[APP][Pro] Huawei Solar - Smart energy for a better life

Would be nice if we could have the units fixed. “Daily yield”, “Monthly yield”, “Total power” are all kWh not kW. And “Installed capacity” should be kWp. Cosmetics perhaps but anyway…

I am on 1.0.44

A new version will be released somewhere tomorrow with these fixes

Thanks for the updated units. Strange that “Installed capacity” still show kWh although Your code in app.json says kWp. How come??

Hello, first of all, thank you very much for all that you contribute.

I wanted to ask if you can help me with this problem.

I have my Huawei inverter account created with Nortbound to be able to access it from Homey with my OpenApi account.

But the Homey app won’t let me log in, it returns the following error.

Good afternoon

Can you send me a diagnostics report please? Huawei Solar - #70 by Peter_Kawa


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The logs show that there are no systems linked to your account. (Huawei Solar - #82 by Jorgen_Gothefors)
Can you double check with your installer or execute the api requests to see what comes out?

Im using postman to check:
Login seems to be ok…

But when Im trying to checkplants …
I copied the token of login and then paste in the the checkplant list

The API is in the Northbound:

In your first screenshot, it says data:null, that is the issue why no systems can be found.
The only thing you can do is to contact Huawei to see what is going on, this is the only advice I can give.

But in manual it seems to be ok with … null in data:

another example of Huawei:

You are correct, it is the second one, the getStationList that needs to return a value.

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I don’t know what else to do, I’ve written to Huawei but they’re not responding… it’s frustrating.

I’m an engineer in renewable energies and energy efficiency. One of my main reasons for buying the Homey Pro 2023 was the Huawei Solar App to automate several things at home and the charging of my car… and I find myself at a dead end right now with this problem…

I understand your frustration, this is also frustrating to me to not being able to help you further.
In some cases Huawei is solving the issues but they don’t come back with how they have solved the issue. (what would help others)

The only thing I can suggest is stalking them, if they don’t respond maybe create a new case.

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Good afternoon, finally talking to Huawei, I have access to the API data, which I previously mentioned I had trouble accessing.

Through the API with POSTMAN, I can access all the data, but now the problem is that in the Huawei Solar app, when I enter the API login, it returns the error I mentioned before.

null is not an object (evaluating ‘devices.lenght’)

How can this error be solved? What could be the problem if I now have access to all the data from the API through POSTMAN?

Hi Alva

Can you show me the result of the getDevList call you do in postman?
I’m guessing that the issue is located there.

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Yeah, This is the screencapture of Postman

Hi Alva,

Can you show me how did you manage to get API data?


In Postman:

Login: https://eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com/thirdData/login
I copied token ad paste it in headers in the next step to get stations list.

Staton list: https://eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com/thirdData/stations
Copyinging station code for the next step

Get realtime data: https://eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com/thirdData/getStationRealKpi

Get devlist you need Token and station code: https://eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com/thirdData/getDevList

I think the issue is that you don’t get the correct devices (or at least to few of them). If the output is only 2 devices, that is to few.

I think the app needs a meter, an inverter, a power sensor. You can see the values here

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I have two devices, Im an enginner and a official installer. In Spain no more devices are installed, unless you install a battery. We have only these two:

  1. The inverter Huawei 6kW
  2. A Huawei smart power sensor HUAWEI DDSU666-H

I don’t know what the problem is exactly, since with both devices we get all the data.

Is there anything that I can help the developer to extend or improve the app for these cases?