[APP][Pro] Norwegian Electricity Bill (Strømregning)

No, probably won’t do that.
But you can calculate using HomeyScript or logic cards + advanced flow.

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Yep! I have a flow for that :ok_hand:

New forbruksavgift for netteier tomorrow. Does it update here automatically, or do we need to adjujst manually?

Great app! :slight_smile:

Last three months I have seen wrong calculations for my total monthly cost, compared with my bill.
I use the “sum monthly cost” for my calculations and logging.
Sum monthly cost shows wrong value, If I sum “strøm forrige måned” and “nettleie forrige måned” It is correct.

If I take correct “value” - “sum monthly cost” I get 310.
Is “trinn for kapasitetsledd” calculated in the “sum monthly kost”?
Can there be something wrong with “trinn for kapasitetsledd” calculation?

Im just assuming it is the “trinn for kapasitetsledd” that is not calculated in.

Do you have an example flow on how to use this card?

Hi @balmli.

Noticed the grid rates for Elvia are outdated. You released version 1.7.2 that updated the grid rates for Elvia from january 2023, but there have been some updates on both grid- and energy rates after that :sweat_smile:

In case it helps, see updated grid rates from April 1st 2023 for Elvia below.

gridSettings: {
            gridCapacity0_2: 110,
            gridCapacity2_5: 170,
            gridCapacity5_10: 270,
            gridCapacity10_15: 370,
            gridCapacity15_20: 470,
            gridCapacity20_25: 570,
            gridCapacityAverage: "3",
            gridEnergyDay: 0.4355,
            gridEnergyNight: 0.3730,
            gridEnergyLowWeekends: true,
            gridEnergyLowHoliday: true,

source: Nettleiepriser for privatkunder

Assumed that gridEnergyLowWeekends and gridEnergyLowHoliday should be set to “true” since Elvia apply the value on gridEnergyNight in nights, weekends, and holidays.

Many thanks for a very nice app!

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Hey, I am trying to calculate hourly nettleie cost in the same way Elvia does in their app. There is the monthly capasity element divided on all the houres of the month and added to the hourly cost. When making the flow to do this I find a Tag named “Kapasitetsledd denne måneden”, but i returns nothing, that is “[null]”. Do you have any plan for what this shall return. Could it be the cost as set in settings based on the consumption så far in the month or an estimated consumption for the entire month.

@balmli There has to be something wrong with the way these are calculated… How can the “snitt” be that high at the first day of june? the actual “snitt” is about 80 øre today, same goes for “daglig kost/forbruk”

Here is my flowcard to calculate the “kapasitsledd” cost pr day.

This is a combination of the data from Norwegian Electricity Bill and a script that created the tags of days in the current month and the current day to do the calculation.
I have used the app Device Capabilities to crate a “power bill” device that gives me my costs of the month in realtime (updated every minute)

Let me know if you want more info on this


Electricity price seems to have not been updated in 4 days.


@balmli Hei Bjørnar,
Helt grønn på Homey Pro og disse tingene generelt så beklager hvis jeg roter :slight_smile:
Jeg installerer appen men når jeg går på innstillinger finner jeg ikke noen ‘Avanserte Innstillinger’ - gjelder både iOS og Web - se skjermdump.
Hva har jeg misset?
Takk på forhånd! /Patrick

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Hei Patrick,

Du må installere en “device” etter å ha installert appen.

Dvs. velge blått pluss-icon som finnes i Web.

Velge riktig app (Strømregning), og deretter type device: Strømregning.

Så kan du velge avanserte innstillinger for den devicen du har installert


:man_facepalming: Takk, da har jeg lært noe mer i dag :slight_smile:

And after that, lets continue in English as this is a english thread.
If you would rather not or can’t communicate in English then please check out Non-English boards/categories:

Norsk (Norwegian)


Here is updated prices incl mva for Tensio Trøndelag Nord:

gridSettings: {
gridCapacity0_2: 114,
gridCapacity2_5: 228,
gridCapacity5_10: 413,
gridCapacity10_15: 626,
gridCapacity15_20: 839,
gridCapacity20_25: 1053,
gridCapacityAverage: “3”,
gridEnergyDay: 0.4855
gridEnergyNight: 0.3480,
gridEnergyLowWeekends: false,
gridEnergyLowHoliday: false,

I have solar panels installed and see that when I am producing more than I consume and sell energy, the calculations are incorrect. The net tariff is included in the cost calculations, while I’m only payd the spot price.

This could probably be fixed quite easily by removing the net tariff part of cost calculation if the power consumption is negative.

Dear @balmli Great work!

Can we please have two more cards with

  1. “Price below ( % ) of daily average”
  2. “Price above ( % ) of daily average”

Thanks for the great work!

Hi @balmli . Do you have plans to add support for the new compensation in Norway now that it is pr hour instead of pr month. The real price can now be found out hour by hour. Could be nice to have a field for “actual price pr hour” (after compensation). Maybe also a month total for the actual price after compensation


I Have done this manually for now. Created one device that calculates the price before compansation, and one after.


Månedsverdien ble ikke nullstilt ved månedskifte. Appen har faktisk ikke registrert at det er ny måned i det hele tatt. Den regner forrige måned for å være august, så vi er faktisk fremdeles i september i appen.@balmli

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