[APP][PRO] Nibe MyUplink

How did you get the CTC working? I followed the steps, but when I add a new device I get redirected to api.nibeuplink.com, where my myUplink creds dont seem to work.

Since you are making this app using dev.myuplink.com, I think it would make sense to also call it that. There is going to be a problem and confusion with this app being called Nibe also because there is another Nibe Uplink app…

I have double checked that was not the app I used here, but still I get this login redirected

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Ok, I am super confused, as there are 3 different Nibe apps that I can see. Obviously yours is the one called Nibe heat pump and I have configured it correctly. But trying to add the device, I just cannot find the Nibe device you are providing in the app when searching for the vendor.

I really suggest you change your app name and fix the type of device to add =)




Understood, thank you for your comment.
Will you be able to use MyUplink to connect your heatpump?

Since my CTC heat pump is using the myuplink.com service, I am assuming this should work the same, obviously I dont know =)
And there are other brands as well: myUplink Web

Just used the test version a few posts above.

Then followed the steps to create an app on dev.myUplink and connect. Finally edit conf on added heater and paste in values suggested from the box below conf fields.

You are absolutely right, I am taking a note to change the name of the app to include MyUplink in all places.
When you are adding a new device, don’t type anything on the search-bar at the top, and choose this one:

Gah! why didnt I think of that simple detail =P here I have been searching and searching =)
Now my device comes up just fine…

While doing this, I also got it integrated with my Home assistant as described here: GitHub - jaroschek/home-assistant-myuplink: Custom Home Assistant integration for devices and sensors in myUplink account.

You may want to look there for inspiration on future developments.

And the alarm goes right into my flows…

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Yes, I am familiar with this HAS code. Thanks for pointing this out.
Let me know how you like the app. Any feedback is most welcome.


One last thing before going to bed. I just wanted to set 10 capabilities on the device in Homey, and just when I pressed save, I noticed how the local UI stopped responding completely.

So I ended up disabling the app in Homey, and a few minutes later the heat pump came back available again. It had a message about not being able to connect to the server.

I checked my network traffic, and it looks like myUplink was asking it for a lot of data, so much that it was probably DOSed by the service. See my attached image to the right. First bump in traffic was adding the pump to Home assistant. The second larger bump would be your application and the top being when I set all the capabilities at once. Not sure how the API handles this, but you probably want to manage that a bit.

Thank you, this is extremely important feedback.
When you say "the local UI stopped responding’'. Do you mean the UI of the pump’s app, or the UI of Homey?

The heatpump responds with an html view when going directly to its ip locally, like, and this stopped working. Ie the internal web server was hammered probably.

Got it.
Does it reprodece every time you do this operation? Or did it happen only once?


Having troubles with the api updates. It only update values on config save (when doing changes) then it stops. Don’t know if its a CTC thing or same on all.

Here is a debug id: 71a6d9f6-aa72-4e40-b392-4dc63183ac84

Thank you for reporting this.
Can you please explain what stops exactly? Do you mean that the values of the capabilities (for example, Outdoor Temperature) is not being refreshed?
If so, can you please tell me which data points you are monitoring? (you can send a screenshot of your configuration window)

Exactly this!

Love your efforts here @Gal_Carmeli :star:

I’ve got a Nibe S1155 and I’m not seeing power in the capabilities list, is that expected?
Also, what kind of refresh rate should we expect for this information?

Thanks again!

I see some connectivity issues in the logs you shared.
I want to debug this further:
Here’s what I need:

  1. Add the capabilities you want on the device-settings page
  2. Take a screenshot of the capabilities pane (similar to the one you sent earlier today)
  3. Send me logs at this point. Mention in your logs that it was taken right after adding the capabilities.
    3. Wait for 10 minutes. This is important since the app refreshes the data every minute, so I want a few refreshes to happen
  4. Take another screenshot of the capabilities pane
  5. Send logs again. Mention in your logs that it was taken 10 minutes after adding the capabilities.
  6. Send the screenshots taken on step (2) and (4) above.

Hopefully, this information will help me tackle the issue.

I really appreciate your cooperation on that, I want this app to be as stable as possible so others can enjoy it free of bugs.

Yes - power is already implemented, and will be a part of the next erosion I will publish (hopefully in the next few days).
The refresh rate is hard-coded to be 1 minute.

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