For support, use this thread or reach out using the contact details in homey App Store
Getting started
Ensure the local web server is enabled (without password)
Install the Homevolt for Homey app
Add your Homevolt battery and sensors
Make sure you configure your sensors as per your requirement. If the Grid sensor is your only incoming measurement, feel free to use that. If not, disable the contribution to home energy in the advanced settings.
Known issues
Auth for the local web server is not supported, the app only works without a password set. Not planning to change this until there is a properly supported local API
mDNS is used for discovery which relies on the hostname field to be set properly in the local web server. Usually it something like homevolt-68b6b34d9fd0.local. If this is changed to another format, device pairing will likely fail.
I was happily using the Homevolt app for some days, but as of today around 14:00h the Homevolt app was updated and I cannot see the Homevolt anymore in Homey. Also the appstore page doesn’t work anymore so I cannot re-install the app. I hope someone is looking into this?
Thanks and looking forward to a final version. It worked like a charm. The only thing I noticed is that the size (‘Available energy’) of the battery is around 6000 although I have the bigger one (twice the size). But maybe that has been fixed already
Yeah that’s because there’s a new version in review. It doesn’t work great until you have a formal version published. They’ve been fast at reviewing so far so hopefully 0.5.4 should be available later today.
Just released a 0.6.0. This has reworked quite a few things behind the scenes to run smoother and adds a few new capabilities like battery status inc. flow cards.
If nothing crazy happens, this should be the final tweaks needed before a formal v1.0.0
Feature request. Create an option to reverse the displayed homevolt output. A positive value is negative and vice versa. I can do it in math {x-(x*2)} but it would be easier to have a toggle switch. Or why not just provide both at the same time. Power and Revese Power. Even better depending what application/flow/external system you are using the values in.
Ensure the local web server is enabled (without password)
Maybe I’m stupid, but how do I do this? I assume you mean that the homevolt battery has a http/https server that needs to be enabled?
I can discover the device on my network, but it doesn’t have port 80 or 443 open. The homevolt app or Tibber doesn’t seem to have a setting to enable a webserver either.
I got a few papers with mine. You need to enable service mode. In that mode the web server is enabled for 24h. In settings, you can enable it permanently.
From memory. You might need to freestyle a bit.
Remove cover.
Press the left button for 2-3 sec (or until something happens).
After 5-10 mins, the web server is avalable.
Click Parms
Enable HTTP server (outside of maintanence mode).
Save at the bottom.
Depending on from where you stand and watch the battery positive power is when the battery i charging or discharging.
Every device in your home that consumes power are displayed as postive power. Homevolt is not currently. It is positive when discharging and negative when charging.
Grid power is positive when you import energy and negative when you export.
If your homevolt is discharging it is displayed as positive power and the grid connection as negative power (if you export).
I would prefere to have grid export and battery discharge as negative power. As it makes more sense.