{“appliances”:[{“applianceId”:“1a1863b7-3720-468c-b2b7-19e38ba57dc5”,“applianceOnline”:true,“applianceConnectionStatus”:“Connected”,“applianceType”:“HeatPump”,“pairingStatus”:“Paired”,“houseName”:“Thuis”,“errorStatus”:“Running”,“activeThermalMode”:“HeatingCH”,“operatingMode”:“AutomaticHeating”,“outdoorTemperature”:14,“outdoorTemperatureSource”:“Wired”,“outdoorTemperatureInformation”:{“outdoorTemperatureSource”:“Wired”,“internetOutdoorTemperature”:null,“applianceOutdoorTemperature”:14,“utilizeOutdoorTemperature”:null,“internetOutdoorTemperatureExpected”:false,“isDayTime”:true,“weatherCode”:“light rain”,“cloudOutdoorTemperature”:13,“cloudOutdoorTemperatureStatus”:“Ok”},“currentTimestamp”:null,“holidaySchedule”:{“startTime”:“0001-01-01T00:00:00Z”,“endTime”:“0001-01-01T00:00:00Z”,“active”:false},“autoFillingMode”:“NotAvailable”,“autoFilling”:{“mode”:“NotAvailable”,“status”:“NotAvailable”},“waterPressure”:1.2,“waterPressureOK”:true,“capabilityEnergyConsumption”:true,“capabilityCooling”:false,“capabilityPreHeat”:true,“capabilityMultiSchedule”:true,“capabilityPowerSettings”:false,“capabilityOutdoorTemperature”:true,“capabilityUtilizeOutdoorTemperature”:false,“capabilityInternetOutdoorTemperatureExpected”:false,“hasOverwrittenActivityNames”:true,“gasCalorificValue”:8.7917,“isActive”:true,“hotWaterZones”:[{“hotWaterZoneId”:“1d76b41b-45f5-4203-9a2c-08dc3db69807”,“applianceId”:“1a1863b7-3720-468c-b2b7-19e38ba57dc5”,“name”:“DHW”,“zoneType”:“DHW”,“dhwZoneMode”:“Scheduling”,“dhwStatus”:“Idle”,“dhwType”:“Combi”,“nextSwitchActivity”:“Reduced”,“capabilityBoostMode”:true,“dhwTemperature”:null,“targetSetpoint”:65,“reducedSetpoint”:60,“comfortSetPoint”:65,“setPointMin”:40,“setPointMax”:65,“setPointRanges”:{“comfortSetpointMin”:40,“comfortSetpointMax”:65,“reducedSetpointMin”:10,“reducedSetpointMax”:60},“boostDuration”:null,“boostModeEndTime”:null,“nextSwitchTime”:“2024-07-03T22:00:00Z”,“activeDwhTimeProgramNumber”:1}],“climateZones”:[{“climateZoneId”:“045c6a6c-38f6-4c1f-70ad-08dc3db6770a”,“applianceId”:“1a1863b7-3720-468c-b2b7-19e38ba57dc5”,“name”:“Thuis”,“zoneIcon”:1,“zoneType”:“CH”,“activeComfortDemand”:“ProducingHeat”,“zoneMode”:“TemporaryOverride”,“controlStrategy”:“RoomAndOutdoorTemperature”,“firePlaceModeActive”:false,“capabilityFirePlaceMode”:true,“roomTemperature”:20.5,“setPoint”:20,“nextSetpoint”:19.5,“nextSwitchTime”:“2024-07-03T19:00:00Z”,“setPointMin”:5,“setPointMax”:30,“currentScheduleSetPoint”:19,“activeHeatingClimateTimeProgramNumber”:1,“capabilityCooling”:false,“capabilityTemporaryOverrideEndTime”:true,“preHeat”:{“enabled”:true,“active”:false},“temporaryOverride”:{“endTime”:“2024-07-03T17:00:00Z”}}]}]}
Thanks for sending the data. I can see that the field “dhwTemperature” temperature, which gives the temperature of the “hot water zone” has value “null”. This means that currently your Remeha system is not reporting any data, so the app hides it from the UI. I cannot tell you why your system is not reporting the data though, that’s something you might need to contact Remeha about. It might simply be because your particular Remeha product does not support it. Does it show in the mobile app for example?
Hi Chris,
That’s strange because it used to work so something changed on Remeha’s end. Perhaps with a recent update. Good to know it has nothing to do with your Homey app and it will appear again if the API reports it.
Still I’m not sure why all of a sudden the API reports ‘null’ because the value still is visible in the Remeha Smart Service app and also available on the display of my Elga Ace.
There was never a possibility to view the CV water temperature in the Remeha eTwist app but still it was reported in the Homey app until June 21st so the API must have reported it before. To what end if it wasn’t visible in the eTwist app? Strange.
I guess there’s no way from my end to change this?
I think this is the room (heating) temperature, not the hot water temperature (which should be much higher to prevent diseases). Do you have a hybrid heat pump maybe? Those are known to not report hot water temperature properly (acknowledged by Remeha).
Basically every Remeha unit has a “heating zone” (warm water supply to central heating or underfloor heating) and optionally a “hot water zone” (hot water supply to your taps and shower). The hot water zone is often a mix of a heat pump and a gas boiler in case it is a hybrid system.
In your data, the current temperature for the “hot water zone” is not reported. I think the temperature for the “heating zone” is still reported, otherwise the thermostat functionality of Homey wouldn’t work.
Why it was there in the past I don’t know. It could have been a ghost value because I did not take into consideration that the “hot water zone” was an optional property of some Remeha systems in previous versions of the app (before 0.1.3).
Hybrid system indeed.
This is the water temperature of the central heating and it was very helpful that the Homey app reported it so I could monitor it with Insights. In that way I could monitor when my electrical heating pump was working and when the gas generator would kick in. The electrical pump typically has a maximum of 40° until the gas kicks in and heats it to 70° if necessary.
So I was very happy with this feature and it’s unfortunate it stopped working.
Perhaps I can roll back to a previous version?
I think if you revert to a previous version, it still wouldn’t actually work. It might show the last known value from when your Remeha system provided the data in the past, but it wouldn’t it wouldn’t be up-to-date. Best action now it to contact Remeha why your system doesn’t provide the data. I don’t think it’ll show up in the Remeha Home mobile app either, because that calls the same API that my Homey app uses. Or you could try to have a look at the debug data several times to see if the value for “dhwTemperature” actually gets a value at some point.
Last question. Seems strange it’s still part of this screen although the API doesn’t report anything? What’s the use?
Because it was reported some time in the past, Homey keeps it indexed in the insights metrics. When you then click on it, you see no graph because there’s not actually any time in the selected time frame. Not sure how the indexing works behind the scenes, but it’s a common feature of a time-series database.
Ah, then it just retains the last known value that it received. Super weird that after the 21st of June, it just stopped working. There’s also a gap between the ~16th and 21st, so there was data loss before. Version 0.1.3 was released 2 days ago, so this issue definitely predates the app update. My implementation of optional sensors just made the problem visible.
I have just published a test release with support for fireplace mode. Please try it out on your system!
Next up is heating mode (auto/heating/cooling/off). Slightly more complicated since Remeha doesn’t have a one-to-one mapping for this Homey pattern, but should be doable anyways.
I installed with the link and it’s 0.2.0 but I can’t find a fireplace card, only set temperature.
It is an optional capability, so it’s only visible when your installation supports it. Can you grab the debug data in the device settings and send it to me? Then I can see if it should show up.
Im sure it supports it. I’ve used it before with the thermostat.
Here it is
I see capability fireplace true so that must be right.
That looks good indeed, let me figure out what’s going wrong.
@Marcus_Bitterling Do you see a button for fireplace mode though?
Yes. I have that one and it works!