[APP][Pro] Remeha Home

Hello community,

In my quest to migrate completely from Home Assistant to Homey Pro, I have created an app for my Remeha Home system.

It is currently tested with the Remeha eTwist thermostat in combination with the Mercuria Ace heat pump (as I have that system at home), but it might also work fine with other setups.


  • Works via the Remeha Home cloud API (eTwist has no local API to talk to unfortunately)
  • The eTwist is added as thermostat device
  • Currently supports reading the temperature (every minute) and setting the target temperature (setpoint)
  • Other properties such as outside temperature and water pressure are also recorded for insights

Coming soon

  • Support for thermostat mode control (auto/heating/cooling/off)
  • Support for other heat pumps or boilers (depending on community testing)

Eye candy
Some screenshots to convince you that this is a legit app :sweat_smile:

Source code
Of course the code for this app is open source and available on GitHub.

Enjoy and let me know if this app helps you manage your Remeha Home system!


super works also here with my Remaha twist :slight_smile:

Hi, it also works with my twist in combination with an remeha ace 28c.

Nice app, thanx!!

Hello Chris,

The app works, thanks for that. :blush:
I would like to see some small changes, but who am I :blush:
The description could be more uniform, such as water pressure from mbar to bar. 1000 to 1.
most people think with this type of installation in bar. (maybe itā€™s customizable)
On the icon is it possible to select the set and current temperature?

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for using the app and your feedback.

Iā€™m using mbar because thatā€™s actually the default expected value when reporting a pressure to Homey (see the details on Tutorial: Device Capabilities - Homey Apps SDK v3). I could change this quite easily, but Iā€™m wondering what other implications this has throughout the Homey system.

Iā€™m not sure what you mean with ā€œOn the icon is it possible to select the set and current temperature?ā€. The device is reported to Homey as a thermostat, so you can see the current temperature and set the target temperature on the thermostat UI in the app.


Hi Chris,

Hmm thatā€™s a part I dint know.
I thought that it was more a preferred way as a option.

What I mean with the Icon is this.

Now it is showing the temperature what I want it to be.
Is there a option that it can show what the actual temperature is. ?( to switch between them)


No, unfortunately this is the default value in the thermostat card that Homey generates. Itā€™s not possible to switch this to another metric. However it will indicate whether the current temperature is above (red) or below (blue) by changing the color of the circle. They do this to create consistency between all the different apps offering thermostat devices (otherwise some would show actual and some would show target temperature, making the card overview unclear).


Thank you for the explanation.

Iā€™m absolutely delighted to have the eTwist working with my Homey now!
Thanks a million Chris!! Super!!

Chris, thanks for creating this app !

Great job Chris.

Finally we can connect the Etwist to homey.

I have a Tzerra M39C boiler and I am not receiving any data on the app. I can see the water temperature on the etwist, but not on the homey app. I also constant get a water alarm.

Water pressure is not visible on my Etwist anyway, so it is understandable that it does not work on the app either

Great job! Thanks for your effort.

Tried it with my combination of Etwist and Elsa Ace but alas: it didnā€™t work (canā€™t get connected to the Remeha cloud).

Works like a charm, thanks a lot. Iā€™ve been looking to get more data out of my heat pump. Also came across this repo with documentation on the api: remeha_home/documentation/api.md at main Ā· msvisser/remeha_home Ā· GitHub

Might be of use to you. Would be especially cool if you could manage to do something with the energy consumption :smiley:

But already very happy with app as is :+1: :+1: :+1:

Great to hear the positive responses from you all!

A big note here is that utility installers are known to screw up a lot and many heat pump and boiler installations might be incorrectly configured, resulting in missing or incorrect sensor data. Especially newer products are often too complicated for them.

For those who canā€™t get it to work, Iā€™m working on some troubleshooting functionality. In the next release (now in testing), I have added a feature that allows you to help debugging. When enabled, the last API response from Remeha will be stored in a text area in the settings window, so you can copy and paste it here or in a private message. This allows me to understand the variations in API data for each Remeha installation and add support for more boilers and heat pumps! (CC @Jaomrodri, @Gert_Brussen)

@Bebopper I have seen that code before and it helped me a lot in figuring out the horrible authentication flow that they have implemented. Thereā€™s a lot more data available indeed! It would be great if you can give me an export of the API responses (see text above) so I can generalize this across installations.

Lastly it would help a lot if you can all post your heat pump or boiler model names and numbers and which features are known to work. This helps me to create a list of supported installations.

Iā€™ve sent you a private message with API details of my Tzerra M39C.

This is awesome!
Thanks Chris :facepunch:
Feature request for a flow to activate ā€˜open haard modusā€™
Hope itā€™s possible :pray:

Also a question about ā€˜water alarmā€™
Is this triggered by low pressure in the system?

Iā€™ll look into fireplace mode for sure!

The water alarm indeed triggers on low pressure. I donā€™t know the exact threshold. Thatā€™s defined by the model boiler or heat pump itself.

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First of all many thanks! I was really looking for this app.

Feature request possible for also cooling? So in etwist the system cools and heats depending on outside temp. Like the fireplace mode. Is this also possible?

Setting the thermostat mode (heating/cooling/auto/off) is on my roadmap :slight_smile: