Here’s an app to monitor your individual Enphase IQ microinverters.
When installing the app requests for an userID and password.
From which device or service? IQ Gateway or cloud app or? In case this is the userID and password from the Enphase cloud service, does one need an extra payed service from Enphase?
Could you give us some more context @Tim_Wilkinson ?
From the code of the app I think it is the userID and password of the IQ-gateway.
User and Password asked in this app are the Cloud app vales.
Per inverter a device will be created. The data seems to come from a local “envoy/api/v1/production/inverters” call; the result of this call correspond with the Monitor Enphase data.
- what is the update frequency? For load balancing it would be nice to have a high frequency.
- would it be possible to obtain the current total production, or could this also be done by summing all inverters?
Edit: “envoy/production.json” call returns wNow value (only first part of the json). I’m not a developer, so I can’t do it myself:
“production”: [
“type”: “inverters”,
“activeCount”: 24,
“readingTime”: 1740758686,
"wNow": 506,
“whLifetime”: 24335851
It uses the same method that Solar Panels App for Homey | Homey uses. mDNS finds your Envoy on the network, then you enter your Enphase username/password to get a token from Enphase’s cloud, which is then used for local access (no more cloud after that). The data is all read from the local device.
It looks to update about once an hour. I dont have any control over that.
In my case the update is every 15 minutes. I made a virtual device to calculate the total.
After update to version 1.0.6 all panels cannot be reached.
A non-test version is not available?
I just put up 1.0.7. Let me know what that does for you. The crash was for bad authentication, but I assume you’ve changed nothing except the upgrade?
In the change log I see 1.0.7 is there, but the Homey App Store still refers to 1.0.6.
EDIT: from your 1e post I was able to install 1.0.7 . Still unreachable.
No changes, just the update.
Report 2fdf1a82-543f-44cc-bf50-c2caf65455cc
For me no problems with version 1.06 or 1.07, even not after app restart.
Edit: Could this cause a connection problem (source: Accessing IQ Gateway local APIs or local UI with token-based authentication) ?
Tokens are valid for a finite time.
• If the user is a system owner, the token is valid for 1 year.
• If the user is an installer, the token is valid for 12 hours.
Please rename this forum topic to your new app name IQ Insights.
Irritatingly long lead time on testing token refresh, but the low level library will refresh a token if it fails.
The app is automatically upgraded to 1.0.8 but still all solar panels are unavailable.
When renter the password or try to add a panel, the password is not accepted.
I have sent you a new diagnostic report.
Could you try removing the app completely, reinstall, and try again from the beginning?
Removed the app, rebooted Homey, reinstalled the app. Password still not accepted.
Diagnostic report 5447925c-ce22-47d5-b2ed-9a33dc6870ca
How can I reinstall 1.0.4 ?
You could try:
- still access to the Enphase web site with user and password used in IQ Insights app?
- reset/rewrite Enphase password
I am managing this Homey remote, so I have to ask the owner.
Apparently the password has changed and I was not informed.
Or maybe the login has changed from the IQ-gateway to the cloud
I hate debugging, especially remote😡
So, all good then?