[APP][Pro] Norwegian Electricity Bill (Strømregning)

For some reason the “Daglig gj.snittspris” has been blank since the update 6 days ago. I’m on version 1.7.1

Any news on the “Daglig gj.snittspris” issue described by “braekk”? I have the same issue. No value. Also on version 1.7.1


Prices seem to be incorrect. I know I can enter them manually, but if I select Elvia, it changes back automatically.

Thanks for letting me know. I will update in the next release.

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cc: @braekk @LSS

What config do you use ? Spot, “fastpris”, or from flow ?

Fra Flow (Tibber)

I’m using “From Flow”.

@braekk @LSS

Currently “Daglig gj.snittspris” is only calculated when “Spot” is selected.

Will try to fix this in a future release.

En av strømregnings-enhetene mine har plutselig sluttet å oppdatere seg. Når jeg tester flowen som oppdaterer den, så blir den oppdatert, men ikke i vanlig drift. Har forsøkt restart av “Strømregning”-appen og selve Homeyen flere ganger.

Er eneste utvei å slette enheten (miste alle data) og legge til en ny?

If you could please keep the conversation in English as much as possible, then more people will be able to participate and help you. If you would rather not or can’t communicate in English then please check out Non-English boards/categories:

Norsk (Norwegian)

Not easy to know what’s wrong in your case based on this info.

  • Can you first create a diagnostics report? Settings → Apps → Strømregning → Settings → Create diagnostics report

  • Can you share the flow that updates the device ?

  • Can you share the config for the device ?

Diagnostics: 84863d8a-00a3-4a61-a279-89059e323d71

Flow: (Unchanged for a long time…)

Settings for the device:

Why do you update power on price changed - event ?

So that it updates once every hour. Is that a problem? Or maybe a better way of doing it?
All the other devices updated in the same flow works great, its just this one that suddely stopped working…

it should be updated by the “effect changed” trigger

I absolutely love the app. Thanks for all your work.
Is it possible to add Hallingdal Kraftnett to the app?

Will be added in the next update

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Here is correct prices for Tensio Trøndelag Nord:

gridSettings: {
gridCapacity0_2: 104,
gridCapacity2_5: 207,
gridCapacity5_10: 375,
gridCapacity10_15: 569,
gridCapacity15_20: 763,
gridCapacity20_25: 957,
gridCapacityAverage: “3”,
gridEnergyDay: 0.3770
gridEnergyNight: 0.2520,
gridEnergyLowWeekends: false,
gridEnergyLowHoliday: false,

I use this app dailly, love it, supporting the developer!

Great app! Have you considered adding the option to deduct from the electricity subsidy that the Norwegian authorities have introduced?