[APP][Pro] Insights Graphs

Menno i have the same problem here

Sadly i’m on holiday for a week, after that i’ll look into it.

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I did uninstalled the app, restarted the Homey and installed the app again. Now it works!

tried the same thing, but still same error

Could this be solved by splitting the card in two (or adding two cards)? First one to add insights data to a “chart container” with a “chosen namen” (this can be done multiple times with same time resolution for insights data of different capabilities). And second one to generate a graph for the “chosen name”. (And maybe a third one to clear the “chart container” to start a new graph).

I would love to have the ability to combine insights data in one graph to save space and better interpret the graphs on my homeyboard :grin:

Same issue here:

  • in Homey’s insight the solar production starts at 08:00, in the craeted “Insights Graph” it starts at 05:00
  • → time axis is shifted by 3 hours
  • local time zone is “Berlin” which is 2 hours ahead of Homey’s internal time zone
  • advanced flow is as simple as Valentin’s

Homey’s insights:
Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-07 um 08.04.18

Homey’s and local time:
Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-07 um 07.52.35
Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-07 um 07.52.48

Advanced flow:

Thanks for the detailed report.

I will roll out a fix asap when I’m back from holiday !

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Solved the timezone bug!!! major release take notice that the action card is changed. it now requires a filename like “graph.png” this way the same image id can be used.

I added this to add support for my new platform:

:sparkles: Test 2.0.0

New test version out now!

:warning: Breaking graphs. After update, check your flows!


  • Image file name (image file type .png)


  • Time zone bug

Try the test version here:

The new image file name option kinda not works for me.
Testing my flow for the first time works fine.
But when I run my flow a second time I get an error (“You do not have access to it.”):

Changing the image file name solves the problem, but just once:

So, there seems to be a problem overwriting the image.

fix coming soon.

Do you have a homey pro 2019?

@Menno_van_Hout same issue here. :wink: HP19

@Menno_van_Hout can you grant me access to the repo?

Edit: nvm it’s public :wink:

@Menno_van_Hout but can you revert to v1? that worked perfect

:sparkles: Live 2.0.3

New live version out now!


  • Error fixed by @martijnpoppen that gave an error saying “This card has errored after x.x seconds”
  • Image bug fix
  • Accurate Grahps

Try the test version here:


@petomei @Robin_De_Lange @Daniel_Fille see → [APP][Pro] Insights Graphs - #98 by LRvdLinden


Schermafbeelding 2023-09-20 om 15.20.25

still has the same issue, if you meant this one above

@Menno_van_Hout are you aware of this issue?

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Well I cannot reproduce it ant therefore not really solve it. We need to figure out what produces this error. Maybe certain flow settings or certain devices? Did you try with other insights selections?

Menno sorry for my late reply, i did try some other insights selelctions. some work some doesnt work with the 6 hour setting. i tried different devices but the outcome is the same. allways the request failed with status code 400