[APP][PRO] Nibe MyUplink


Is there a specific datapoint you are trying to add as an insight, or you can not add any of them?

None of them. No history at all.

Interesting. I will check it.

I do not see the problem, seems to be working fine for me.

Can you please do the following:

  1. Send diagnostics report
  2. Share your device with me so I can check specifically on your device

Diag sent, how do you want me to share?

I do not see anything suspicious in your logs.

Can you please share your device with me?

Go to MyUplink site, From the top menu choose “System” → “System Profile”

On the left menu choose “Security”, and add my email as a “manager”.

With the new update, I’m not able to write to degree minutes anymore. Do you know if there has been a change in the code (or by Nibe)?

Error in setting datapoint value - {“type”:“RFC 7231 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content Request”,“status”:400,“traceId”:“00-1c79546f7cd3664a8ea42ee7df1b4361-a77f69e8ec09ee5d-00”}

I added the error message when these things happen.

I think it was not working also in the past, but you didn’t get any error indicating that it didn’t work.

Are you sure you have seen the datapoint value changes after your operation?

I could read out of my graph earlier that it actually worked. I set up a flow setting degree minutes to 0 when the door to the porch was opened, and turned it back to DM from VVM320 when the door was closed - but now the parameter in 4.9.3 “Current value” isn’t showing in the menu - only “Start compressor”, “Start diff additional heat” and “Diff between additional steps”.

Can you send me a picture of your flow-card doing this change? I will try to simulate it on my environment.

Make sure I can see the name of the datapoint on your picture.

This is when the contact alarm from doors are activated and deactivated. Gradminutter = degree minutes.

I also tried to use the 4.9.3 Current value, but it was not showing in the menu.

Cool, what’s your email?

I see the issue.
Can you please share your device with me?

I sent you the invite now.

NIBE has changed the behavior of their backend :frowning:

I have a fix.

Can I modify the value of the “Degree minutes” of your device in order to test? Its now on 54, I will change back and forth to 53 and 54 so I won’t affect your home.

Sure thing. You can change it as much as you like. The compressors start is set to -170 dm, so you might as well use a bigger difference.

@hyper - I tried to work with your device, and could not reproduce the issue. I managed to add an insight for BT7 without a problem.
I conclude that there is something we are doing differently, and I am probably missing something.
Here are the exact steps I have taken, let me know if you did the same:

  1. Added your device to my Homey.
  2. On the insights pane, I looked for your device on the left menu, clicked on it, and clicked on BT7:
  3. I then get the chart:

Are these the steps you also have taken?

If yes, do you have Insights coming from other devices working properly?

@Freddy_Brakestad - the issue is fixed.
The fix will be a part of the next version - i will let you know when its released.
I apologize for that, it’s a change in MyUplink API behavior…

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Hmm… You’re actually right @Gal_Carmeli, I don’t see insights from any device anywhere.

I’ll report it to athom.