[APP][Pro] Huawei Solar - Smart energy for a better life

yep, can you send me a diagnostic report. will do a quick look.

I am using two Sun2000 and one Dongle, connected vida ethernet. A Luna 2000 battery is also used.

When I login via web, the adress has the following prefix Login

I tried every combination in the huawei app (before, after 2023, Web - tried all servers). In any case I get ā€œCannot read property Ā“nameĀ“ of undefinedā€. When I try the Solaredge modbus app, there seems to be a connection (solar power displayed), but lots of data seem to be missing (Battery%).

Can I check any other possibilities for a better integration. I scrolled to the all posts here but could not find a solution for my caseā€¦

This app no longer works.
please install the new one here.
It runs via Modbus.

Thanks for your quick reply.
But i am not sure, which app and versinon you refer to. As mentioned I tried the Huawei and solar edge.
First one did not work at all and the second one lacks a lot of data, like the mentioned battery %ā€¦

Hello, this app was tested and didnā€™t work properly?

Then please continue to write in this thread because the questions about the app are not answered here.
We can see what was done wrong.

Exacty. Solar power w. Total collected power in kwh are OK. But there is no percentage for the battery.

Please write in the other thread.

Dear All,
We just completed the installation of PV + Huawai inverter yesterday, I can connect via my account to the online platform. Now i would like to have homey read all the information provided.
How do i do this? I am a bit confued after reading all the above.
Do i use the Huawei Solar app and ask my installer to crate a new API?
DO i use the SolarEdge + Growatt TCP-modbus app?
What are the installation steps, and which information do i need?

Thanks for your guidance & thanks a lot for all your work into creating this!

Hello, the Huawei app no longer works.
It works without any problems via the TCP Modbus.
You can find precise instructions in the thread mentioned above.

Salut Valentin,
Sa inteleg ca aplicatia Huawei a fost lasata balta de dezvoltatorā€¦si noi odata cu ea ā€¦
Am un invertor huawei pe care nu mai reusesc sa-l conectez la Homey pro dinā€¦martieā€¦aprilie, ceva de genulā€¦(Homey luat special pentru a automatiza,optimiza productia PVā€¦)
Mai am ce face cu elā€¦sau ajunge pe OLXā€¦?
Vad ca nu-l pot conecta nici prin SolarEdgeā€¦nici Modbusā€¦
O alta aplicatie ā€¦pentru el ā€¦?
Multumesc anticipat.

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Eu am conectat invertorul cu modbus.
Pentru asta ai nevoie sa ai dongle. Daca nu ai nu te poti conecta la invertor decat cu aplicatia care din pacate nu mai functioneaza.

Acum sunt in concediu dar din septembrie imi poti trimite un mesaj daca inca nu ai facut nimic.

Cat despre homey, sper ca il folosesti si la altceva. Ai mai putea integra huawei cu home assistant dar tot prin modbus.

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Salutare baieti. Huawei invertor detin si eu. Any solutions ? Deoarece nu am reusit cu [APP][Pro] SolarEdge + Growatt TCP modbus. Ce dongle trebuie? Nu e de ajuns cel Wifi?

Hello, what isnā€™t working with the other app? Itā€™s best to write in the thread, because no one will respond here if there are any problems.
Please write in English in the thread.

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Concediu linistit,
Datorita informatiilor de la tine, am scos din ā€œsertarā€ acel dongle (care zacea de mai bine de 6 luni), l-am intalat la invertor si ā€¦surprizaā€¦instant invertorul sa conectat la Homey atat prin Solar Edgeā€¦cat si prin Modbusā€¦(magieā€¦)
M-am razganditā€¦nu mai pun Homey pe OLXā€¦
Dupa ce termini concediu poate ne auzimā€¦(in mod mai direct )daca se poate , pe email sau whatsappā€¦(ca si romani)ā€¦poate ma mai poti ajuta,inspiraā€¦indruma sa rezolv o alta problema cu Homey:am 42 dispozitive sonoff cu wifiā€¦(de toate tipurile), dar din pacate Homey nu vrea sa lucreze cu aplicatii dedicate decat cu cele de tip zigbeeā€¦
Din nou "Concediu Linistit " si ne auzim dupaā€¦

Este vorba de dongle cu cablu Utpā€¦dar la care se poate pune si sim ā€¦4gā€¦5gā€¦
Ceva de genul:Huawei SDongleA-05 Smart Dongle WLan sistem comunicare ElectricUP

Nu are sim. are doar ethernet si wifi.

Salut Valentin,
A venit si luna septembrie,ā€¦sa terminat si concediuā€¦vine toamnaā€¦
Cand poti,ne putem auzi in privat la silviu.a4@gmail.com ā€¦?