[APP][Pro] IQ Insights - Monitor individual Enphase microinverters to get the best out of your solar system

Jolly good. Just waiting for some not terrible icons so I can move this towards a release.

I get my svg icons from this website, lots of choice
“Solar inverter” 1st hit…

All panels are unreachable again.
I cannot re-pair the panels again.
The user id and password are still working on https://enlighten.enphaseenergy.com/
When I try to add new devices, after entering the user id and password it says “select the devices” and “no new devices found”.
As I made an AVD to sum up all the panels, and grouped them according to their orientation, it is no fun to delete the app and start all over again.:enraged_face:

Diagnostic report cab68a61-b37e-4fb8-a6d2-5fdfed825420

The diagnostic reports says its failing to connect to the Envoy. Two possibly things spring to mind - the Envoy’s internal HTTP server has crashed for some reason (unlikely) or the Envoy has gotten itself a new IP address (more likely). Please make sure the IP address for the device doesnt change.

Thanks for the info, I will look into that.

I heard that the modem has been reset to factory defaults, on request of the provider to solve some problem. So most likely the IP address has changed.
It would be nice if the app could deal with changing IP addresses, to make the system more robust.

I’ve added a rediscovery mechanism to the app, but have no way to test it. If you could try the test version and give me feedback, that would be very helpful.

I installed 1.0.10 and restarted Homey, no success. Via Enphase I see the solar panel production, so the IQ-gateway is reachable.
As I am managing this Homey remotely, I have reduced knowledge of what is going on.

I have sent diagnostic report: 33671e60-f156-4974-922f-fb0c48225856

Thanks for the report. Homey never called the rediscover api. Not sure why not yet.

FYI: KPN internet service provider has replaced the ADSL connection by a fiber connection. So a fiber-Ethernet adapter was installed and the Ethernet cable was inserted into the modem. As all Ethernet ports on the modem were in use, they just pulled out another 10Base-T cable. No idea which device. The modem was also reset/restart including factory reset. In order to repair non working stuff other devices has been (factory) reset to.
In other words, it is a complete mess. I just got the heat pomp working.
I am just waiting for the home owner to buy an extra Ethernet switch, so at least all cables are connected.
Then I will have a look if IQ-insights again.

Trying a different approach to managing the address, and potential change of address, for the envoy. Let me know if this improves things.

Updated and done. Everything works again. I am glad I did not delete the panels, because the AVD’s based upon the panels are now working too.
Just out of curiosity: what approach did you take now?

It appears the Homey actively tracks the addresses of mDNS devices (Envoy is one) regardless of what the app is doing. So I’m just asking for the address on startup and ignoring whatever I was given before. It should also get changes in the same way. Glad it works.

Interesting app, but somehow it doesn’t recognize my credentials. I use the credentials that are for the website and app, but get a consistent message ‘the provided credentials are not valid’ from an enphase screen. Which credentials should be provided?

Please see this topic

that worked exactly one time. It looked like the password was accepted and it said new devices found. However the devices did not show up in homey and a second attempt gave the credentials invalid message again.

it looks like I have it working now. I think there might be some timing issues as I gave homey this time a bit of time to synch things up. So wait a couple of minutes in between the reset and adding :slight_smile:

My update frequency seems to be 15 minutes as well and I created a virtual device that is updated with the totals.

Huge thanks, because the solar app isn’t working for me in Homey as I don’t have the metering enabled in Envoy and the coils are not installed. At least now I get an indication of the solar production.