[APP][Pro] MQTT Hub - Community version

I also tried with custom settings :man_shrugging:



Ok, I think I found the error. Can you please check again teh HomeyScript result? Is there really a space in Unit string?


The unit should be '%' without spaces between.
It seems it’s a bug in Athoms capability definition. Don’t know if the documentation is representing the code. I will ask on Slack.

This should only affect norwegian users because the space is only existing in norwegian unit.

New test version 4.1.5:

  • Added workaround for wrong dim unit (norwegian).

@SnorreDjupedal FYI. Can you please check if the dim capability is working now with a correct range 0…100? I added a workaround to check for dim capability in addition to unit.

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Hello, @RonnyW is there already a workaround for the issue of duplicate names MQTT name changes in Home Assistant 2024.2.x the problem is documented here: MQTT Name changes in Home Assistant 2024.2.0 · Issue #99 · harriedegroot/nl.hdg.mqtt · GitHub I haven’t found anything about this yet. It would be very time-consuming to change the Entitäts ID in the HA manually.

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Hi @RonnyW ,
there is still a display problem with the buttons when creating an MQTT device. The buttons are sometimes not visible.
MQTT Hub Version 4.1.4

BR Andre

It works now! Thank you very much for fixing this. What a random error and really difficult to spot. Is there somewhere one can pick up on changes like that from Athom?

I forwared this error to Athom via Slack.
For now, the dim capability is fixed for this app, but there are some other capabilities having a space in their unit. Let’s hope Athom will fix it soon.

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One after another :wink:
It’s on the list.

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Glad to see you aren’t very good at sticking to your intentions concerning this app :face_with_peeking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It’s really appreciated you fix(ed) some of the long-time bugs and are improving stuff!

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Yeah, it’s also frustrating me having these issues, and if noone else is doing it for me… :crazy_face:
It’s like pandora’s box.
Good for you all. But I hope other users join in.


New test version 4.1.7:

  • Converted Mqtt device pair view to Homey style.

@MadMax: FYI


New test version 4.1.8:

  • Converted Homie device pair view to Homey style.
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Hi Ronny,

I installed the new homey firmware 12.0.1-rc.8 and see crashes of the mqtt hub community edition app…

app => 4.1.4

send message delay configured to 10 ms (like in the stable homey firmware before)

Do you see similar issues?


I restarted the app after several crashes… and it works now… but with very high memory usage…

installed version 4.1.8 (test) now - same behaviour

RAM is almost full, isn’t it? :thinking:

I would suggest to restart Homey also, maybe this will clear some RAM.

already did this, Dirk :wink: as you know - I am a Homey enthusiast and veteran :wink:

It was just an idea…

I haven’t changed the main logic.
Butit can be CPU or RAM related.
With 4.1 the CPU/RAM alert events should finally work. Then I can add a flow trigger to get informed about such events - to know the reason.

And for me it’s also working with 80MB (HP23)

I changed the message delay to 25 ms - looks better now…

but the app consumes lots of memory - maybe you will find the reason for this in near future :wink:

No way. It’s the WebAPI and the amount of devices/messages. All apps are consulting more memory on a HP23 than on a HP19.
For me, the Athom limits are a way too strict for such messaging apps. It’s similar for HA app. But there the WebAPI is not used which saves some MB.

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