[APP][Pro] Loops

Just take care as Homey sometimes disables flows that run into loops for the same protection reason.

Hi, since the new version I keep receiving an error when using Loop cards. I filed a log so that you can see if there’s anything wrong with the new version. Thank you for this app! It’s so useful!
Log code:

Like stated above I’ve stopped supporting the homey app store and only allow my apps on https://hc-store.app

Hi, could you consider pushing the code to Github? Probably some users would then be willing to take over maintaining the app.

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While I do respect your decision about your apps, I would have appreciated that you either kept the last version on the site for those like me who find themselves with lots of broken flows and no prior warning OR take off the app from Homey’s store


I am not allowing Homey to add my code to their store.

Since yesterday, the card ‘Start loop … and repeat’…’ does not work anymore, see image

Here I have the app but no flows.
This is coming regular on my time line.

“This app is not supported anymore!”

Maybe connected in this.

:face_vomiting: what did they do to you?

Maybe re-install the version from the Appstore?

Same issue here.

I have a 2019 model so feel very stung by this move made without warning or escape rpute.

Anyway, for as long as it lasts, I managed to download the older version from the US site here:

and turned off auto-update immediately. My loops are working again for the moment.


I guess not removed but unlisted, you cant find in search without the URL.

Looks like they have been reverted yesterday to the latest working version. Also see his Profile note here.

I have no other information what happened, Please keep these Ap topics clean from other discussions / speculations. Keep the App topics for about the App itself.

Does anybody know which app is alerting every 3 hours that it is not supported anymore ?

Maybe the app Loop.

I get the same message and also wonder which app it is. It would be nice if it was immediately mentioned which app it is. It is almost impossible to go through all the flows.

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I expect it has something to do with some apps that were removed by the developer, as mentioned in this article (sorry it’s in dutch).

The apps are still available, just not in the Athom app store, but in the developers own platform, https://hc-store.app/

Also some more information about the alternative app store can be found on New community store - #3 by Menno_van_Hout

I’m getting the same message, but the icon displayed is different.

It is probably the Loops app.

I switched off timeline publishing. We will see if the author invents other features with the next update to promote his Appstore…
CleanShot 2024-12-22 at 12.06.52@2x

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Now that I have deleted the Loops app, I also see this icon in the timeline.