[APP][Pro] Light Triggers

Light Triggers - Control your lights from Flows

This application introduces additional flowcards for your Homey lights

Useful links


  • Install this app on your Homey.
  • Add Trigger cards in your Flows
  • Done! :tada:

Current Features

  • Initiate flows based on a light’s hue.
  • Initiate flows based on a light’s saturation.
  • Initiate flows based on a light’s temperature.

Example Flow

Or even quicker:

Supported Languages:

  • :uk: English

If you appreciate this app, contribute to future development by making a paypal contribution
or buy me a coffee on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me

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:computer: Apps made by @martijnpoppen

See for more apps link below :point_down:t2: or just open the pull down.


Placeholder 1

Placeholder 2

Placeholder 3

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.0.6):


1: NEW: add support links

1: FIX: catch errors

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Light Triggers - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

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New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.0.6):


1: NEW: add support links

1: FIX: catch errors

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Light Triggers - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

Going to give this app a go at getting round Homeys own Philips Hue App (with bridge) and Tap Dial not supporting the Dial. Thanks for this

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You’re welcome @Philip_Montgomery !

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Sent a diagnostic report. Suspect I’ve already found the same long running problem with Homey and Hue via Hue bridge. However Homey and Hue communicate is very slow if it happens. If I manually run a flow to set values of variables to match what Homey thinks the lamps are at (saturation, temperature, dim and Hue) then those variables seem to be set. I’m not sure that Homey makes those values available for apps like yours to listen to. It may be ok if Hue lamps are connected to Homey directly, unfortunately I have more than 100 lamps across 3 bridges and use scenes a lot.

@Philip_Montgomery As far as I can see the app is triggering based on light changes.

EDIT: see your comment in the log.
I can’t see which light is from what app. This is just a global listener. Not sure how the Hue app is implemented. But i suspect there would be a HUE, TEMP, and SATURATION card

EDIT 2: you can see the capabiitites of your device here: Homey Developer Tools

Ah, thanks for pointing me in that direction. This is interesting.

The 2 ID’s listed are different, don’t know if that makes a difference and Homey is seeing changes I made, started via the Hue phone app, 2 hours ago.
I’ll continue to explore the capabilities and see what data can be seen and how soon after a change. There are lots of comments in other threads about Homey not polling Hue or using an older slower method, beyond my understanding

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Is the ID tag in the trigger card for Light Triggers the device, specific Hue lamp, ID?

It’s the device ID from Homey.

This is becoming a great learning experience for me. That ID is unique?, would it make it more specific/reliable/easier to incorporate it into my flows?

Do you know whether it is the device ID or the data ID? They are different and formatted differently

@Philip_Montgomery the device ID is the Homey device ID. the data ID might be a generated Id or it’s the ID from Hue itself

I’ll experiment and let you know what happens. It will take me a day or two

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@martijnpoppen actually, it may not take a day or two. Homey Developer Devices does not update Hue status in anything like real time. It isn’t showing any changes within 2 hours

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There is also no apparent sync between developer tools and Logic variables, these can actually update more frequently when told to. Neither seem to reflect the changes as they occur

@Philip_Montgomery then it seems like the changes of your lights are not properly reflected in Homey.