It took a few minutes but they eventually were added but I saw a message about how they were unrecognized and added as an unrecognized Zigbee device… I missed the message and wanted to capture it for the forum here so I deleted them in Homey and attempted to re-add them yesterday but now they are unreachable by Homey or Hue.

The bulbs are my driveway lights. I’ll need to get the ladder out today and remove the bulbs and try to get them back into the Hue app or something I guess. Next time I will try just using New Device → Homey → Zigbee

In that case you have to reset them. This can be done using a Hue remote control.