[APP][PRO] Nibe MyUplink

Hi Wouter,

Thank you for the warm words, I am happy to hear you are satisfied with the app.

Sure, let’s work together to control the ventilation.

I assume it can be controller right now, without any need to a change in the ap, by finding the right datapoint, adding it as a capability, and controlling it through a change-datapoint-value flowcard.

I would love to help you find that datapoint.

Can you please share your device with me, so I can see the datapoints you have?

Here’s how to do so:

  1. Go to MyUplink website
  2. On the top menu, choose System à System Profiles
  3. On the left menu choose “Security”
  4. Add my email as a “Manager” or an “Admin”

Also, please let me know where exactly in the MyUplink app menus you can change the mechanical ventilation, so I know where to find it.

Once you share your device, is it OK with you that I play with the ventilation a bit? I will change it an immediately take it back to its original value – just to make sure I know how to do it.



Hi Gal, Apologies for the late response. It was a bit of a hectic week. I just made you a user of my system.

It might be good to know that my Nibe system consists of:

  1. 1 x S1155 heat pump
  2. 2 x mechanical ventilation (ERS S10)
  3. 14 x CDS 10 air quality sensor.
  4. 5 x RPP 10 remote control repeater

So it’s a lot of data points.

In the menu you should be on screen 1.2.1. Here you can set the speed of both mechanical fans.

If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know.


One more thing. It might also be worth mentioning that I heat the temperature of the rooms in my house individually with a Rehau smart 2.0 unit. The Nibe heat pump only provides hot water, but does not do anything in the post-regulation.


First of all: thanks for your effort so far! Since a few weeks my Nibe is installed. So far I’m using the “more water” setting to make the best use of dynamic pricing. I would like to see the room temperature (RMU S40) data in Homey, is that possible?

Thanks in advance!


You had a very interesting case in which two datapoints (the two ventilations systems) got the same name. I personally think MyUplink should not have let this happen, but - they did, so we need to handle it. I assume it happens due to the fact you have external systems for ventilation, and therefore they were provided with the same name
I therefore added a small fix to the app which handles name collisions on datapoint names, and now you can control and monitor your fans.

Here’s the instructions on what needs to be done:

  1. Make sure you got the latest version updated: version 2.0.15
  2. Remove the heatpump you added on previous version, and add it again (so the names will be refreshed). Your device has more than 850 datapoints, so it takes some time :slight_smile:
  3. Once the device is added, click on the device-settings gear icon:
  4. Take all the content of the “Datapoint Names” textarea, and copy it to a text editor you you can see the names clearly:

On the text editor, find the “Ventilation Mode” datapoint. You will see there are two:
Ventilation mode and Ventilation mode (1) - this is my fix (in previous version, there was only one)

  1. Go back to the device settings, and copy “Ventilation mode” and “Ventilation mode (1)” from the text editor to two of your datapoints (any two will be good):

click the “Save” button

  1. You can now see the status of the two ventilation systems on the capability pane:

  2. You can now add “Set Datapoint Value” flowcards (THEN flowcards) in order to set the ventilation mode of the two sub-devices:

Once you set the values of the ventilation systems, it will take the capability pane of the app up to 1 minute to refresh.

I hope this solves the problem, let me know if any issue arise.

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I am sure its possible.
You can share your device with me and I will see the exact datapoint name that you should use.
Here’s how to do so:

  1. Go to MyUplink website
  2. On the top menu, choose System → System Profiles
  3. On the left menu choose “Security”
  4. Add my email as a “Manager” or an “Admin”

Let me know once you shared, I will check the name of the datapoint.

Hi Gal, Controlling the two ventilations works really great. Thank you very much for that.

I only have one more request regarding measuring the humidity. I can read this data point (see red lines in the photo), but I cannot start a flow based on this data and, for example, turn up the ventilation speed.

Is it possible that you add an “If” flow card in which you can, for example, set the flow to start when the value of a data point exceeds (or falls below) a certain value?


This should work with the regular “WHEN datapoint changed” flowcard:

Isn’t it working for you?

Hi Gal,

Unfortunately I can’t get it done with this card. For example, normally the humidity is around 45%. However, up to 55% I don’t want the ventilation to do anything special, but above 55% humidity the ventilation speed should be set to 3. Above 75% I want to set the ventilation speed to position 4. With that flow start “where always something needs to happens when the humidity changes”, the Homey thinks it has to do something every time. greetings Wouter

Isn’t this what you need?

Hi Gal,
That is next level flow building. I haven’t used flows that way before, but it seems to work. Thank you for all your help.
greetings Wouter

Glad I could help :blush:

Hi Gal,

Another question. My Nibe heat pump is controlled by various Rehau smart 2.0 thermostats. These Rehau thermostats are also controlled by an app. I think there is also an “kind of” API you can use.

Would you like to make a Homey app for this too? There is currently nothing for the Homey.


Ah, this helped me a lot! Thanks for now!

The Rehau Thermostat’s API seems rather simple, but I am pretty much occupied now with implementing a different app (Alsavo Heatpump for swimming pools).

If possible, please ping me in a month from today and I will try to implement it.

That’s really fantastic. I am extremely grateful for your help. You’ll hear from me again in one month :slight_smile:

FYI: There is a (not yet published) official myUplink app that supports Nibe devices. It is under development and it can be found here:


Hi Gal,
Here is the friendly reminder about creating the Rehau app for Homey. Hopefully you will find the time for this.
Kind regards,

Hi Wouter,

Thanks for reminding me.
Let’s start working on it together to see whether this is feasible.
I will write you a private message in which we can start our common work.


@frodeheg : Did you get this app working?