[APP][Pro] Norwegian Electricity Bill (Strømregning)

This is a great app. I have figured out most of it, but am not sure what the difference between the regular device and the “component”. Anyone care to share some best practices on how these are used?

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Same here

Hvordan definerer du variabelen “Strømstøtte time”?

Sendt pm

I have Homey Pro 2023, Eva HAN meter and I have Elvia + Fjordkraft.
I have created the first flow but I do not think I can update the price automatically in any way or is this possible?

I have now learned that price is an integrated part of Electricity Bill. I think this could be better documented or maybe I just did not find the right documentation.

I am experimenting with Electricity Bill, but also Power of the Hour combined with Power at the Hour. I would guess the result would be more or less the same. Still learning…

The monthly value and the daily value no longer reset to zero. The app does not register a new day or month. Have any changes been made?

Anyone set up this app with Agva? I couldn’t find them in the list, so I selected Elvia. The formula is set to “(PRICE_NORDPOOL+0.01)*1.25”. This gives me a grid price of 0.431 and electricity price of 0.83621NOK/kWh. This is way above the listed prices on the VG electricity price app, even if I add sales tax. Should I also add grid pricing (nettleie?)?

Hei @balmli Er det mulig å få inn Å Strøm (tidligere LOS) inn i appen?

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Hi, this formula will also do the same in the electricity bill app: PRICE_NORDPOOL1.25-max(((PRICE_NORDPOOL1.25-0.875)*0.9),0)+0.0200

Independent of power supplier and avoids updating via flow. You replace “+0.0200” with your supplier’s surcharge.

Yeah, you can also do it like this. But I use the calculated numbers for a few other things, so I like to calculate externally.

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That’s just brilliant and works like a charm. Thanks!

@balmli Thanks for the great app, Bjørnar! One of the most useful Homey apps - used on a daily basis.

Any plans to add fields for electricity support / strømstøtte? That would be really useful, as the support is now possible to calculate in real-time, and is due to continue at least to the end of 2024, probably longer.

I know that I already can calculate the net price after support in the price flow, but I think both data with and without support is useful and would love to see both on the device and components.

I realize that duplicating all possible fields to a net after support value may create too data clutter, here are the fields that I would find especially useful:

New fields:

  • Current electricity support (NOK/kWh)
  • Electricity support today (NOK)
  • Electricity support this month (NOK)
  • Electricity support this year (NOK)

New fields (variant of existing field before support):

  • Net current cost after support (NOK/h)
  • Net electricity price after support (NOK)
  • Sum net daily cost after support (NOK)
  • Sum net monthly cost after support (NOK)
  • Sum net yearly cost after support (NOK)

Thanks again :slight_smile:

I guess you mean the grid company Glitre Nett, as only grid companies is listed in the app. And it should be there already :wink:


New here and I’m having a bit of a struggle getting this set up. Any idea what is going on here?

Change Effect to Power there you go…

Yet another beginner here with Homey, trying to utilize this awesome app. Im using a Homey Pro and a Tibber Pulse, and do believe ive set ut the flow for consumption correctly (step 4. in the original post) since it seems to update in Strømregning.

However, step 5., fetching price from Tibber is not working correcly in my case (price not updating when choosing flow>spot). Could possibly someone who fetches price from a Tibber pulse show me a visual example of thir flow?


In the configuration:

Calculate daily cost/consumption: Excl/incl Tax Does not seem to do anything.

Data in the app does not match the data sent to Homey Dash. Seems like data sent to the dash is minus tax?

El. Cost sent to the app via Flow, should it be with tax or not? I have tried many things but can’t get the data to match manual calculations

Seems like the field showing Electricity Price, is showing without Tax even though Tax is in the formula. PRICE_NORDPOOL * 1.25 + 0.0299 , This seems to crash with From Flow where the same calculation from a flow will show in that field with Tax.

I experienced the same. Is this app open sourced? and we could create PR for it?

balmli Has been away for a few months. Hope Balmli will be back soon. From above posts, seems like Balmli has been very active so i think Balmli will be back in not too long time. There is a chance that this app can be found on Git-Hub.