[APP][Pro] Insights Graphs

When I want to modify an existing one or create a new one, I get the error like on the screen dump…

When I use the “Last Week” or “Last 7 Days” resolution, I get an additional day in the plot. I have a hp2019.

Hi @Menno_van_Hout ,

i also have the error 400 problem.


Anyone have any idea on how to fix it?

No solution??

I am looking into it now!

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@Ad_van_Liempt and @ErikP
Just launched a new version 2.0.4 that should resolve both your issues :smiley:


:sparkles: Live 2.0.4

New live version out now!


  • toLowerCase error
  • 7 days project now 7 days

Try the new version here:

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Insights Graphs - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)

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Thanks, working fine now!!!

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perfect :smiley: thanks for the follow up.

Menno, just a thought or wish. Not necessary, but would be nice. Is it possible to graph more than one value in the future? e.g. consumption and yield of energy?

Hi Ad,

For me yes. I also made my whole app ready for multiple selections. All my code is prepared for that. The only limitation here is Homey itself. Homey doesn’t have any way to make a multi select in advanced flow cards…

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@skogsaas You do have this in your dashboard right?

Correct, you can select multiple insights at the same time. If the insights have different units, multiple unit axis are displayed. You can select type (line or bar chart), color and fill for each insight :ok_hand:

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@Menno_van_Hout can you do something with @skogsaas his answer?

I have multi-insights in the dashboard app, but that’s a different ballgame than this. In this case, you have to select multiple devices in a flow. I can make custom UI to select insights, @Menno_van_Hout has to rely on the built-in features of Homey Flows :thinking:

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Indeed HDashboards also starts to have support for it. Sadly homey itself can’t

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I don’t pretend to be a homey developer, but suggested a possible solution: [APP][Pro] Insights Graphs - #86 by Torch1969
This idea won’t work?

In my opinion; definitly :+1:

It kind of would. But the amount of work it needs to workaround current limitations by Homey is not worth it for me right now. I would love to update the app as soon as Homey supports multiselect.


The 7 seven day plot works like a charm, thanks!

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