[APP][PRO] Nibe MyUplink

Maybe a restart to your Honey will fix the issue

@Freddy_Brakestad - I released version 2.0.12 today, which has a fix to your issue.

Updated, and will check!

Aaand - it works. Great job!

Glad to hear!

Hi, I’m having problem with my Nibe S1155.
The effect seems to be stucked, and was last updated 12 days ago it says in homey.
Any known issues for this?

What exactly do you mean “the effect”?
What is stuck exactly?
Can you please send diagnostic report?

The usage in watt is stuck at 1355 W and has been like that for 12 days. Other things update.


I got your logs.

Can you please send me a screenshot of your device configuration page?

Is it this you want?

The problem is that the “Data Point Name for Power Usage” is not written properly:

You need to put there: Momentan använd effect

(Notice that special ä on the word använd).

Can you please change it and let me know if it solved the issue?

Hi, and thanks
That almost helped me :wink:
It should be “Momentan använd effekt” not “effect”
That fixed the issue. I saw that I had a lot of other measurement that also had the wrong naming.
Looks like all the special caracters ahd feld our some how. Strang how that could have happend.

But I also notis other thing. What is setting the update interval of al the measurements. I can see for example the Varmvatten topp hasn’t been updated for an hour. But when I go in to the MyUpplink app on the phone I can see other other values. Why isnt they updating faster?

Glad to hear the issue is resolved.

The refresh interval is 1 minute. If there’s any data point that is not updated on a 1 minute interval, something is wrong.

Please send me the name of the datapoint (a screenshot of the device settings will be the best, while marking which datapoint is the problematic one), and also send diagnostic report. Please mention on the report which datapoint is not refreshing properly.

I would say that is all of the values that isnt updating propperly, but they differ in what interval they update

Diagnostic report: 550839cc-e837-4812-ba23-8aa889cbf5ab

I got your logs but could not see anything suspicious. All seems to be working well.

Would you be willing to share your device with me? I can assure you I will not change any of the values on your device – just read the existing values and see if they get updated or not.

If you agree, please add my email as a user on your device on the MyUplink site and let me know when done – I will connect to your device and check.

Yes, how can I get your email?

I now have upgraded my Nibe F370 to Myuplink and then installed your app at Homey (version 1.2.3.of your app).

I notis that the instruction on the app download site seems old, it says you need to creat an app and then set the credentials for api in your app in Homey, but it´s only to log in with the myuplink credentils.

And then it would be nice in future update to have th possibillity to change the statusindicator so it shows outdoor temp.
Then it would be nice to see the temp in the new “climate” part of Homey.

I second this, it’s the indication I prefer to have.

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Thanks for the headsup about the old instructions, I will fix it.

As for the status indicator, I am not sure I have control over it. I need to check.

I will update with my findings.

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Hi, Thanks for a great app.

I have a Nibe F370.
I was using the Nibe uplink app before and back then I was able to get the instant added electricity (elpatron) as a number which I used in a flow to logg the total added electricity during 24h.
I still can see the instant value (kW) in the Myuplink app in menu 3.3 - status, but I can’t find it as a varaible in you app. I’ve tried to use “Momentan använd effekt” but that seems not to be the variable name for the F370. Any clue?

You mean Addition power, right?