[APP][Pro] Insights Graphs

Ahh will try this tonight! Thanks for making this app :smiling_face:

Good option @Menno_van_Hout, also double lines.

Yes this is possible I collect them within the autocomplete of sensors. I can just add the data! Good idea!!!


Double lines is probably not coming anytime soon…

I experimented a bit further to get gradients working. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work with chart-to-image. But the developer recommended quickchart-js. I tried it, and gradients work instantly with that. It’s a one-to-one replacement for chart-to-image, so it can easily be swapped.


Only that one isn’t internet independent?

Sure, Insights Trends Reloaded is open source.

     * Calculates the trend of the Insight
     * @param id
     * @param uri
     * @param range
     * @param unit
     * @param percent - optional
     * @param type - optional
     * @returns object {
     *     trendline: [
     *         {X: number (timestamp): y: number}
     *     ]
     *     min: number
     *     max: number
     *     mean: number
     *     median: number
     *     standardDeviation: number
     *     trend: number
     *     firstvalue: number
     *     firstvalue_timestamp: number (timestamp)
     *     firstvalue_time: string
     *     lastvalue: number
     *     lastvalue_timestamp: number (timestamp)
     *     lastvalue_time: string
     *     size: number,
     *     percentile: number
     *     percent: number,
     *     data: [
     *          {x: number (timestamp), y: number}
     *     ]
     * }
    public async getInsightCalculated(id: string, uri: string, range: number, unit: string, percent: number = 50, type?: string)
appApi.getInsightCalculated("homey:manager:apps:com.spkes.insightTrendsReloaded-cpu", "homey:manager:apps", 24, 60) (24 * 60 == 24h) (23 * 1440 == 31 days)

  trendLine: [
    { x: 1692014400000, y: 0.0391722558765224 },
    { x: 1692511200000, y: 0.02808720634975259 }
  min: 0.0270062,
  max: 0.0907134,
  mean: 0.0336297,
  median: 0.0310396,
  standardDeviation: 0.0123327,
  trend: -0,
  firstvalue: 0.0907134,
  firstvalue_timestamp: 1692014400000,
  firstvalue_time: '14/08/2023, 14:00:00',
  lastvalue: 0.0277778,
  lastvalue_timestamp: 1692511200000,
  lastvalue_time: '20/08/2023, 08:00:00',
  size: 24,
  percentile: 0.03103956228956229,
  percent: '50',
  data: [
    { x: 1692014400000, y: 0.09071343448177728 },

Edit: FYI this is my configuration.

I’m afraid that I misinterpreted the way chartjs-to-image works. In the background it still seems to outsource the rendering, in this case to QuickChart’s web service. So it’s not internet independent after all.

quickchart-js is also using that service, but it enables gradients for the graphs. Which makes everything look just a bit nicer.

There is also chartjs-node-canvas, which actually runs locally. But it’s not really maintained anymore by the looks of it.

No, you are right. quickchart-js is also local.

Or write it to disk:


Edit: Nvm it’s just a client. The rendere runs on there server.
Edit2: Just looked the source code of chart-to-image, It uses the same stuff as quickchart-js. So both are not fully local.

Yeah, that’s what I found.

So probably the easiest option is to switch over to quickchart-js (with the gradient rendering) and just live with the fact that it’s not internet independent.

I don’t get it to work, any idea? @Menno_van_Hout

Thanks for this app, because I was looking for a more proactive way instead of looking graphs up using Insights.

Question: is it possible to have an interval of 12 hours instead of 6 or 24 hours?

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Only the time windows that you can choose in Homey her Insights is supported by our app.

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Thanks and @spkesDE I will change the used package and add a gradient!

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Which homey do you have? an early 2023?

Yes, running the 2023 Homey :thinking: What is this error code all about? :sweat_smile: @Menno_van_Hout

Hours on graphs are not right?
I just created one the hours are just off.

  1. it starts at 18:00
  2. the temperature shown in the graph at 06:00 should be around 09:00.
  3. it ends at 18:00 and I ran it at 21:00. why?

Can you share your advanced flow card?

What’s your timezone? Perhaps the insigths/chart is using Homeys internal timestamps (UTC)?

here it is