[APP][Pro] Remeha Home

Hello Chris,

Thanks for the great app, works with my Etwist with Elga Ace 4kW

Hi all,

I have published a new test version of the app. This version includes an error message if something goes wrong during the pairing flow (multiple users reported issues when logging in). Please install it if you had issues with this before and report the error message here or in a private message.



Hello Chris,

Thanks for your effort so far.
This is the error code i get when signing in.
Remeha Elga ace 6kw


If you run the latest version of the app, you can find the full Remeha API response in the app settings. Can you copy and paste that either here or in a private message? This will allow me to debug what is going on in your situation.


Hello Chris,

This is the api response:

{"accessToken":"eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InMyM2RWQWNZeWFhcnR5NWxDWDluZHJZUW1jM0VrY0MzWDJjNUpBVzBKUWMiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.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.oa-CqgexlQLiHIAYbl4Y1-kztHY0Lj6VoN6vNapvhMnfVkUDNqOqcc5qlPMtOff36T2sreP2lP-8kr11cfgNkLXJ_NMECGl8W1GsnL5LMWPCqLL1TDaR3pU3_u8X8aLyXTV6K5HqBGW9W9WoOUmtzTngruAXVJZratAQcES1aQgLxmgHLMgjQR0nB7G4sam4HgR2yhZ5-i7hJ_N1_HZpXWMXf-WOHmti6Vllnkp051IxgLerCwN2aSPfNIfqrWnnf53VdPiHaXtI2NGQAAK4fvPpnMaFhwVgZUpQ93Fx_tGfCMFXTAUZ99-hoVKicog96bNAiVa9au5ARGdTE6CyVw","tokenType":"Bearer","expiresIn":3600,"refreshToken":"eyJraWQiOiJYQ2VPV2hIcjVzUlE0bVNXUnNZZ2NkSzFlODJZdWZSQW5rZjJ0OS1GdGtnIiwidmVyIjoiMS4wIiwiemlwIjoiRGVmbGF0ZSIsInNlciI6IjEuMCJ9.jE4xfYfWtnAOTa8DCRip8VY_E8E4Tg6klZoJVqRFnkAuXfGWuzwIZecj8Y5BKid1dgvHWsHY0LpkjS_wNpQMYb3k_eOPp0K-rsfBDY-1dzQ8Ty6A5FYkvJC_Byy3iUFzbGPj7spFlA7MRp0UtYpDe82cu0lv2sHS9VjeZ-85GEZhNGqys_OOCwhk2T4cyWJXAfRr6VLhnEd7y3v1k3BPG_ZpMQKaDKpr8l4FhYUC4kygaaG0t9AB8MMyRzEUrxM_uWTfLNmxlLHRV8Cs_Iks0DJpvvppXUxhz1QJJWZhJF_m_UqG5l_4lsTaH92XBAC8rONViAdTHLeEGSW9jvZgaw.CiKqagbKTVOP7jYp.ElOWpNLaHGVSsjRd72F0fSCfsYqYJaoTw2MtAjc3T9Y1A3wKl21QFeDBtTNpucdyCxcdMmvrdC69GrwKONmMii0rnEh3Xc48EraFuGQnRAV2I0OS5x_gN3EBqQ_HKIJKoBWyt2qDe_v41vRul-i3gTRLZrZCLStTqA3IbB4iM5xAvRfqA5vny3VNAFH0TyRyakhV_3bH10KQltPKhz9RqQabo5exGVuT_gLiC619zLPPA-mVs2TkYqAJRSr2Q52Q7w5UtnGhfJCUCCCAj8ApZ8m6dNfpGCwXEbIRWworH7xZ5C1Gr2nVpAMSOqUpAYw-mmxReYDpX8IRy-cU99kt_NMVGECCdhBBhZUTCQNR78aJwQ6ZQIefUIBu8c7ove15dNCmJ0NIdjbHD3-q7QlZ0CMYx99YDrUUADajHHZrKLfancXhgs_uK30Jj3oPiiRQ6TM66y7bfbmbI4GoRMlhi2p_Khtk6N64ZSq4sNIpsYzzJT47oFwJa9O8RX70w_-fAJYP6YZcaN_DPu_DVSFr2IhvtCIe_w0QbobYDyLkz_sg3olR_0MLNx_eq8xi9ZBdJmxfjccH6eHjq336C6mvyDyTKPBZ6EDZ9jKIBVp8mGAPQW4iPeH6r9-iMP8H9N_FP7Tt6a2tRrmn22LjEelMJemsKBbGl2VmFt_9zuzThtdhMx6-A2bD-ltOOWhH2mXCbeh0JqTNpF-D2oObFf8fFXbvsM16S9a8kHLsS0UJzPk04XBlOLJ4W5uBqPTXoIOma-6moFjTdfsDeUrRF4n8amxlmjO6r5ylZuyaB1kibegvSksmBmuDvWtt1Uw5Hu_qIobV2427YZy1jeebIyXaoQ.CBfh0iIcYvX0a3YQzm_z3Q","scope":"[https://bdrb2cprod.onmicrosoft.com/iotdevice/user_impersonation](https://bdrb2cprod.onmicrosoft.com/iotdevice/user_impersonation) offline_access openid"}


Can you also post the result from the second field (Debug: devices)?


Hi Chris,

It remains empty.
Version 0.09
Official Remeha home app is configured correctly.

That’s strange, as if the Remeha API doesn’t return any data. This field is populated in this line of code: homey-remeha/drivers/remeha/driver.ts at main · ChrisTerBeke/homey-remeha · GitHub. It literally just prints the data from the Remeha API. Could you try re-installing the app and going through the pairing flow again? Then we know if it’s a caching issue or not.

Uninstalled, reinstalled version 0.09. The debug field remains empty.
Running on a Homey Pro 2019.

My configuration:
Elga Ace 6kW heatpump with an Intergas HReco 36 boiler.
Thermostat eTwist, hardwareversion 7, softwareversion 2.25.0


Sorry, translated to english, assumed I had an 1-1 email conversation with Chris.


Thanks for confirming your setup.
I might have found the issue why the debug data didn’t show up.
I have published a new test version of the app in the Homey App Store: Remeha Home | Homey.
Can you install that and try the pairing again? This time it should show the debug information properly. After that we can figure out what is going on with your specific case.


Hi Chris,

Debug code is working:


Ah, I see the issue. You have no hot water zones configured. Are you only using the heat pump for central heating, not showering and tap water? Either way, this can be fixed with some simple code changes, I’ll hopefully get around to that somewhere this week.


Ok, thanks for your efforts.

Its a hybrid heat pump. Heat pump is used for heating, gas boiler for hot water and as a stand by when it is extremely cold outside

Hi Chris,

Once again thanks for this app.
Do you by any chance have a timeline for implementing more flow cards for instance fireplace mode, holiday etc?

Kind regards Marcus


The public “roadmap” can be found at GitHub (Issues · ChrisTerBeke/homey-remeha · GitHub). If you upvote certain issues, I will prioritize them. Can’t say too much about timelines as I’m doing this in my free time whenever I find a few hours.


1 Like

@Bert-Jan_Lubberts I have implemented a fix for your situation, which I categorized as a bug. This will be part of the next release (hopefully later today).

Hello Chris,
It is fully working now, thank you!

Great to hear it’s fixed for you @Bert-Jan_Lubberts! The debug information you provided was very valuable to understand and fix the problem.


Hello @ChrisTerBeke
I have a problem with water temperature indication. This worked fine from the beginning and I could also see ‘warm water’ in the data screen. It seems it stopped recording around June 21st and since then stays flat in Insights at 24.4. Also there is a ‘warm water doel’ added in data screen which indicates 65° for me and I really don’t see the need for this one. It seems it has substituted ‘warm water’ which is really more useful to know.
I’m on 0.1.3. and tried restarting the app but that doesn’t help. The other Insights are still recording only ‘warm water’ has stopped.
Can you check please and re-add ‘warm water’ to the data screen?

For the record, I used the Dutch terms because I do not know the exact terms in English but probably they are the same….


With the recent changes to the app, I only add that data that is actually available from the API (homey-remeha/drivers/remeha/device.ts at main ¡ ChrisTerBeke/homey-remeha ¡ GitHub). Can you enable debug mode in the device settings and copy the API data dump here or in a private message? Then I can see what is actually coming in from your system.
